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Everything posted by Addie

  1. I'll pray for that miracle for you, Beth. I can imagine how hard this must be for you and wish there was more we could do to help or support you. Stay strong and don't give up hope!
  2. Adding my prayers and sending you strength vibes.
  3. Hmmm....as you know I'm just past cycle two...but the past few mornings....generally AFTER I'm up and have had breakfast...I've been mildly queasy. Same thing after I eat lunch. I haven't yet taken anything for it...because I was attributing it to my anxiety over the amifostine shot and getting sick last Friday. But....the last two days, I've tolerated the shot just fine...and my anxiety is much reduced...so who knows what this queasiness is from? I've had very good luck with the Zofran in general, for nausea, during chemo. I actually only took Ativan before bed because I was concerned I'd get drowsy from it and I thought it was more to help me sleep anyway, than for nausea! The Compazine label says the same thing about drowsiness...but the Zofan does NOT warn against drowsiness!! I suppose it could still be a lingering effect. Is Mom still drinking lots of water? Maybe that would help flush it out of her system? You know...if Mom is hesitant to further ask the doc about this...suggest she call and ask one of the nurses. Sometimes the nurses are even more "front line" with some of this stuff and what they suggest works even better than what a doctor offers up...ya know? Be sure and let us know how she does. I hope she finds some relief. I do understand how even mild queasiness or nausea can annoy!!
  4. Well, now see....you've been praying for us....but now that you've come out of lurkdom WE can pray for you and your mom too! Isn't it better that way? I know what you mean about being impacted by the people here....even if you are more a lurker than a poster. I hadn't been here very long...but Mo's death upset me a great deal too. I'm so delighted that your mother got some good news and that her therapy has worked so well...but Don really said it, that we are here for good news and for bad. So...now that you've started with some really good news....let's hope you just continue to have only good news to post. In fact, I wish and pray for that for ALL of us!!
  5. Shelly...I am so sorry your sister didn't get better news. But please....believe those who say the prognosis is SO much better for breast cancer these days....and that you MUST stay positive. I've had situations in my life where - like you - I just felt inundated...on overload...like I couldn't even imagine what else could go wrong but I just wanted the world to stop so I could get off. And a good friend sent me a card that said, "When you're this far down....You've got no place to go but UP!!" To this day, whenever I start feeling like giving up or crawling into a hole and dissolving.....I remember that I've got no place to go but UP!! I'm pretty darn sure you can identify with feeling that far down, about now.....so look UP, Shelly. Please! Just look up and put one foot ahead of the other and BE THERE for your sister and be strong. Get whatever help you need....counseling or meds....to stay strong. But know that you will move UP and out of that black hole...because you will. Don't rehearse what "might be going to happen". Take things as they come. Breast cancer is eminently more treatable today than it used to be. Survival rates are high. BELIEVE that your sister, with your support, will beat this....and look UP! We are here...whenever you need a little wind beneath your wings, honey. You've had a terrible....a thoroughly rotten year....way, way more than any young person should have to endure. But clearly, your extended family here loves you...wants to help and support you. So let us do it, so that YOU can then support your sister on her way back to full health. One step at a time...don't rehearse....and keep looking UP!! Oh...and breathe. We'll all help you take it as it comes...ok?
  6. Addie

    New Photo

    That's a great family photo...and boy, do I envy you that beach trip. Nothing like the ocean to calm one's soul, I think!! As for Hooters....my hubby and youngest son kept insisting it was the buffalo wings that drew them back. Yeah.....as if I bought that one!
  7. Joyce, So glad this new doctor is a better fit. It's so important to feel you have a real emotional connection with your doctors!! Sending out all positive thoughts for things to go well with your treatment and for you to be deemed "empty headed"....a label we ALL enjoy wearing! Keep us posted. Prayers coming your way...but I'm so glad the new doc is optimistic and helping you remain the same way!!
  8. Good to hear from you David, and you sound strong and optimistic!! I'm so glad Karen's mother is coming along well....and am equally glad that you're on the schedule for tomorrow for getting your bonkitis taken care of! Praying for it to be just an infection that is easily cleared up. Oh...just saw your update, Karen....and what fabulous news for Mom!! I'm so glad to hear it!! That's got to have given all of you a real lift...and now we'll just carry that kind of good news over to David....and that will set the tone for a fabulous holiday weekend....right? Enjoy the catfish and family time together.....and David, don't you worry about a few bruises. Years ago, I went thru 5 eye surgeries over 8 yrs. so I had *some fun* making up stories about how I got so bruised and beat-up looking! After the first time, saying, "I had surgery again" was kind of boring...so I made up some interesting tales. I'm sure there is no reason why you can't weave yourself a creative story to explain your bruises and eye patch.....eh?
  9. Thinking about you this morning...and hoping you awoke feeling fine, and getting some sweet dobie/rottie kisses. How's the biopsy go yesterday? When will they give you the word? Hope you'll feel up to checking in soon.
  10. Jen...the headache could be from tension too....huh? I know you've been stressed over the effects of this....and I also think getting both drugs the first day is more apt to have some effect. Hopefully tomorrow and the next day will go better. But DO drink lots of water. I do...and I swear it helps. I always take two 20 oz. bottles with me for day one of chemo and drink most of it while I'm there! Hope tomorrow goes easier for you, sweetie. I think once you get into the routine of it a bit more and aren't so anxious, that that will help....I really do.
  11. Addie


    Donna.... Deepest sympathies for your loss. I am so sorry.
  12. Jen...what a great looking family you are!! Man, to look that good after having 5 kids....what's your secret? And Cindy.....we miss you. Hope you're back with us soon. Way too many 'puter troubles around here lately. Time for sending out some healthy computer vibes, I think!
  13. Whooo Hooo.....If I were a drinking woman (and who says I'm NOT? )....I'd be on the way to the package store to buy me a bottle of celebratory Baileys. Or whatever floats your libation boat! Great news, Becky...I'm so happy the ulcer is back-burnered again. And don't talk to me about new house woes....cuz my DH is out in Arizona now, perhaps making decisions on our new house that will frustrate ME for the rest of my days....cuz, um....I couldn't make the trip with him just now. This is wonderful news. Enjoy it to the max!!
  14. Thinking of you Shelly, and hoping your sister gets an all clear. Keep the faith....and breathe. We all know how hard the waiting is...but know we're waiting with you and continuing to send up prayers. You be sure to take good care of YOU now, ya hear!! And let us help!!
  15. Oh happy day...I'm so glad to read this Ginny...as you sound SO much better! And with that hopeful news....well you should! Now...if there was just some way to find a little strength for the Duke. Can you ask about options on that count? You said his appetite was pretty good...so there must be something he can take or eat that might help his strength some...hmmm? Now you have a new plan in place...with hope as a part of that plan....and I'm so glad for both of you that there are options. Next...some strength for Earl and getting that twinkle back in his eye, eh?
  16. Wishing you both all the very best! Congrats and all good wishes!!
  17. Clearly your confidence is this guy is non-existent at this point! I agree that you should ask for a copy of everything in your file. It's YOUR records and you have a right to them. Once you have them...if there is no report there from US Labs last December....then you've got something concrete to confront him with. If it went OUT to US Labs for a 2nd opinion at that time, and he based treatment on that report....well then, where IS the report? One thing I've done too, is have copies of everything sent to my primary doc. His nurse is copying everything for me so I can have a file at home. It makes me feel like I have more control over my own care....as I can read the various reports and ask questions based upon the facts as I know them. I don't have to rely on my memory of what I've been told....I have it all right there in black and white! I just go by my primary doc's office every couple of weeks or so, and pick up the latest batch of copies! You have to find yourself a doctor you trust in, Cat. I think it's so important. But first, you need the FACTS and that means you need copies of what is in your file....so you can look thru and make some logical sense of all this as it relates to your memory AND what you're finding out from other places. Today...when you see the onc, I'd simply say...."Okay, if you got a report back from US Labs back in December, may I please see a copy of it?" Just ask him. If it's in your file...you've got a right to see it! Can you do that and NOT lose your cool if he cannot produce it? And if he doesn't produce it....then what do you do next? What are your options? Can your primary recommend another onc? (Forgive me, as I can't recall all the particulars of your situation...so don't know if there are other oncs close to where you live.)
  18. Sandy....I'll be thinking benign, benign, benign on Tuesday and adding a couple of extra prayers in for good measure! Hoping you're back out on that bike and on the road in a jiffy! So humor the docs and make sure someone is with you on Tues. night...eh? And as Ginny said, lots of us will be there in spirit too!
  19. Jen.... With me, they hook up a glucose solution first. It feels a wee bit cool going in...but they use that to flush the lines between bags. The chemo going in...you cannot feel...or at least I cannot! Have they told you if you'll be getting some premeds? The Decadron or Zofran or something for nausea? That usually is given to me first....then one bag of chemo, then the other. I usually have to use the "powder room" in between infusions cuz with all that liquid going in....well, you know the laws of physics, eh? But it's been NO problem the next day or the day after that. I had anti-nausea meds to take at home too, and did so for those three nights...but that was about it! By the day after the third chemo, I didn't need anything. I only got sick this past Friday, I think, because of adding radiation, a couple of shots, some "nerves" and the fact that I ate a granola bar about a half hour after radiation. I will never again eat that soon after radiation !! And I just may never again put my lips to a granola bar either....cuz at this point anyway, it just conjures up mental pictures of trying to *delicately* upchuck in a moving automobile in heavy traffic! I think you're going to find the experience of chemo to be rather anti-climactic after all this "fear of the unknown". Trust me. Take a good book to read while you're getting the infusions. The nurses are great, you won't feel anything as the chemo goes in...and the most prominent "side effect" for me overall has been a sort of "heavy" feeling or some tingling in my arms and hands. That is about it! I know I've said all this to you several times before....but I'm gonna KEEP saying it till you take a deep breath and believe me! DO NOT, however, hesitate to ask for anti-anxiety and/or anti-nausea meds to help you thru the nerves, etc. That's what they are there for....but I think you'll truly find that getting the chemo isn't a huge deal and especially if the nausea is kept at bay, you'll do fine.
  20. Hope that cranky computer of yours shapes up soon, Fay....we need you here! Too bad we can't just kick them like vending machines...eh?
  21. Jane, this is such a meaningful tribute to Alan...and something that is of such benefit to so many, that a simple thank you hardly seems adequate. But I hope you know how much this is appreciated.
  22. Well...first....HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! For 45 years, I will "shout" that one! What a wonderful milestone to be celebrating...and I'm so happy for the two of you and all your family and friends...that you are doing so! Enjoy the dinner out, to the maximum. I'm quite sure you will! Now....as to the rest of your news....well, just know we'll keep you and Lucie in our prayers for no increased activity on the new PET scan and also for reduction in the pain in her shoulder. Also...an extra prayer for her continuing to enjoy the nonsickness period. I pray for that (at the very least) for ALL of us! We're so glad to have you back on line, Don. Your calm, positive wisdom and support are blessings around here! Wishing you and Lucie all the very best on this auspicious occasion...and hoping and praying there will be many more anniversaries that you will share together......and with us!
  23. Addie

    An Update

    Dean ~~ I haven't been here very long, but it doesn't take long to notice what an important part you are of these boards. Your way of looking at life...and how you express it....is an inspiration, comfort and so often thought-provoking for others. I look forward to your posts....to seeing what you have to say and even if I don't always reply to them...you can bet that I consider your words, always. I'm sorry to know that your energy and strength have flagged...but I'm heartened that you continue to seek and find joy in what life has to offer...be it a short scooter trip, time for those frequent hugs or the antics of your cats. In my case, it's two dogs providing the entertainment....but I sure do understand what you're saying. Keeping you in my prayers, Dean...with admiration...and hoping you'll adjust to the meds and feel up to posting more...because we miss you when you don't!
  24. Such good news, Jen....and I know you'll feel better mentally, to have treatment under way! I'll be thinking of you and vibing you on Tuesday. Let us know how it all goes!
  25. Addie

    just wondering

    Debbie... I asked one of the onc nurses about it, because it seemed to me that my vision wasn't as clear anymore either. I'm just past round two of chemo.....and have only had two days of radiation...but noticed this even BEFORE radiation began. The nurse said it happens! Some people notice a difference in their vision. I am also due to have my eyes checked...but the nurse recommended NOT getting a prescription change as she said the visual changes are apt to continue/fluctuate throughout treatment. I'm noticing more difference in my distance vision than close-up...and it's not a huge difference....but enough to be noticeable. Just another issue that becomes part of our "new normal", I guess, when cancer/treatment become part of our lives...huh?
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