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Everything posted by Addie

  1. My craving was for Chinese food...the hot kind. I found out it didn't agree with me the week following chemo...but a week after that, I managed to get some down! I'm so happy you're feeling better and that your numbers were good. Better yet...you were able to satisfy that pizza craving! I had a pizza party with friends the night we shaved my head after my hair started to jump ship! Hope you continue to feel good...and be sure to ask your doctors if there is something they can give you to make sure you DO feel good!
  2. Adding my prayers and hoping for some good results for you!
  3. Elaine...you make a good point. I just talked to Jen...and she says they may biopsy the liver tomorrow and then chemo might start the day after that....which is, of course, what she is pushing for. To get the show on the road. I hope you don't mind my jumping in with this Jen....but I want everyone to know that you aren't planning on putting up with any unnecessary delays either...in getting treatment going! I'm pleased to read the replies of others here who say that liver mets have remained stable over a long period of time.
  4. Well, cr*p! I was all set to call you tomorrow after your first day of chemo...but I think I'll call you tonight. Jen....I'd be feeling so deflated myself with this news....so allow yourself to feel what you feel, and then fire up your reserve again, girl....because if that little liver mass is a met, they can refigure your chemo and zap it along with the primary! Move thru your fears and then get positive again, Jen....ready to fight. You've got lots of good reasons to beat this thing and that's how I want you to approach it.....with lots of fight in you, ok? I'm gonna call you.....and you've got my prayers doubled up and sent out already! Cr*p, though.....you didn't need this wrench in the works.
  5. Cat... Jen (jcawork) told me that she was told high protein, NO carbs for her PET scan too. It has to do with metabolism, I think...and the fact that what they give you before the scan is radioactive glucose or sugar. They want you otherwise DEPLETED of sugars so that any cancer cells will pick up the radioactive stuff and light up. Of course, we are pulling for you to be UNlit....very dark...no uptakes!! But at least that is the theory behind not eating any carbs or sugars...as I understand it. I have not had a PET....so pardon my layman's explanation....as I'm just paraphrasing what I recall Jen telling me. It makes sense though....as she explained it to me. She said LOTS of veggies and lots of protein. If you're vegetarian...I'd call and ask the doc whether you can just load up on veggies....and see how important the protein is for that 24 hours. As you say...if you want it to work...perhaps there is some form of protein that you could tolerate eating for that 24 hrs. Then again, easy for me to say that, not being a vegetarian. It's like - if they told me I'd have to eat liver and onions with brussels sprouts and pineapple for 24 hours to have a scan ....I'd.....well, I'd fast. I couldn't do it....not for any reason! Call your doc. Negotiate! But stay away from the fruits and other carbs if that's how your doc wants it! Good luck....sending prayers for darkness....lots of blessed darkness on that scan!
  6. Sounds like the Neulasta is pretty effective.....and that makes me happy! I appreciate the input. Just hadn't come across any info about it before...but I do worry about my already compromised immune system. I don't want to get paranoid....but if taking this helps...I'm all for it. And I'll still keep paper towels and antibacterial soap by every bloomin' sink in this house. too....plus continue to wash the outside of cantaloups and use Clorox wipes to clean the countertop after cutting up chicken! Sheesh....bad enough having cancer, but it makes you feel "dirty" about your normal habits when you have to work so hard NOT to get an infection, eh?
  7. I asked today when I was in for chemo, if they did any scans while I'm going thru chemo...and the nurse said, "No!" Apparently my onc feels that doing scans during treatment doesn't tell him much...and so they won't do any until after I've completed all 6 cycles of chemo. I didn't ask if they'd do a PET scan or what...figuring it's a few months off yet...so I can wait to ask. But I wondered if any others have oncs who feel this way. I read about some of you getting periodic scans while undergoing treatment...but don't know as I've noted anyone else whose doctor likes to wait. I don't know either if this depends on the type of l.c. and stage....as to whether or not my onc does scans during. Guess I wasn't prepared very well with all the follow up questions...huh? I suppose the only really BIG question in all this is if the chemo was NOT working....a CT during treatment would provide that info. But then again, if it wasn't working....I'd probably have symptoms that would tip them off and that they'd investigate....right? Not trying to borrow trouble here...as I really do trust my doc...but just wondered if others of you went all the way thru chemo without any scans?
  8. I start radiation on Thursday and had day one of my second cycle of chemo today. My onc said he wants me to come in on Thursday after radiation for a shot of Neulasta. He said when the wbc count goes down that Neulasta helps to boost the wbc faster. I know a lot of people here have gotten Neupogen....but this is the first I've heard of Neulasta. Not sure if they both do the same thing or not...so thought I'd come to all the "experts" here to see what you have to say! I do have chronic EB/fatigue syndrome, polymyalgia and Hashimoto's thyroiditis...so my immune system is already compromised...and I guess he figures I'm more apt than the average to get an infection and so he's giving me the Neulasta sort of prophylactically??? I'm not sure but as of today before chemo, my rbc and wbc counts were still good! Any input? John....do you know anything about Neulasta? Any one else?
  9. Wonderful news!! Most worthy of a celebration....and I hope you continue to get only good news~! Yes...this beast can be beaten...and sounds like you're well on your way to doing just that!
  10. Cat... I'm just tossing a kudo your way.....how's that? Cuz you're right...hydration is very important. Even drinking coffee is sometimes advised against....but man, I've gotta have my morning coffee or I'm just not human...you know? I drink close to 2 liters of water every day. Been doing that for a long time now....so getting the necessary hydration during chemo has NOT really been a problem for me. Again...I'd go by my doctor's advice on consuming alcohol....keeping in mind that alcohol is NOT gonna hydrate and that drinking enough water or juices is also very important! FWIW, too...when I'm feeling more tired...which I did during chemo....having a drink wasn't very appealing as it does make me even MORE sleepy. Like everything else with this disease...it's a little different for everyone...but I'd ask my doctor or the onc nurses and go by their advice, remembering that drinking a lot of water or clear juices is ALWAYS important during treatment.
  11. Jen... I had the same worries. I was dx'd on 5/10 and didn't start chemo until 5/28 because of all the tests. The last one was the abdominal scan and they found three cysts...one of which was on an ovary....so THEN they were concerned about another primary cancer and I had to wait nearly a week for an ultrasound to make sure it wasn't a malignancy on my ovary!! And yes, my anxiety grew and I coughed more and wasn't sleeping and was tuned to every little symptom as indicative that the cancer was growing out of control. Once I started the chemo, I felt MUCH better because then I was DOING SOMETHING to fight this nasty disease! When I'd ask the doctor or nurses about noticing symptoms I hadn't noticed before....invariably they would say that once you know you have cancer, your antennae is up....and you're much more aware of every little sign or symptom and it's sort of a reactionary thing. Express your concerns to the doctor and nurses...but try to accept that once you start the chemo ...you are actively engaging in fighting this thing. I start cycle two of chemo tomorrow. This past week...sometimes I've noticed an odd sensation in my chest....or some tingling in my hands....and I just tell myself, "Oh good....the chemo is still working. I can feel it attacking those nasty cancer cells and causing a strange sensation!" The past couple of weeks, I've felt better, had a better appetite and only occasionally do I take a Tylenol PM to help me sleep. I don't even need anything stronger....but I know that getting proper rest is really important. Sending you some calming vibes, Jen. A lot of this is "fear of the unknown". I start radiation on Thursday and because THAT is new...I am feeling a tad anxious....but trying not to because I'm sure once it gets going, I'll be fine. Once we know what to anticipate....the anxiety eases. Deep breaths. You'll be fine. Ask your questions too...as that will help.
  12. My onc said NOT to drink during the days of chemo or for a day or so before and after. I mean, with all the stuff getting infused, it makes sense to avoid alcohol...don't you think? Some of the anti-nausea stuff tends to make me a bit loopy anyway...so I wouldn't risk anything alcoholic. Do ask your nurses. I think for someone who regularly drinks a glass of wine or two daily...that perhaps they might advise a bit differently. But as I tend not to drink that often anyway, my doc said to avoid it right around chemo but otherwise, it was okay to have one or two. I have mine made with only a half shot now, though.
  13. A day most worthy of celebration (and that goes for the one year/no cigs as of a month ago too! ) Here's to many, MANY more such anniversaries for you and enjoy the upcoming trip! May there be many more trips to follow too!!
  14. Fay A. covered my thoughts.....If only for a magic wand to wave. It is so easy to note the pain in your words of not seeing that sparkle in Earl's eyes....and I pray for it's return. Your devotion to the Duke...and the force of your continuing hope and positive attitude is always so inspiring, Ginny. I hope you get some answers...the kind of answers you want and need...on Monday. Know that we'll all be with you in spirit...and continuing to send up prayers. And don't apologize...ever....for feeling like a downer. It's not you...it's just this d*mn disease and what it does to all of us....that we have those moments. Thank goodness we can come here...and know that others understand and will hold out a hand when we need it. Thinking of you both Ginny.....hoping that Monday brings some good news, some answers and a way to put some sparkle back in Earl's eyes.
  15. Adding my prayers to all the others. Prayers are always timely...whether before OR after a dr's appointment! Hoping this is just a little "nothing"~!
  16. Oh, Nancy.....what terrific news!! I told you...your mom is my inspiration...my hero! Bless her heart...if she doesn't have a winning attitude, I don't know who does! To know that the chemo worked so well is fabulous....and I bet she'll make it thru radiation just fine, too! Tell Mom I'm sending her a high five and an "Atta girl...you rock!!" I wanna be just like your mom when I grow up too!!
  17. Jen... I was told something similar by my onc....but ASK THE NURSES! They seem to know better. My first chemo, I ended up being there for about 4.5 hrs on day one. The next two days I went to the hospital outpatient oncology because it was over a weekend. I ended up being there 3.5 hrs. and 4 hrs. on days 2 and 3....about double what it should have been I start round two on Monday. They told me to block out about 5 hrs. on Monday....and Tues. and Wed. should be about 2 hrs. I expect. I get Decadron and Zofran plus a little glucose to flush the lines between infusions and all of that takes maybe 40 mins. or so. Each bag of chemo takes about an hour. Allowing for the fact that a nurse is not sitting right there waiting for your next step...you have to add in a little time for how busy they are, or if you need to use the bathroom in between. And you can count on needing to use it on day one, for sure. All that fluid going in...plus I had a bottle of water with me....I think I used he potty twice on day one, during....and then again before the ride home! Anyway....I'd say 3 hrs. might be a bit optimistic for day one....it will probably be closer to 4 - 4.5 and for days 2 & 3, perhaps 2 hrs...depending on exactly what they give you! Hope this helps.
  18. Addie

    god hates me

    It's always harder to find understanding or comforts when we feel we're on such emotional overload. Each of us must find out own way thru such times....and Shelly, I just wish for you to find some peace and acceptance in all that has been happening around you. I will keep you and your sister in my prayers...but please try to stay positive about your sister's prognosis...as things may turn out much better than they seem at the moment. For both your sakes...I hope that is the case! Thinking of you...understanding your hurt and confusion....and hoping for the very best outcome for your sis.
  19. It sounds like, for one so young (I'm close to your mom's age!) that you've sure figured out how to keep putting one foot ahead of the other and finding things to enjoy and value in EACH and every day!! Sometimes, it sorta feels like we're already on overload and then yet another wrench gets thrown into the works! I hope your hubby comes home soon, recovers quickly and cooperates with the Food Police~! And I hope your mom has a wonderful, if belated, family birthday celebration! 60 is a wonderful milestone....and worthy of a month-long celebration....so just tell Mom you're gonna celebrate all the way into July.! Being in remission just makes all celebrations that much sweeter too....huh? Holding good thoughts for all...and admiring your attitude!!
  20. Dear Jane... I'm so sorry. Your loving tribute to your brother was both heartwrenching and heartwarming at the same time. I've said it before...that he was a lucky man to have such love from his sister. I'm so glad you had the time together that you did...your special day, going for a ride, sharing memories and talking. And the butterfly.....well, that gave me chills too. I agree with you that time is the best healer, but I think it also helps to have few - if any - regrets. The love and devotion you had for Alan should leave you without any regrets....but rather with some comfort for having shared so much of his journey here in such a warm, loving relationship. Again, my sincere sympathies.
  21. Have a wonderful trip!! Relax, enjoy and take lots of pictures! Don't you worry a bit about us land-lubbers back home, working away as usual, doing the same-old, same-old. We'll be okay, even though we aren't on a cruise, enjoyin' the sunshine with a hunky Cabana boy. It's alright. We'll be fine. We'll all just get some paper umbrellas to put in our morning o.j. to pretend it's a tropical drink. We'll be thinking of you too, Hebbie. We won't be seasick....but perhaps a little "green" with envy! Hope you enjoy every single moment!! Bon voyage!!
  22. Oh, Rachel...this is FABULOUS!! I don't blame you a bit for the happy tears! I hope you were able to get word to Stan right away too! I'm so tickled to find such good news here tonight!! Hope you're doing a little happy dance along with those tears! And I'll take a page from your book about keeping the positive attitude!
  23. Happy Anniversary Dean and Gay! I say eat dessert first! That way you make sure you've got room for it! Hope you have a wonderful evening together, sharing 20 years of memories and smiles.
  24. Hebbie... Good thing nobody's deemed me worthy of my own talk show yet...huh? And anyway, I find Kimmel to be often mouthy! I don't watch his show but sometimes when I go to bed, I find my hubby has fallen asleep watching Kimmel! So....what'd he say? Can it be repeated? And wasn't Kimmel on that "Man Show"? From what I know of that show, he coulda (shoulda) gotten yanked off the air for a lot of what he said there, too!!
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