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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. Renee, Thanks for posting. I've been thinking about you and Scott all weekend. I hate it when there's no AC, so you have my sympathy on that one! You have such a long wait until the tests are done - the first one is this Thursday, the 26th, right? If he gets much worse, I hope you will call the doctor and see if there isn't more that can't be done to keep him more comfortable. Keep in touch. Love, Peggy
  2. Jamie, I just will ditto what Ry said. Taxotere is hard, but effective. Hang in there, kiddo. Love, Peggy
  3. Oh no. This is so sad. I'm so sorry to hear that Dan lost his battle, but I am thrilled to know that he is finally out of pain and has peace. He was really, really struggling. I didn't see your name above, but I am so sorry you lost your Great Uncle Dan, but I'm glad he had someone to look after him. We thought he was completely alone. God bless you, Peggy
  4. RATS! Please, please don't be gone long, Bruce. Like Ry said, we need you here! You add so much pleasure, encouragement and hope. I never miss reading a luvmydog2 post. There are certain people that I always value what they have to say, and you are one of them. Actually, I wish you would change your mind completely and not go away at all. Ok? Love, Peggy
  5. Paige, I understand what you're going through. I had to do this with my dad's things, too. He didn't have much, so I didn't have to open an estate, but there were lots of things to cancel, bills to pay, people to call, a trailer, huge garage and shed to clean out. Even now, 2 months later, things still keep dribbling in. He had a $3,000 credit card debt (his only debt) and he didn't have enough money left when he died to pay it. Now, the company is trying to get it from me. My boss (an attorney) wrote them a letter, so they should go away. I found two $50 savings bonds that were in my mom and dad's name (my mom has been gone for 5 1/2 years). I think dad must have forgot he had them because he was careful to get everything put in his name and mine several years ago. Those two little bonds have caused me more work and headache than everything else. I told the lady at the bank that we could just throw them away and I'll just give my brother and sisters $25 each out of my pocket and forget it. Well, she was very kind and COMPLETELY took over getting those bonds cashed for us. I only had one experience compared to your grocery list experience. I had made my dad a bunch of brightly colored folders and written out a simple chart for him to follow to pay his bills after mom died. He was SOOOO excited. He loved it and he was diligent to take care of everything just the way I set it up for 5 years. I had those folders at my house for 6 months before he died and was paying all his bills for him, but shortly after his death, I looked at those folders and remembered how thrilled he was to have them, and I just lost it! I know it seems overwhelming now, Paige, but you WILL get through it. It's really hard to stay motivated to take care of those things. You will have days where you will be a tiger and you will have days where you just can't bear the thought of trying to do any of it. We did not have ANY family problems to deal with. I guess I'm kind of grateful my dad was poor because my brother and sisters are all still best friends. LOL! Have a good night's rest, Paige. It WILL get better. Love, Peggy
  6. Becky, I didn't do the measurement part and don't ever intend to. I would get so depressed, my motivation would take a hike. Norme!!!!!!!!! Wow! What a role model you are. That is just wonderful. I'm afraid I couldn't skip lunch, though. It seems like once I start eating for the day, I gotta keep pushing it in -- and regularly! LOL. Now, I'm just trying to do it with low calorie, nutritional things. Kim, It's a good thing you and I aren't roommates. If left alone, I would eat those things 24/7 (all except the candy bars - I'm not a big candy bar person) - but bring on the donuts - plain yeast are my favorites. I should have been a cop, huh? They are so bad for you, too. In WW they are SIX points, just for one yeast donut. I'm doing a really good job of turning up my nose at them, though. Angie, Thanks for the smoothie recipe. I'm going to try it. It sounds really good. The flavor of most fruits is ok to me, I guess, it's the texture or something. I do absolutely HATE melon, watermelon, cantalope, etc. I don't even like to smell them. Our son LOVES that stuff. I slipped up tonight, ladies. Went to a wedding. But considering all the good food that was available, I didn't do too bad. I just hit the bread and cheese a little too hard. I hit 2,040 calories for the day, and I didn't even eat any of the cake. I don't feel bad about it at all, though. I had a good time, and after 4 weeks of being so good, I think it's ok to go over a little once in a while. Besides, before I started this, I would have had 3,000 to 4,000 calories for the day. Next thing to tackle is the dreaded "E" word. I've got a tread mill collecting dust that's starting to talk to me. I'm using it to hang blouses waiting to be ironed. LOLOL! I'd love to take walks on our road, but it's just too scary because some of the cars drive through here so fast. Well, good night all. I think we will all lose 1/4 lb. while we sleep tonight. Love, Peggy
  7. Hi Becki and WELCOME to our family. I am so sorry to hear that you have to face this fear with such a young man. BeckyCW has given you some excellent advice, as well as everyone else. Are his parents living and coping ok with this? What about brothers and sisters? Please know that we really care a lot here and will help you and your nephew, and the rest of his family if they want to join us, in any way that we can. Please keep us posted on his progress. God bless you, Peggy
  8. Becky, Here's the link to the software: http://www.fitday.com/Pc/WhatIsFitDay.html Nell, Take a box of low fat graham crackers on your camping trip. They are lightweight and Nabisco's Honey Graham are only 120 calories for two FULL sheets. Not too great on the nutrients, but they help satisfy the sweet tooth. Tina, If you are doing Weight Watchers or similar, that is really good. I lost 37 lbs. on WW about 5 years ago. Got 7 lbs. from goal in 6 months time, and then quit. Have now gained back the 37 plus 15, so now you all know that I have a LONG way to go and will be starting those 1st-of-the-month threads for many months. I checked the label on that Jennie-O turkey, and it's called Mesquite Smoked Turkey Breast. I got it at Sam's and went back today and bought two more packages for the freezer. Oh, and Becky: Me! The only kind of berry I like is strawberries, and they are just ok. I have tried to force myself to eat more fruit (and to like it), but I can only force it just so long and I always give up. I started off with a whole sack of apples and ended up throwing away half of them. I even tried baking them with Splenda which made them a little better, but not much. I've been eating canned pears and canned mandarine oranges in their own juice and I like those pretty much. Oh, I also have been eating Motts Natural Applesauce - the little cups only have 50 calories and they don't have sugar added. Ta! Ta! Happy eating! Peggy
  9. Ok. Great. Yes, Cat. You can do macro, micro, mini, hi fat, lo fat, no fat or liposuction! Ry: 19 lbs. - that's wonderful!!! No wonder you look so pretty in those pictures. You be sure to chime in and motivate us with ideas on how you did it and how we can maintain it when we are all SMALLER!!! YAYYYYYYYYYY! How did you do it? Ok, we will start Sept. 1. I'll start a new thread on Sept. 1, another one on Oct. 1, Nov. 1, etc. I know it's only 10 days from today, but surely everybody can report at least a 1 lb. loss in 10 days, but even if you don't - that's ok - you are still eventually going to be GETTING SMALLER. Then, during the month, you can post as often as you like with updates, or ideas or recipes, or cries for help, etc. - whining will be allowed. So, go weigh yourself right now or first thing tomorrow morning so you will know how much loss to report on Wed., Sept. 1. Try to pick the same time of day to weigh, and once a week is a good idea. I weigh myself on Sat. mornings. By the way, where are all the men? Don't we have any fat guys out there? Don't be shy now boys. Love, Peggy
  10. Ok, let's not be the Chub Club. When I finally get skinny, I don't want to be in a chub club. How about the Getting Smaller Club? I promised I would report back in 4 weeks, and that is TODAY. Results: Drumroll please ............. 9.5 lbs. lost. I am getting smaller! I think that should be our constant affirmation. I suggest we make our report-in time the 1st of each month, so we can officially start September 1. If by that time, you did not get smaller, then you can make your affirmation "I am still going to get smaller" or "I want to get smaller". What do you think? Do we also want to share a little about what each of us are doing? I'm doing calorie counting, low fat and good carbs (veggies and some fruit - yuck! I hate most fruit). I'm only having a little bit of bad carbs each day, i.e., Snackwells Devils Food Fat Free Cookies, Fat Free Fig Bars, or low fat graham crackers. My favorite low-calorie food that I've discovered so far is Jennie-O turkey breast slices. Two HUGE slices are only 50 calories and 0 fat and it is really, really delicious. I have averaged 1500 calories a day, and I am using the FitDay software I posted a few weeks ago (only $20). I love it! It really helps to keep me on track and showed me I needed to add more fiber and protein, which I've done. Ok, ladies and gentlemen, what do you think? Do we officially start reporting in on September 1? Can we be the Getting Smaller Club? I'll be in charge of starting the posts if you like (sorry, Ry, you're too skinny to head up this one - I saw those Michigan Bash pictures - but we will use you as our model body - ok?). Loveya all! Peggy
  11. Hi Aims and WELCOME. I, too, hope your love will change his mind to get some further testing done. Be patient with him. It takes time to get past the fears. Maybe you can print this thread, or some other posts where the disease has been caught early and ask him to read them. Even though he has you, he probably feels all alone and scared. When he sees so many others going through the same thing it might help. Stay with us, please, and keep us posted. God bless you, Peggy
  12. Hi Claire and WELCOME! We sure do love to hear that word remission. I'm not much of a joiner either, but I really enjoy this site and everyone here. We learn a lot and help each other as much as we can. God bless you, Peggy
  13. Renee, Thank you for sharing that. I really liked it. I hope Scott is feeling better today. Love, Peggy
  14. Glad to hear from you Sharon. Hope the change and new meds will make a BIG difference. Thanks for updating us. Love, Peggy
  15. Welcome back, my friend! I'm so glad you came back. We all need each other, no matter where we are with this disease. It's good that you and hubby had some time together. Love, Peggy
  16. 1. It is important that a man helps you around the house and has a job. 2. It is important that a man makes you laugh. 3. It is important to find a man you can count on and doesn't lie to you. 4. It is important that a man loves you and spoils you. 5. It is important that these four men don't know each other.
  17. Amy, I will just simply ditto everything that Karen said. Try to get to the appointments if you can, and also see if your dad will sign a HIPPA authorization for you to get info, or if he will just tell them to put a note in his chart that they can talk to you. (That's all they did at our onc's office. They just asked who they could discuss his medical information with, and he said me). The most important thing I want to tell you is that every single time I look at that picture of you, your husband and those three ADORABLE little boys, I smile from ear to ear. That picture just makes me smile. Those little boys are so cute! What a great picture! Keep us posted on your dad. Love, Peggy
  18. Hi Mike and WELCOME!! Sorry I'm so late with my welcome. Your story is so encouraging to so many people, and we really, really appreciate you joining this family and sharing your good news. We will be anxious to hear more from you. Beautiful picture and beautiful daughter! God bless you, Peggy
  19. Hey Sharon, How's your dad doing? The last you reported was Tuesday and he wasn't a happy camper with the changes. Did you decide what to do about the Paxil? Been thinking about you all week. Love, Peggy
  20. Renee, How are YOU holding up with all this? Love, Peggy
  21. It could be Gemzar. I think Gemzar is supposed to be infused in about 45 minutes. Peggy
  22. Beth, Boy, breaking out in the rash sure sounds like some kind of allergic reaction. Does your doctor know you are having these problems? I'm assuming when you say you will be getting "full chemo" that you mean you are going to be getting a larger does of the taxol/carbo - right? or are they going to give you something new? If it's the SAME chemo, and if it were me, I would be darn sure that your oncologist knows you are having this problem when you get the benadryl, and also about the rash. An allergic reaction to ANY drug can be very, very dangerous. Best of luck (but mostly prayers) to you, Beth. Love, Peggy
  23. Beth, I doubt they would give you the chemo without the steroids. They also normally give drugs before the chemo for nausea. Are you not getting any anti-nausea meds? The benadryl is a precaution against allergic reaction. Are you getting sick WHILE you are getting one or both of these drugs, or is it later, during the chemo of after everything? When you say "ill" are you meaning nausea or sick to your stomach? I don't think we hear too often about the steroids and benadryl making people sick (other side effects, but not that one so much), so I'm wondering if it isn't the chemo making you sick. Peggy
  24. Tina, I started to post here late last night, but couldn't. The reason is because I have the same fears and my husband is doing really well right now. I feel like I shouldn't feel like I feel. I worry that my husband will see some of my posts some day and think that I think he's dying. He is so upbeat and optimistic that he is going to beat this that I am ashamed of myself for even thinking that two weeks ago might have been his last happy birthday and two weeks from now might be our last anniversary (37th), etc., etc. I know that possibility is out there, I know my mind goes there, but I try to turn it off and not think about it. You are not whining - you just put on paper what some of the rest of us fear but are too afraid to admit. I do very much hope and pray that Charlie will feel like celebrating on Sunday, and I also pray that this time next year you will be able to pull up this post out of the archives and say WE MADE IT ANOTHER YEAR!!! Much love AND HOPE coming your way, Tina, Peggy
  25. Denise, My dad was on pretty high levels of O2 for years (4 liters at home and later 8 to 10 liters on a ventilator), but it was for COPD and not lung cancer. I just wanted to let you know that we were told that morphine adversely affects breathing. My dad still had to have the morphine, of course, toward the end of his life, but there was no choice then. I don't think the adverse effect is anything of any great magnitude, but you might check into it. Peggy
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