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Everything posted by JJE

  1. Here I'm sitting very grateful to have beaten lung cancer. I just got an urge to look for other cancer survivors and started google-ing. My story. About 4 years back I started coughing up blood every now and then. I saw a specialist and they thought it was my sinuses that was bleeding and dripping into my lungs. During a sinus operation the specialist got a feeling that he must put a camera down my lungs and have a look. I was shocked when he told me after the operation that he found a tumor in my right lung. It was a carcinoid tumor that luckily is not a very aggressive tumor, but it was quite big allready. While in hospital for (one of four) a biopsy, my close friend came over from two wards down to see how I was doing. He had brain cancer. Unfortunately he lost his battle a week before I went in for the big operation. That was one of the scariest things for me to sit at his funeral not knowing what lies ahead for my family and I. Two of my three lobes in my right lung were removed and everything went 100% during the operation. I'm now about 4 1/2 years cancer clean, WITHOUT ANY CHEMO EXT, and living a full life. My family has grown by two lovely babies (2 and 1 years respectively) and still very grateful for every second of my life that was given to me. My advice to anyone who must go for a lobdectomy. Ones lungs are amazing when it comes to recovery. Ones lungs will hyper inflate taking over the role of removed lungs. I have no shortness of breath and I love the outdoors, active life. Jacques.
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