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Posts posted by MayFrog

  1. Back/shoulder pain can be symptomatic of soooooooo many different things.....you really need to get it checked out before jumping to conclusions.

    I did have right shoulder pain which seemed to settle under my shoulder pain....would progressively get worse thru-out the day, and nothing seemed to alleviate it. Being the smart nurse that i was, I ignored it...kept thinking it would go away.......yeah, right.

    About a month later i developed severe shortness of breath and wheezing....DID have that checked out....and was then dx with SCLC...seems the shoulder pain was right about where the tumors were in my lung. Once I started chemo., the pain resolved.

    Lesson is.....don't procrastinate....check things out as soon as you can.

    Best wishes to you.......Mary :)

  2. Welcome, Cathy :)

    Love your attitude.....you can't have too much "fight" in you when it comes to this nasty disease.

    This site is the best thing that happened to me after my dx. It is filled with support, humor, kindness.....anything and everything.

    If you need to vent and rant....come here

    If you need to ask a question......come here

    If you need a good cry........come here

    If you need to share good news or bad......come here

    I don't post nearly as often as I should.....darn computer keeps going into self-induced comas at will......but I try to get here at least once or twice a week to at least read the latest posts.

    These are some of the nicest, most caring and down-to-earth people I've ever had the pleasure of "meeting". Glad you found us!!

    Mary :)

  3. I'm a little late replying to this.......but wanted to say "thanks" Dianne....I will probably be having PCI down the road. Had already decided I would jump at the chance to kill off as many of these cancer buggers as possible. Your post was just icing on the cake!!

    And, TwoDogs, I'm right with ya!! I already blame everything on chemo-brain.....having PCI will just give me a better excuse for any lame-brain things I do!!

    Thanks to all of you who posted with your experiences. This site is awesome!

    Mary :)

  4. Hi Jen,

    Haven't been around for a while (my puter goes into self-induced comas at will these days), but glad to see you're tolerating the chemo/rad pretty darn well!!

    I finished my 6th round of chemo last week.......will have CT 1st wk of Sep and then talk about radiation. I'll be watching your progress.......and taking strength from you and all the others who posted.

    Mary :)

  5. I agree with the others....if you're still worrying, call your doc and push for a CT scan.

    Now, I don't want to unduly scare you, and hopefully your chiro is right about it being muscle pain, BUT.....I had right shoulder pain, mostly under the shoulder blade.....a nagging, uncomfortable feeling that sometimes would be downright painful. Nothing seemed to alleviate it.....it came and went on its own.

    About a month or so later, I developed shortness of breath and wheezing (which I never had in my life).....this worried me enough to see the doc....my x-ray was suspicious and CT scan (along with several other tests) confirmed SCLC. My onc said the shoulder pain was related to the cancer....the pain did disappear after 1st round of chemo.

    Better to be safe than sorry....call your Doc!! Hope everything turns out positive for you !!!!!


  6. I had terrible right shoulder pain (under my shoulder blade) for about a month before my diagnosis....it disappeared after the 1st round of chemo, and my onc said it was a symptom of lc. So, it appears that yours is opposite of mine....a clear bone scan is encouraging, but I would still contact my doc ASAP, especially since it's been going on this long.

    Good luck......Mary

  7. Hi Nancy,

    Believe me, I've had a crying jag or two myself.....seems like it comes out of nowhere, but I know I've never cried like that before--really sobbing til I practically lost my breath. It has to be a combination of chemo, emotional turmoil, fear, hormonal changes.....whatever. I know that in my immediate family, I am always viewed as the "strong one"...the one who everyone else calls with their problems. Now it's a little tough, to say the least, to keep up that front. Seems I can't talk to them about my fears, because, like you, they only seem to want to hear the good news. My husband seems to be the only one I can really depend on, no matter what mood i'm in.

    As far as the hair loss....I lost most of my hair, and what was left made me look like Gollum from Lord of the Rings...just a few strands here and there. I said the heck with it....and had my husband cut and shave the rest of it off!! I hate hats, don't mind bandannas/scarves, though. I go bald in the house....I figure hair loss is the least of my problems right now. As they say, Bald is Beautiful!

    Keep the faith........cry when you want to.......but I also would ask about some anti-anxiety or anti-depressant meds.....they DO help.

    Thinking of you,


  8. Cat.....i'm feeling pretty good this week, so I'm sending you all my excess energy to help fight these o'mathoins (spelling? I can pronounce it but my Gaelic spelling skills are non-existent!).

    Bless you, Cat.....I can't begin to understand your frustration and anger.

    Keep posting...venting those demon thoughts can only be a good thing!


  9. Hi all,

    I'm going for my 2nd CT scan tomorrow AM, and for some reason I am much more nervous this time around.

    Just asking for a spare good thought or two.....can never have to many of those!!

    Thanks...you're a wonderful group of people!


  10. ((((((((((((((((((((((Shellie)))))))))))))))))))

    No words can express how you must be feeling....and I know no words of comfort from me can ease what you must be going through. Maybe a bit down the road, but not right now.....so I'm just giving you a big hug.

    We all care deeply for you.....believe that......you are loved here.


  11. :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:

    OK....all the swear words I know are represented above

    Thank goodness you have such a good onc....that helps so much.

    Sending all the good thoughts I can muster along to you.....

    Keep the faith, Mary

  12. Good Luck to You!

    My combo is a bit different....Cisplatin and VP-16, and side effects were minimal (the pre-meds help a great deal, and so far Compazine as needed for the nausea have worked very well). I did lose my hair....but what a bundle I'm saving on shampoo!!!!!

    Can't offer you anything re: the PCI......but I'm sending along some very good thoughts to you......hope all goes wonderfully well!!


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