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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. Oh my goodness! I got goose bumps just visualizing that. I'm glad you are home safe and that you didn't have any damage. Peggy
  2. Oh, Amy, I'm holding my breath for your dad and will say a prayer for good results. Let us know the results as soon as you can. Love, Peggy
  3. That is exactly, ditto, word-for-word what happened to my husband. It was awful! They were quick to get the benadryl in and stopped the chemo for that day. Tried it again the next week with Benadryl to start with and in 2 minutes - the same thing happened. No more taxotere. The funny thing was, it didn't happen until the third week. They were surprised. They said it wasn't uncommon to happen at the first infusion, or the second, but they didn't usually see it by the third time. The not being able to breathe part was the worst. Later he said it felt like an elephant was sitting on his chest. Glad they were quick with the Benadryl, Jamie. Peggy
  4. Joni, I feel so sad for you. I can't even imagine your pain and loneliness. I can't imagine losing the love of my life. It hurts me to the core to even think of it. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this, along with all the others on here who are having to get through the same thing. I only know that most of them say it gets better. I see a lady at my office building about once a week whose husband of 34 years died from cancer about 1 1/2 yrs. ago. I think he had colon cancer. They found out he had it and three weeks later he was gone. She said the first couple of months were awful, but then she made herself get out and make new friends. She met a new man and fell in love. They aren't married, but they are very close. She said she still misses her husband, but she no longer "grieves". She said she visits his grave every couple of months, tidies up the area, leaves some fresh flowers and cries her eyes out, but then she is able to walk out and back into her new life and she is ok. I'm not telling you this because you might meet another man some day, but only to let you know that she told me it does get better, but she did have to work through it for a couple of months before she felt like she could re-join the world. Much love coming your way, Joni, and give your little guy a big hug for me. Love, Peggy
  5. I'm hee heeing right with you, Andrea. As you know, I also work in a law office and we do some ERISA work. I can just see something like that happening. How funny! Don't worry, it will give them something to tease you about for years to come! Every lawyer has to have something the others can pick on. We have a lawyer that wore pink pants to work about a month ago. They were really kind of a rose color, but everybody called them "pink." He will NEVER live that down! He hasn't worn the pants since. Love, Peggy
  6. Katie, I didn't count them all, but I'd say he about 40 up'd you. Couch time Rick! Peggy
  7. Happy Birthday, Deb. I hope somebody buys you a toilet for a present. Peggy
  8. Welcome back, Donna, and I know how glad you are to have your puter fixed. My power supply blew out a few weeks ago, and I paid extra to have the replacement part sent FedEx. Talk about addictions. No puter = P*ssy Peggy. Glad you're back! Peggy
  9. Wellllllll, I won't go QUITE as far as Cindy, but I will stand at attention and give Ms. Ry a big snappy salute with a big smile on my face. Ry, you're the best - consistent and solid, and we love you. God bless you, Peggy
  10. Yes, thank you very much Robert. It was very helpful as I have been confused about the different names for this type treatment for quite some time. Thanks again, and God bless you, Peggy
  11. Ann, Your post brought tears to my eyes. I very much understand the powerful need for closure. Sometimes others don't understand why we do some things to get closure. Some people might question you for taking that painful trip and not understand how important it was for you to do this. Sometime, when it seems appropriate, and when I won't interfere with someone else's thread, I will share on a new thread the closure-trip I made relative to our infant son that died in 1982. Sometimes the only way to get peace is to go through the pain necessary to get that peace. I applaud you for taking the time and making the effort to see the completion of the center. I'm sure God led you there because he knew you needed this closure. God bless you, Peggy
  12. Pamela, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how much it hurts, even if you know it's coming. During the last moments when my dad was dying, I was crying really hard, and sobbed out the words, "Why does dying have to hurt so much?" My pastor got up from his chair, walked over, put his arm around me and gently said, "Now, Peggy, he doesn't look to me like he's in any pain at all." I said, "Not him - Me!!!" I'm sorry I didn't see this thread this morning because I'm sure you are in Texas already. Pamela, please accept my sincere condolences for this great loss. I will pray for you and your family, and especially for your nephew. Love, Peggy
  13. Ginny, I was holding together ok until I read Betty's post. I don't drink, but I just raised my coffee cup in a toast. I really did - sitting right here at my desk at work. Been thinking of you all day, Ginny. You wrote such a sweet tribute to Earl. I feel like I've lost a life-long friend, and I can't even imagine what you are feeling. More prayers for you, my friend, Love, Peggy
  14. Kitty, There are several different names/type of radiosurgery. It's not "surgery" like you might be thinking. It is totally noninvasive, it's just a more powerful radiation treatment focused specifically on the tumors. Because they can pinpoint radiate each tumor, they can circle it (at least they can with Novalis) and hit the tumor from several angles and hit only the tumor and not the other cells. Other than the "halo" they have to screw on their heads, it is truly painless. My husband had Novalis, some have Gamma Knife, some stereotactic radiosurgery (although I don't know if that one means the same as gamma knife). My husband's Novalis treatment was very successful. It took ALL day, though (from 6:00 a.m. until about 6:30 p.m.). They had to treat 6 brain mets, and by the time they put on the halo, did the computer workup and had to reset the machine for 6 views, plus there were several 20-30 minute delays because they kept having to hunt down the doctor to check each set up before they could do the "zap" (grrrr), it was a very long and very tiring day. The next day - no problems, no side effects - everything was just the same as the day before except for a mild headache. The results were two mets disappeared and the other four shrunk about 30%. Good luck tomorrow. Peggy
  15. Oh, Ginny, Ginny! I am so sorry. This is still so hard even though we knew it was coming. I am devastated. May God wrap His loving arms around you and your family and hold you very close. All my love, Peggy
  16. Hi Kitty. It sounds like you have been having a really tough time. I read your profile and it looks like your dad has been up and down quite a bit, hasn't he? Of course, the decision to fight or not to fight is up to your dad, and input from your mom, you, and the rest of the family. You don't mention your dad's age. Does he have general good health otherwise? This has got to be heartbreaking and overwhelming for you. The best thing to do, but the hardest thing, is to just get it out in the open with your dad and let him talk about what he wants to do. There's also no reason why you can't give him your opinion as long as he knows the final decision is up to him and you will accept it. God bless you, Kitty, and hang in there kiddo! Love, Peggy
  17. Goody goody! ANOTHER HOOSIER! Welcome Vanessa! Is your mom planning to join our support family here, too? I see you are from NY, but your mom lives in Indiana. If you or she (or should that be you or her???-who knows?) are comfortable with it, send me a PM and let me at least know her approximate location and where she's getting treatment. My husband also has Stage IV NSCLC. You can read his profile below, so I won't go over any of that again, but it has been just over a year since he was diagnosed. His only symptom was a constant headache. It turned out he had eight brain mets. Two of those mets disappeared with WBR (whole brain radiation) and two more disappeared with Novalis (radio-type surgery), the largest one has shrunk about 30%, and the other three are very small. He is doing GREAT! His disease has spread to other parts of his body, but he is on Iressa, strong as an ox, working every day and getting along just fine! He told our son to quit worrying about him dying because he was going to be around to kick his (you know what) for a LONG TIME. LOLOL!!! God bless you and your mother, Vanessa, and please see if she will communicate with us or at least in a PM so we can talk Hoosier Talk. Love, Peggy
  18. Hi, Ann. How kind and brave you are to come and join this family so long after the loss of your dear husband. I was saddened to read your story, but it sounds like you have come to a point of acceptance. I sense no anger or resentment in your post, and the fact that you can come here and tell all of us that you are praying for a cure is just such a blessing to all of us. Thank you, Ann. I'm glad you found us. God bless you, Peggy
  19. Dear Paige, I posted on your other thread about your mom, and again, I want you to know how sorry I am. I recently lost my dad and I know how much it hurts. It looks like you and your mom have a very large family. I would like to offer the words of Jesus which will hopefully comfort you and your family at this difficult time. These words have brought comfort to many: Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. ~~~~~~~~~~~Jesus, Matthew 5:4 Love, Peggy
  20. Oh Paige, I am so sorry. I am also very sorry that I didn't have a chance to write to you until tonight. I think I read on the Obituary post that her memorial service was today. I hope that it was a beautiful service and tribute to your mother and I also pray that you, and all of your mother's family and friends are doing ok. I'm so sorry! Love, Peggy
  21. THANK YOU, GOD! YOU ARE SO GOOD! Carleen, I am so sorry to know you have these new fears to deal with, but I am so grateful that you found the time to post to us, even in the middle of such a horrible schedule you are trying to keep. I was so afraid something awful had happened and that we would never hear from you again. I'll say it again--THANK YOU, GOD!! Carleen, in my prayers for you and Keith, I will be asking God to give you both His strength and a cheerful heart to better fight this setback. The Bible says that "a happy heart makes the face cheerful." May your heart be filled with joy knowing that God has His arms tightly wrapped around you both and He will sustain you through this very tough time. I pray that just knowing He is holding you, hugging you, loving you and He Himself has a big smile on His face because of His great love for you both will bring hope and happiness to your heart and make your face cheerful. Love, Peggy "A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit. " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Proverbs 15:13
  22. My dearest Elaine, I am so sorry you are having these ups and downs, and I'm sure it weighs HEAVY on you mentally and physically. You have so much going on in your life and two beautiful children that consume your heart. Please know, as always, that my love, my heart and my prayers are with you constantly. You've got my numbers, so please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. My heart stretches all the way to Kansas and I will be on my knees for you tonight asking God to give you more good days than bad and to lighten your burden. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Peter, 1 Peter 5:7 Love, Peggy
  23. Roanna, Zometa really seems to be helping my husband, along with Iressa. We weren't told that it would help the actual bone pain, though. We were told that it strengthens the bones to make it difficult for the cancer to penetrate. He had to have radiation for his shoulder pain, but it was quite severe and had made a small hole in the bone. You mentioned that Wayne has quite a few bone mets in his joints causing a lot of pain. Have the doctors talked to you about using radiation for any of the most painful areas? Let us know how you both are doing. God bless you, Peggy
  24. Oh, shoot, Betty, you have been doing so well. I'm upset to hear you have ED and I'm sure you must be discouraged, but like everyone else has said, you caught it early and that is always very, very good. I'm mostly upset that you have had pain. I hate pain. Pain is awful and I'm just heartsick that you have to deal with it. I hope the radiation works quickly to kill that pain. Love and prayers, Peggy
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