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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. Karen and Dave: I'm really, really glad you don't have worry about the brain mets. I'm still sorry you have to deal with the sinus mets, but at least I think that will be easier to treat. Margaret: WOW! Good news for you, too, and you're right, now you don't even have to make that hard decision. I'm so happy for you. Love, Peggy
  2. Joyce, I don't know anything about ascites, either. I've never even heard that word, so I'm going to have to look it up later. I did want you to know, though, that I'm sorry your news isn't what you needed or wanted to hear. You and Steve will be in my prayers. Love, Peggy
  3. David, I'll just ditto Nushka's reply: I hope this chemo KICKS BUTT!! Love, Peggy
  4. Kelly, I'm so glad you got good news. I'll be praying that the surgery is a big "GO!" Peggy
  5. I really appreciated this link, Rich. I have printed it off for my husband and will show it to him when I think the time is right. Thank you so much for all that you do. God bless you, Peggy
  6. Hi Joni. I've been thinking about you all week wondering how you were doing. At my dad's funeral just a few short weeks ago, the pastor talked about how everyone grieves differently. He said that some start crying and never stop, some have to be medicated and stay in bed, some get busy and cook and clean and do things for other people, some people come to the calling and talk to every person there and some stand in the background and never say a word. He said some won't even come to the funeral home. He said that it's all ok. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. A person just has to do what is in their heart to do. For you, right now, it's getting up, getting busy, making those calls, writing those notes, etc. That's ok. That's perfectly ok. You might be one of the ones that every time you think about your precious Robert that you just light up like the sun and smile from ear to ear because of all the wonderful memories you have. You may never even shed another tear for all the joy you have in your heart for the wonderful memories he gave you and Alex. Then again, you might break down and fall apart into a million pieces two days from now and that will be ok, too. It's all ok, honey, and it's all normal. Whatever your normal is, is normal for you. So write those notes and talk to those people and keep busy if that's what it takes for you. You go girl!! Send me a PM anytime you need to talk. Love, Peggy
  7. Dear Cheryl, I am THRILLED that you have this new hope. Hope is what it's all about, and you are in my prayers every day. I've had a brain MRI about 3 years ago and did ok with it, but I did keep my eyes closed. It was an "open" MRI and those are a little easier. I had to have a closed MRI for my back, and had to take 2 Ativan to get through that one. Like Nushka said, I just close my eyes and refuse to open them until it's all over. Much love and prayers for you and Jack both, Cheryl. Love, Peggy
  8. Hi Luannie, Yes, the things your mom is going through are normal. My husband lost his hair on about the 8th or 9th WBR treatment. His head got very, very dry and he had to use special lotion he got from the doctor during the radiation days, but after the treatments were all finished, they told him he could use Grandma's Lard if he wanted to. My husband also had some other problems during and after the WBR. I don't think I could say he had "memory" problems, but he was definitely slower to respond to things for a while. He just didn't seem to be able to get the words out like he normally could. I think this probably lasted for maybe 4-6 weeks after the WBR, and then it went away. Others have had a variety of different reactions to WBR, and I'm sure you will get more responses in the next day or so. Please keep us posted about how your mom is doing, and also about yourself. God bless you, Peggy
  9. My husband started Iressa on June 11 (5+ weeks) and has minimal side effects. He started with a pretty angry rash on the shoulder where he received radiation and had slight rash other places, but it has all subsided now and is very minimal. He uses a little over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream and is not bothered by the rash at all. Very minimal problem with diarrhea. All is well. Peggy
  10. Dear Tree, I'll emphasize a different part of Shelly's post. The next few weeks WILL BE emotional overload - BUT, it will get better. It took us about two weeks to get over the shock and to stop reeling from the news, grasp it, and move on and get in the fight. As your mind gets a little more comfortable with the "c" word and with the idea, your emotions will calm down, you will begin to learn a lot, and you will feel a lot better. I'm not saying you are ever going to like it, but the initial shock does get beter. Hang in there, and please always feel free to let us know how we can help. God bless you, Peggy
  11. Oh, Dave. I am so very sorry you have had such an ordeal. I have been terribly worried about you. I am so glad to see your post and I'm glad that your pain is under control and you are sleeping at night again. If you go to the Profile at the top of the page, you can select where it says "Notify of new Private Message" and you will get an email at home. Then you can just follow the link, sign in and read your private messages. Could I also suggest that if you haven't already done so that you give Ry your home telephone number. She keeps a list and will only call if you have been off the board for a long time so we can know that everything is ok. If you don't want to do that, is there someone in your home, or a friend, that you could show how to log on, register with their own log in name, and post for you in the event you aren't able to sign in? I'm not going to offer any advice on your care or your choices because I can see you have that all under control. I want you to know that I greatly respect you for your attempt to make the IV C work. It's one of those things that you never know unless you try. You are certainly well-educated on the treatment, did your homework and gave it your best shot. Not only that, but you can still try it again later. You're a good man and we're sure glad to see you back. God Bless You, Peggy
  12. Elaine, That's amazing - we're having the same thoughts. I've been thinking about Dave off and on all day. He said he would be back to give us more details, but he never came back. I hope we hear from him soon. Lisa O - you got any info on Dave? Peggy
  13. Caitlin - you are so incredibly cute! If my son were younger, I'd drive all the way up there just so you two could meet, but he's WAY too old for you . . . . but he is real cute! Love, Peggy
  14. Thank you so much for keeping us up to date. I've been praying for Terry and his family every day. Give them all a big hug for me, please! Love, Peggy
  15. Ginny, SO GLAD TO HEAR FROM YOU! That "little procedure" as you described it turned into a big deal, huh? I'm glad that's over with for you. Also, I am thrilled to hear that Earl's vitals are so good. Snoring is good - very good! Love that sound! Music to your ears, huh? Love, Peggy
  16. Gayle, I am so very sorry. I love the picture of your mom and dad. They look like they were a very sweet couple, and they have (had?) a beautiful home - it looks so nice and bright. Is your dad still living? If so, I'm wondering how he is coping with this tremendous loss, as well as other siblings or relatives. Much love and prayers for you, Gayle. Peggy
  17. Roanna, I don't know anything about Quadramet. My husband had radiation to his shoulder for severe pain. The rad. onc. explained that bones are constantly trying to heal themselves, but the cancer is too aggressive and won't let them heal. Radiation destroys the cancer in the area radiated, and the bone is then able to heal, and then the pain goes away. Hope that helps about the radiation and pain. God bless you, Roanna, Peggy
  18. Thanks, Cheryl. I know I have heard there are 4 or 5 drugs "in the pipelines" that are similar to Iressa, but I didn't know any of them have been approved. Our onc is holding his breath waiting for one to be released, hopefully this summer. I don't remember the name of it, but it started with a "T". Is there something in particular that you are looking in to that we could also ask our onc about? Still praying for you. Love, Peggy
  19. Cheryl, I can't even imagine how scared you must be, but I am also thrilled to see that you just aren't willing to give up and that you are continuing to look for a cure. My husband has a pericardial effusion. We don't know if it is malignant, but it probably is. It was small at first, but medium on the last two scans (most recently this past week). The only thing, at this point, that we can assume that has kept it at "medium" is the Iressa. He has only been on it 6 weeks (5 weeks at scan time), so it's not a 100% for sure that the Iressa is responsible, but it is encouraging. I have known all along that what happened to you, having to be hospitalized for the fluid around the heart, is a probability. It has made me a nervous wreck and I watch for ANY sign of his having difficulty breathing. So far, no problems, and I am praying that the Iressa is keeping that effusion down. He also has pleural effusion in the left lung, along with some collapse and loss in volume, but again, the Iressa seems to be holding down that effusion as well - at least that is what we are hoping!! Have you thought about trying Iressa? I care so much, Cheryl, and I just wish there was more that I could do for you and Jack. Love, Peggy
  20. Cheryl, I saw this post Friday and I thought I replied to you, but I guess I didn't. I just want you to know that I am praying for you every single day. I felt so bad when you were in the hospital and I pray that you will find a cure and never have to go back there again. God bless you, Peggy
  21. stand4hope


    I ditto Cheryl's response to you: "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me." ---------------------------Jesus, John 14:1 I will be praying for you also, Francine. Love, Peggy
  22. Jane, I agree with David C. 100%. My husband was on decadron before, during, and for a while after, WBR to eliminate edema, swelling and headaches, and it worked. Love, Peggy
  23. Jamie, I'm sorry you haven't received more replies. I've been a member of this board since March, and I don't recall anyone ever having posted that they had this experience. I do know that there can be complications from different surgeries and it is not all that uncommon for doctors to have to go back and fix something. I'm also sorry you are having to go through this fear again. It is extremely stressful. When I am stressed to the maximum and really scared, I repeat the following Bible verse over and over: "All things work together for good for those who love God . . . . . " Romans 8:28 I don't know if it will help you, but it sure helps me. Love and prayers, Peggy
  24. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, Jane. So true. So true. Everyone on this board has been pounded, molded, burned and shaped into beautiful, loving, caring people. Even if God isn't the one that puts us in the oven, He is the one that will take us out. Thank you, my dear. Love, Peggy
  25. Hi Kim, I'm sorry you are having to deal with this disease at all, and I know it's always hard when it hits our moms. I think an easy first step for her would be this web site. If you can't get her to log on, print out some of the threads for her to read so she can see all of our pictures and know that we are all real people dealing with the same fears that she and you both have. Best of luck with this, and let us know how it goes. God bless you, Peggy
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