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Posts posted by gaye

  1. Hi All I have NSCLC not SCLC seen surgion on Wed, but my voice had gone so I had to have Bronchoscopy on Friday to see why . My left vocal cord is paralysed so now they will not opperate. I am to have a new CT Scan on Monday this thing must be growing at a fast rate to now be pressing on my vocal cord. It is so frusterating not being able to talk. Thanks for reply's on my last post. I am not very good on the computer hard to teach old dogs new tricks. See you soon. Gaye

  2. HI Just been diaganosed with SCLC and am told it is early stage. Have to see surgeon on wed 13th july. Can anyone tell me how fast is the growth of SCLC . I have no idea how long I will have to wait for my surgery but hope it is soon. I have now known for 7 weeks and the waiting game is getting to me . Gaye

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