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Posts posted by MayFrog

  1. Angie,

    so very sorry you're in this depression, I can only imagine how you feel. I can't offer any better advice than the others have given you, but I want you to know that you, your dad and your family are in my thoughts.

    Hang in there,


  2. Bellringer.....how gracious of you to open your home.....bless you! I'm hoping all our Florida friends are safe & sound.

    Ann.....stay safe......my thoughts are with you and all your fellow floridians!!


  3. Shelly,

    So glad your sister's surgery went well, and that she has you there to support her. You're a strong woman and hopefully some of your strength will pass to her. She's scared and tired and in pain right now....

    I don't mean to be redundant, but I agree with the others regarding her pain meds and some anti-anxiety medication....it DOES help.

    Wishing you both all the best,


  4. Angie......kudos to you for standing up and making yourself heard!! Your dad is so lucky to have you in his corner. He's probably of that generation who doesn't like to "make a fuss"....even if he's in agony. Hoping the CT scan helps to resolve his pain issue.

    and Pamela......as a former nurse, it was my experience that the patients whose families were attentive, involved and very visible and vocal received the best care possible, even from health care "professionals" that, to me at least, weren't "professional" at all.......


  5. Initial Diagnosis: earth-shattering

    Chemo Tx: tiring

    Hair loss: depressing

    Fatigue: all-encompassing

    The chance to beat this monster and enjoy each sunrise: PRICELESS

    Please, this disease process affects every aspect of our being........but it does get better.......best thoughts to you,


  6. Cat and all my Floridian friends.....geezus!! Hope you all stay well and safe, this season is looking really bad.

    People are taking Frances very seriously....my son's at Camp LeJeune in NC, and when I talked with him last night, they were already preparing for her......

    My thoughts go out to you.....

    mary :)

  7. Hi Ray,

    Hoping everything stays the course and your surgery goes as planned.

    I think it's a crime when someone (be it nurse, doctor, whatever) can scare the cr*p out of you without even knowing your past medical history.

    Was she reading the cardiologist's report, or just making her own diagnosis? (as a former nurse, I would NEVER DREAM of doing that to someone...plus, it's illegal....nurses can't "diagnose", even though in real life we sometimes make better & faster diagnoses than the doctors :) ).

    As a side note....years ago, my mom was feeling really lousy and was literally green, she had no energy and was aching all over. We took her to the ER, and they did a battery of tests, including an EKG. Well, after a bit, one of the docs came out and told us that the EKG showed she had had a major heart attack and had likely suffered severe heart damage. While we were still reeling from that diagnosis...another doc (a cardiologist) told us she definitely DID NOT have a heart attack...she had a bacterial infection in the sac around her heart. After treatment with IV antibiotics, she was as good as new....with NO residual heart damage.

    Just goes to show ya!!!

    You're in my thoughts.....hoping all turns out well.

    Mary :)

  8. Welcome, Sean

    Your dad is a lucky man to have you by his side!! Seems as though things are going well for him....everyone responds at a different pace.

    I agree with others who have said eating small amounts throughout the day is probably the best way to go, especially high calorie snacks....but i would mention your concerns re: the weight loss to his doc...there are several meds out there that work well with the elderly to increase appetite.

    Wishing you all the best,


  9. Missy...thinking of you and hoping everything turns out A-OK for you (insist on that CT scan!).

    I know it's easy to say, but try not to let your imagination run wild til you know just what you're dealing with. You sound as if you have some expertise in the medical field (just a feeling from the way you've said some things)......if so, that knowledge only makes your imagination worse!!

    Never, ever blame yourself....it's just a waste of precious energy.

    Hoping to hear good news from you soon.....and, if not, we'll be here for you.

    Mary :)

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