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Everything posted by Addie

  1. Sending prayers and lots of good thoughts TBone's way. I'm glad he's home now, in his recliner....resting up. I too, think it's good that the docs weren't too rattled by this. Hope he's feeling better soon.
  2. Talk about an overfull plate! David, Karen....the whole family is in my (now stepped up) prayers and thoughts. Hugs to both of you....and I'm praying hard for some breaks and some good news in all this!
  3. Nancy, I'm on carbo and etoposide. Just finished my second cycle on Wednesday...and if it weren't for radiation starting the next day...I'd be fine. But....yesterday I got sick. Now...that said....I had NO nausea whatsoever when just on the chemo. I am given Decadron and Zofran prior to chemo...am on the same regimen as you are...and the IV premeds worked really well as I never even got queasy. I'd ask your doc about them. The three nights of chemo, I also took a Zofran and Ativan pill before bedtime and that was all I needed. Like I say, this week...chemo ended Wednesday and then radiation started, PLUS I had a Neulasta shot on Thursday and the Amifostine shot prior to radiation (which can cause nausea too) on Friday. It was all too much for my system and I did get sick yesterday...but the doc thinks it's just because of the combination of everything. I hope you do well on the chemo...but DO ask about premeds to help. I really think they make a difference! Oh, as for PCI, my onc recommends it too...but we haven't really fully discussed it yet so I'll be following your question too to see what others say.
  4. Still a bit shaky but thank goodness what little I'm eating is staying down. A yogurt smoothie, some pudding, a little bit of cereal and half a popsicle! I called the doctor...and he said it's probably the whole enchilada that did it.....chemo, radiation and the two shots over this past week....and told me I could take a Compazine too, on top of the Zofran. I feel like I've been dragged through a knothole, backwards. Do you know that feeling? I'm just hoping I feel better by Monday...and then maybe I won't feel this bad again until the next cycle of chemo. You can bet I'll be sure to investigate a better anti-nausea protocol before then! Going back to the sofa....been loafing there all day long. Don't have the energy for much else.
  5. I think it was the amifostine. I had chemo Mon., Tues. and Wed. and then a Neulasta shot yesterday, along with the first radiation treatment. But then today, I had the first amifostine shot prior to radiation. I took a Zofran pill - per instructions - a half hour before the shot, which was given just before 3:30 this afternoon. Radiation is daily at 3:45. On the way home, my hubby said, "Are you okay with going to the store?" I was pretty wiped out last night and today...but we needed to go, so I said okay. Well....I lasted long enough to pick out a couple of things and then went back to the car while he finished the shopping. On the way home.....I got sick in the car. I'm working on a ginger ale, but it's well past dinnertime and nothing appeals. I'm going to try to eat a banana or something....but I'm gonna have to figure out something more efficient to counteract the nausea. It's got to be the amifostine...as up to this point, I've had NO nausea.....and I have to get that shot every time before radiation. Gawd, I hate being sick. I have the next two days to regroup without any treatments....but my DH leaves early tomorrow morning for Arizona for 5 days....and I'd sure like to feel better than I do right now if I'm gonna be on my own.
  6. Addie

    Question for all

    Adding my prayers and strength vibes...and I sure agree that a good mask is in order for when hubby is working!! I have no firsthand knowledge of vocal polyps....but do know that they often are benign. I'm glad you're following through on getting this all checked out and will hold good thoughts for your hubby and for you!
  7. Elaine...mine would have headed for the tuner too....IF the t.v. was out in the driveway! He chose the leaf blower because the t.v. was still "in range" of my mouth...if ya catch my drift! Thank goodness that even when I'm bitchy....my female dog still loves me and will come cuddle with me. The male dog is like my hubby. He'd rather be out in the yard!
  8. Uh....am I to assume you will NOT be sending any chickens in payment for jewelry received? Cuz that could kill the deal for me, Ry! I'd be happy to take on your SIL for you. I'm finding I'm getting pretty good at this bitchy steroid stuff! One well placed comment to my hubby the other night...and he suddenly found cause to go outside and blow leaves or something off the driveway! It's not even AUTUMN....the leaves are still on the trees.....yet I was THAT GOOD that I rendered him speechless and off he went with the leaf blower. I assume you'd like it if your SIL did something similar...eh? (Good thing they only give me those steroids three times every 21 days....or I could be verbally lethal!! )
  9. Only one thing to say, Dave......"FORE!!!!!!" Go on out there and make some birdies. This report has surely earned that, eh? Congrats....and I hope you just keep on going with these good reports, knocking more and more strokes off your handicap! I finally got in 9 holes the other day after not playing for 10 months! Not exactly a stellar round...but then my hubby put the wrong irons in my bag so I never knew where my iron shots were going (don't like the offset heads!) Hope to be back out there eventually myself, on a more regular basis! You will be my golfing inspiration...ok?
  10. I think I'm astounded that anyone would express anger at Katie or Rick over the shut down! I admit to suffering some major withdrawal, myself. And I did write to inquire if there was any word when the site might be back up....not even expecting a reply as I figured people were very busy behind the scenes. But I DID receive a brief reply from Rick....despite how busy I'm sure he was. Cyberspace isn't a perfect place. I've been involved with message boards before that shut down temporarily. It happens. I may not be the most patient person in the world...but sending angry emails or "biting the hand that feeds you" doesn't make much sense to me! I'm just very glad that my daily haunt is back up and running. I do check in here a few times a day...and miss it (and all of you) terribly when I can't. I worry about some....and for others, I'm impatient to hear their good news. I don't think anyone doubts how important this place is to all of us....how much support, help and information is available here....but let's remember not to misdirect our angst or anger when the site is down! Instead of firing off an angry email....it might be a lot more productive to make out a check to donate to the operation of this site...eh?
  11. Even if the twinkle doesn't quite show in his eyes right now....it sure sounds like Earl hasn't lost the twinkle in his spirit. It will serve as a guide for you both. He is so lucky to have you as his advocate, Ginny. Who knows him better? Between the two of you, you'll make your decisions and inform the medical team...not vice versa. I suppose we all can understand that doctors are human too...and have lives to live. But to be waiting on a call like this, in tears, anxious...while your doc is out walking the dog and eating cookies.....is a mental picture that gave me an uncomfortable chill. I'm glad you did finally speak with him though...and gladder still that Earl was able to express just how much he still is in this fight! Enormous, calming hugs to the both of you. What a night...huh? Hope you both got a little rest and that the light of morning is making everything look a little brighter...a little more possible! Hang in there...you've got a big army out here pulling and praying for the both of you!
  12. Fay....sounds to me like you also gave up your tolerance for University Medical Center inefficiencies, too...eh? Glad you figured out what precipitated the emotional stuff. It's not fun sometimes. I got a little wonky myself on Monday night after day one of chemo...and went from bi*chy to weepy in 6 seconds flat, and then back again. But WORSE, with the residual effect still there on Tuesday, I sorta criticized my youngest's girlfriend for not yet having acknowledged my cancer. They live in the midwest...and she's not even sent a card...which I thought was pretty tacky...but it was my intent to keep my big yap shut regardless. Nobody told me steroids make for loose lips! Anyway....despite my big mouth I have to say I'm happy I didn't send her half my jewelry in some weird steroid rush. THAT, I'd REALLY regret! Hope you're feeling better. Hope I gave you a chuckle or two (at my own expense ) to help you along that path! Glad you're back on line too!!
  13. Might as well send out a few continuing healing thoughts here...which combined with those in my emails....gives them to you in stereo!! So glad things are looking up a bit...and I'm sure your mom will do fine...as it sounds like she is savvy and careful with her health and hopefully this has been caught very early! At least with Mom and David in the same hospital (and Dad sitting there impressing the nurses with how quickly HE recovered )....it will cut down on travel time a bit for you to not have to go to TWO hospitals! Take care of you too, now....you hear!! Get some rest, take a few deep breaths and know we're vibing for all the right answers...ok? Keep us posted as you can!
  14. I hope it's okay that I'm posting this. I went to search out the lyrics as I remember them from "the old days"....as somehow, it just feels there may be a message in these lyrics....or at the very least, some comfort and sense of knowing just what these words mean. Ginny...Earl....this song's for you: As I walk through this world Nothing can stop the Duke of Earl And-a you, you are my girl And no one can hurt you, oh no Yes-a, I, oh I'm gonna love you, oh oh Come on let me hold you darlin' 'Cause I'm the Duke of Earl So hey yea yea yeah And when I hold you You'll be my Duchess, Duchess of Earl We'll walk through my dukedom And a paradise we will share Yes-a, I, oh I'm gonna love you, oh oh Nothing can stop me now 'Cause I'm the Duke of Earl So hey yeah yeah yeah Well, I, oh I'm gonna love you, oh oh Nothing can stop me now 'Cause I'm the Duke of Earl So hey yeah yeah yeah
  15. My sympathies on your loss. It must be so difficult to have lost your FIL so quickly. We are here if continued support would be helpful to you....and hope you will stick around. Again....I'm so sorry.....
  16. Adding my prayers for increased #'s so chemo can resume. I have to ask...has Neulasta ever been mentioned? It's a shot given after a chemo cycle (or will be for me, tomorrow, for the first time) that, as I understand it, helps boost the white cells faster when the #'s do start to increase. Only one shot has to be given each cycle, as opposed to Neupogen which I understand is given more frequently. This is all fairly new to me...as today just ended my second cycle of chemo...but ask your hubby's onc about Neulasta! It might be something that could help. Meanwhile, I'll be keeping you both in my prayers hoping for some increased numbers and energy for your husband, and for the chemo to go to work on that primary tumor. Sending strength vibes as well....
  17. I too, am just finding this Peggy. I have yet to be in your position with this sort of situation...so have no experience or advice to offer you.....simply my prayers, best wishes and sorrow that such a decision has to be made. I will be thinking of you....and FWIW, I am well assured that you are doing the very best for and by your father and his wishes. To face such a tough decision motivated by love and respect.....we can do no better than that. I will be keeping you in my special thoughts over the coming days...
  18. Good news, Nina!! So glad the xrays were clear. I have been unable to get onto the site for most of the last 4 days...so missed this till now...but am so glad to find happy news at the end. Glad all the prayers helped...but then they always do, don't they!
  19. When I had my abdominal CT...they found a lesion/cyst?? on a kidney, an adrenal gland AND one ovary. The only one they followed up on was the one on my ovary. In fact, tomorrow I have another U/S to make sure it's unchanged. But...I asked my Onc about following up on the two cysts or whatever they are...on my kidney and adrenal...and he said there was no need...they were nothing to worry about!! I know with the ovary, they were concerned about another primary cancer but apparently nobody is concerned about the other two cysts/lesions. I will ask again about them because I'd like a little more assurance as to exactly WHAT they are or how sure any of the docs are about what they are. Sometimes, it's hard to know what the docs are thinking and even when you ask...the answer doesn't completely satisfy...or else other concerns seem more pressing, I guess. But Cat...I'd push for an explanation. If nothing else, it will ease your mind to have your questions fully answered.
  20. Dear, dear Ginny.... How I wish you and Earl could have had better news. I know how much it must hurt your heart to think that Earl now will hear that his meds are not working. But one thing you said grabbed at me....that Earl told you he was willing to try other treatments. I think the two of you should talk about this more and then let his doctor know how he feels. It sounds as though the doctor is saying that it's time to give up hope...and we all know that we can never give up hope. As long as there is life and breath and a will to keep fighting...there is hope, right? Know that you and the love of your life are in my constant prayers and wishes. This post makes me so sad...as I feel so powerless to provide you much help or comfort. This is just so hard. But go home, put your arms around the Duke and talk to him about how much harder he's willing to fight....to try....before you make any decisions. And know you'll have many, many prayers heading your way for strength, wisdom and lots more time. Holding you both gently in my heart.....
  21. Fay....long before my dx, there are a couple of special things I'd already given away so that I could watch them being enjoyed by the person who received them! If I wait till I'm gone someday....then I'll miss seeing that enjoyment, won't I? So....a little simplification is a good thing now, as it also allows us to watch others use and enjoy some things that we once used and enjoyed. I DO understand your not being able to log on!! I've been shut out most of the last 4 days and am SO happy to be back now! Hope you're back on soon too. We miss you!!
  22. I was blocked out from about 11:15 yesterday morning my time until I got home from chemo this afternoon around 1:00 and could get back in. So...something was up cuz I know I wasn't alone in this! Wasn't sure where to check or if there is any kind of emergency contact for when the site is down and 1200 people are going in to various stages of withdrawal I've done little but hang out here today now that we're back up and running. But think I'll head to bed now and hope we stay put. Was there a thread explaining about the shut down or one that gives us an idea of what keeping this site up might require in terms of donations or how we might help? If so, I don't want to miss it.
  23. My deepest sympathy for your loss and thank you for still offering us your words of encouragement to continue to fight. I hope time will help you heal...but I hope you also keep your passion for doing what you can to spread the word...and I hope you'll stick around here. We all learn from and help each other....patients and care givers alike.
  24. Addie

    test trauma

    Can anyone get in on this happy dance? What a great ending to a couple days of stress, eh? I'm so glad the angst is over for another year. You can put the Ativan away and just enjoy the good life again! Great news, Gail.
  25. What a lovely picture....you in your cap and Dad with his hair! That must have been a very special day for both of you and what a great remembrance, to have this photo! I hope you had a copy framed for yourself and for your dad!
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