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Everything posted by Addie

  1. I couldn't access it either....and would like to read it. A bright light has been dimmed with Mo's passing....and though I've not been here long, it didn't take long to recognize how special she was. Randa, your strength shows in how you've handled such a hard time in your life...and proves too, how the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I think your mom would be very proud. Mo will be sorely missed here and long, long remembered.
  2. DavidA.... Hope you didn't take my "underdog" comment to be an insult to Detroit! I didn't mean it to be. To clarify....I just think the "expectation" was that the Lakers would win...that it would be harder for Detroit to win. Well...I guess Detroit showed what they're made of, eh? And yes...from what I read of the earlier games AND what I saw last night...Detroit definitely outplayed the Lakers and deserved to win. Just didn't want you to think I meant anything negative by saying it's nice to see an underdog win. The way I look at it....the Lakers themselves have the attitude that compared to them....EVERY OTHER TEAM is the underdog. In that regard then, I'll always pull for the underdog!!
  3. This sounds much more hopeful....to know that the radiologist is not convinced that this is a met! Heaving a little sigh of relief here and hoping that the facial CT defines clearly, what this is so that it can be taken care of! I know it's got to be hard...still not knowing yet....but so far, so good if there is doubt about it being a met...eh? Still sending prayers for some good news and an easy resolution!! You guys "keep the Faith".....and we'll all keep sending the Hope and Prayers....ok?
  4. Let me add my prayers and gratitude to you for going for this trial! It takes courage, I think....yet there seems a good potential for positive results too! I'll be "vibing you" for success and looking forward to a report from you!! Best wishes......
  5. I actually watched this game, even though the Trailblazers had no part in it!! It was worth it to see all those Laker butts getting kicked! Woo Hooooo.....way to go, Detroit! And to do it at home, made the win even sweeter, I'm sure! My hubby said it won't be long before the Lakers look like a brand new team...as he has a feeling a lot of them will be changing jerseys soon. As I said before, I'm just tired of LA dominating as they have for so long....when you just know that it's all a matter of $$$ to pay those big salaries to get the big talent. It's nice to see an underdog win once in a while...and I'm happy to see Motown take it to Tinseltown!!
  6. Addie

    Jiminy Cricket!

    Thinking of you Bean...and hoping NOT to hear any faint "Jiminy Crickets" from you today. Hope you are relaxed, and that the test goes well and provides answers... A friend told me that at those times I'm feeling really scared or alone....to remember that I NEVER am....that my support group is there always...."like a soft echo". So I'm telling you that WE are here for you, like a soft echo....and if you do get scared and you just have to yell, "Jiminy Cricket"....then listen hard, as there will be many echoes coming back and surrounding you, absorbing your worries and helping you get thru the day....ok? Let us know how you're doing.
  7. Addie

    One year...

    All by itself, this is worthy of celebration! Congrats to you Debi...on all of your accomplishments! I think it's hard sometimes NOT to keep letting that "c" thought track through our heads...when in fact, there is SO much more to our lives than simply cancer. You give me a lot of hope for the time when I sleep thru the night without interruption and if I DO wake, that one of my first thoughts is NOT cancer. Here's to many, many more years of feeling even better than you do today, with lots more to celebrate!! Ry... This just cracked me up! The thing is....even if WE didn't know we were losing our mind....most of us know somebody who'd take great pleasure in telling us we were.....right?
  8. Addie

    jane -fall54???

    Thinking of you and Alan too, Jane....and continuing to send prayers for you both.
  9. Well dangit....this is not what I wanted to hear either. But I know that you both have the right attitude and that you'll simply proceed with the conviction that this too, can be overcome....whatever it is. I've been waiting to hear...and I'm sorry there wasn't a simple "all clear, but try to avoid collisions with your daughter's head from now on" explanation. Prayers and positive vibes coming at you....from all directions, I expect. Please keep us posted and know that lots of positive energy is coming David's way....
  10. Well, I sure hope the dream catcher does the trick for you, Fay...and Ed as a stalker makes a bunch of sense. But if he looks like Martha Stewart....then you can just subconsciously put him to work cleaning your house!! Let him attack dust bunnies and grease under the stove burners, let him hang you some new drapes or make a slipcover for the sofa....putting his evil energies to good use, eh? There's a thought....picture ED IN AN APRON AND RUBBER GLOVES, WEARING "SENSIBLE SHOES"!! Somehow he isn't quite so scary that way, is he? If all else fails....set ED down at a table and let HIM make you some dreamcatchers for every window and door in your house. That'll keep him busy and then you can get on with the more pleasant dreams....perhaps with Robert Redford or Pierce Brosnan or Brad Pitt in them?? Whoever floats your boat. Dream up a hunk to hang out with in your dreams and let ED take care of the housework....eh?
  11. Addie


    I too, just had my first cycle of chemo two weeks ago. My oncologist assured me I would NOT get nauseous and I didn't! My appetite wasn't great at first and some smells bothered me...but once I was about a week past the chemo...I pretty much was eating normally and even put a couple of the pounds I'd lost previously, back on! Before each chemo, I am given Decadron (a steroid) and Zofran (anti-nausea) by IV. I also had prescriptions for Zofran and Compazine pills, plus Ativan (anti-anxiety) to help me sleep. The nights surrounding the three days of chemo I was restless and did need some help to get a decent night's sleep. But I found I really didn't need the prescriptions at home except for those first three nights....because what I got in the IV's prior to chemo, really took care of any problem with nausea!! In this day and age, there is NO reason for someone to suffer needlessly from nausea and loss of appetite when there are things that can be given to offset these reactions. ASK YOUR HUSBAND'S DOCTOR about them and ask for your husband to be given something! In fact, if it were me...I'd INSIST on it! Staying hydrated is really important too. I drink about 2 liters of water a day, plus a couple of cups of coffee and two glasses of milk. The oncology nurses told me to drink between 2-3 liters of fluid daily. Do encourage your hubby to keep drinking fluids....but I know even that is hard when one is nauseated. I'd get right on the phone and put a call in to the oncologist and start making a mighty noise about your hubby getting something for nausea. I just cannot imagine why - since it's available - a patient wouldn't be given the IV's or some meds to help with this. Be your hubby's advocate and insist he be given something! It will make things a bit easier for both of you....as this is all hard enough without being nauseous on top of it!! You've found the best place on the net for help, support and advice. Sorry you have to be here....but I hope what you find here will help make this journey a bit easier for both of you! Call your husband's doctor and let us know what happens...ok?
  12. Well, the Shearing and Pizza party was lots of fun! Our friend Joe did the complete barber thing...except for me taking one swipe with the electric shaver myself. Everyone else was content to watch or take pictures. Joe started by giving me my first Mohawk!! It was a rather curly, white one...and rather hilarious looking....but Joe was quite pleased with himself. I was pleasantly surprised to find a lack of knobs, knots, indentations or lumps on my skull....but man, is my head cold??? I've got a knit cap on at the moment, and have started knitting one out of lighter weight yarn....as I don't think baseball caps are gonna cut it. It's only in the 60's here today....and dang....the old noggin is feeling every little breeze! The pizza was great and I didn't have to worry about finding any hair in it!! Well, okay...some floating dog hair, maybe...but none of my own! Bald ain't so bad....except for the breeze. My son's girlfriend said she thought I looked "beautiful". I think that is QUITE a stretch....but I love the girl anyway and have to say this just makes me love her a bit more! This morning....when I came back upstairs to get the dogs up (they were still in their beds, snoozing away like my DH was....when I got up) my female took one look at me...jumped up and started barking at me!! She'll get used to a mom in a stocking cap I hope!!
  13. I've noticed here that some people have had their dx changed after treatment. For example, someone getting chemo for sclc ends up being rediagnosed with nsclc or some combination of large and small cell. I'm just sort of curious as to how often this happens? In reading the pathology report from during and after my biopsy....the initial frozen slide was inconclusive.....the notation being that it could be sclc or lymphoma. I asked my oncologist about it and whether or not it seemed like a good idea to get a second opinion on the biopsy. He seemed to feel the report left little doubt once further tests were done, that this is sclc. But when I read the report it says the pathogist "favors sclc" over lymphoma. That doesn't sound all that positive to me!! So then the worrier in me thinks...."I'm being treated for sclc but what if this IS actually lymphoma? What if a mistake was made?" I'm probably just borrowing trouble with these thoughts, I know. But when I keep reading about those of you whose dx has been changed....it does cause a person to wonder!! Should I think about a second opinion on the biopsy anyway...or should I go with what my oncologist said? I should say here, that I REALLY like my onc. He's straightforward and open and takes as much time as we need to get our questions answered...so already, I do have a great deal of trust in him. It just troubles me that others have apparently been misdiagnosed....and it makes one wonder about one's own dx, you know?
  14. Jen...think I already emailed you this info....but I receive IV's of Decadron (steroids) and Zofran (anti-nausea) and both work well to keep appetite up and nausea at bay. I have the feeling the steroids also sort of help energy level or diminish the fatigue a little. Prior to radiation I will also receive (daily) a shot of Amifostine (Ethyol) which is a radiation protector. I've been told to take a Zofran pill an hour before getting the shot to offset any nausea the Amifostine might cause. As you know....I had no nausea at all with my first round of chemo. Just a little "unsettled tummy" from trying to eat some Gen'l Tso chicken less than a week after chemo Sometimes I'm my own worst enemy They told me to avoid spicy foods...but I couldn't resist. Others might have info for you...but I'd sure ask my doc about getting something to offset the nausea. It's available and I see NO reason not to take advantage of that fact! Same goes for the amifostine before radiation.
  15. Funny threads, Peggy....thanks. Funny...but a bit scary too when I read that I may end up with a white, fuzzy BEARD eventually! My hair is very curly...and already pretty white. I'm just hoping when it grows back that it STAYS curly. Long sleek locks would have been fine when I was a teenager...but at this age, short and sorta naturally curly works better with white hair and....ahem....crow's feet (if ya catch my aging drift! ) I'm already missing most of my eyebrows and lashes. Five eye surgeries and having to tape your eyes shut at night (because of protrusion, they did not close fully...so I taped them to avoid corneal ulcers) will do that to you. Hey...maybe after chemo ALL my eyebrows will come back....eh? Uh oh...Maybelline is gonna lose a LOT of business if they do! I quit "painting" my eyebrows on about a week or so ago. There's another 10 minutes a day saved. I'm gonna have so much free time on my hands once I'm hairless...who KNOWS what I can accomplish!! Sheesh....I sure hope I don't grow a beard though. That's a little TOO much like looking like my hubby AND my dogs....you know?
  16. Hey...if lime green hair can get me into a band....I say "why not?" But I gotta tell you....I'll only lip synch!! You don't want me actually singing! Here is a link to that knitted hair hat. I can't wait for the yarn to get here...as this is almost how I wear my hair anyway....short, but a bit curlier than this knitted cap!! http://www.headhuggers.org/patterns/kpatt10.htm Hope I linked that correctly! Elaine, I figure to keep a lock of my hair since I was the third child in my family...and so never had a baby book OR a lock of hair saved. Now...I'll have a lock of almost 58 y/o hair in a cancer journal! Hey....close enough, huh?
  17. ....in that I'm starting to shed! My head has been itchy for several days now...but not until yesterday did running my fingers thru my hair leave me with a handful!! My hubby remembers the doctor saying it would be about 14-15 days from the first chemo. I remembered hearing 19 days. Yesterday was 15 days so I guess hubby's hearing is better than mine, huh? Anyway, my oldest son - who shaves his head - and a good friend who also shaves his head are coming over tonight, with their respective girlfriend/wife and the six of us are having a Shearing and Pizza Party. Everybody that wants to...gets a shot at shearing a patch off my head. Now that it's happening....I think I'm sorta going to miss my hair...altho not having to mess with it everyday will give me those 10 minutes to do something else....right? I don't figure on getting a wig. Our lifestyle is pretty casual and I can't imagine that there is anyplace I'll need to go in the coming months where hair is mandatory. In the grand scheme of things....this isn't exactly big or unusual news...but I guess it's sort of a significant "milestone" for my journey with cancer....to have reached this point. I did find a pattern on the web yesterday for a knit hat, made with "eyelash yarn" that almost looks like hair!! Since I knit, I ordered some of the yarn to make myself a couple of these "hair hats". One yarn is sorta close to my own hair color.....but the other yarn is lime green!! It might just be fun to be a 57 y/o "punker" with lime green "hair"
  18. Addie

    Iressa IS working!

    Such good news is always welcome!! Congrats to Mom!! I'm sure this will send them off on vacation with big smiles. Hope the Iressa just keeps on working for her!!
  19. So happy to hear that it's working already to rid your DH of the pain!! I look forward to continued good news from your "camp", Peggy....and am so glad things look brighter for both of you!! Hope you enjoy the weekend too...and that it's full of sunshine!
  20. Jen... I'm pretty new to all this and just finished my first cycle of chemo 2 weeks ago. I'm on carboplatin instead of cisplatin....a choice my onc made because I have a chronic kidney condition. He told me that cisplatin CAN be harder on the kidneys....and in my case, he opted not to use it. Now...in the absence of an already existing kidney condition...I wouldn't be concerned with a regimen of cisplatin/VP-16 and my understanding is that it's been used for a while because it's effective! The carbo/VP-l6 is also effective for treatment of sclc and both regimens are even more effective when combined with radiation, according to what my onc believes. Some of what you'll read on the internet is dated....old info...including the statistics on survival! I take all of that with a grain of salt. I'm much more inclined to listen to what the front-liners tell me....the doctors and nurses that deal with all of this daily! I use the internet info mostly to form my own questions....which I then take to my medical team. My doctor gives me both decadron (steroids) and Zofran (anti-nausea) by IV before administering the chemo and I had not ONE MOMENT of nausea! To tell you the truth, an allergic reaction was my last worry in the face of possible nausea and hugging that ol' proverbial porcelain bowl! Other than a little fatigue right around the days of chemo, I've really felt pretty darn good! Once radiation begins too...I'm anticipating more fatigue...but beyond that I'm just not going to pre-suppose too many side effects unless and until I am actually experiencing them. I'm finding, as I head off on this journey into the unknown, that THAT'S the part that is the most bothersome.....the unknown is what creates fear and stress for me. I'm doing my darndest NOT to let it get to me. I mentally try to be as prepared as I can...have good questions to ask and otherwise table any worries till such time as I actually EXPERIENCE a side effect....IF I actually do! I mean why worry about "what might happen"? Think of the possibilities, ask questions, be prepared for the contingencies and aware of how your body feels and any changes in that....yes. But worry, stew, fret and make myself crazy with worry? Why DO THAT to myself? Getting the chemo was no problem. I took a book to read, a journal to write in, a bottle of water and a granola bar or two to snack on. It takes some time out of your day...but otherwise it wasn't a problem. Even if WE aren't too used to it all yet...the nurses are...and they are, for the most part, empathetic and warm and wonderful! I had anti-nausea meds to take at home, as needed or according to a schedule...as well as something to help me sleep, if needed. Beyond those three days of chemo....I didn't even need to take the meds and a Tylenol PM helps me sleep just fine, without needing anything stronger! Take a few deep breaths, and as others will tell you....trying to image those cancer cells being destroyed by the chemo is a very positive thing to do. Just close your eyes and imagine it in any way that makes sense to you....but keeping such positive images and thoughts IS beneficial. Stress and worry are not good for the body!! Trying to stay relaxed and concentrating on the fact that you are doing something to fight this disease is far more helpful! Whenever I have my little moments of fear or doubt....I reach out in any way I can to find someone or something to help me combat that fear. I have some great real life and cyber friends who help me stay positive, along with my hubby and two sons. Plus I've ordered a few good books to read about having cancer and how best to fight it! And of course, reading about some of the success stories and survivorship here....is also a positive boost, along with all the helpful advice, info and support! Try to remember too, that we are ALL unique and individual.....so someone else's experience won't be ours in EVERY aspect! Keeping this in mind...I try just try to pull as many positive or hopeful things as I can from the experience of others....while not presuming the negatives...if that makes sense. Sorry to be so long winded....but just a couple of weeks ago I was where YOU are...taking the first major step in this journey, so I can identify a lot with your feelings. Take it from me...at this point, there has been nothing to fear!! I feel I'm in good hands with my medical team...and my doc TOLD me I'd not get sick from the chemo and he was right!! Trust in your medical team...ask good questions...and try to relax a bit. The road ahead is long....with several cycles of chemo. Set the fears aside if you can...and just make sure you've got some good books to read or some t.v. shows you want to catch up on during this time Good luck and remember we're here to answer questions too...whenever you have them.[/i]
  21. Oh, Shelly...my deepest sympathy for the loss of your father. I did a search to see if there was a recent post from you...as I've been worried. I must admit.....this is my first time in this forum. I hadn't yet found the courage to visit here...but your lack of posts elsewhere worried me. Please know I've been thinking of you. I am so sorry for all you've been through....but you needn't feel like you've lost against the cancer....because love always triumphs and you clearly loved your parents and they surely knew it! Hold on to the good memories....because in time, they very much obscure the struggles, the pain, the difficulties involved in losing a loved one. In time....the good memories triumph too! Sending a prayer for you for healing this terrible loss and for comfort. I'm so sorry, honey.
  22. All by itself, moving is a sort of grief process in that we leave our support system behind and have to build a new one in our new place. Certainly, we continue relationships that we've left behind...but it takes a while to build up new day-to-day relationships, new friendships with people that are right there. I admire your honesty in putting out the thoughts you did in this post....and I think it's caused a lot of us to think more deeply about how cancer affects us....not just physically, but also very much so mentally and emotionally. Part of living with cancer AND the healing process...is addressing all aspects of how cancer affects us. And sometimes...it's just not all that easy to figure out....but putting the confusion out there, at the very least, allows us to share it and learn how others deal with it. Any burden feels a little lighter when we know others share in it with us.
  23. All by itself, moving is a sort of grief process in that we leave our support system behind and have to build a new one in our new place. Certainly, we continue relationships that we've left behind...but it takes a while to build up new day-to-day relationships, new friendships with people that are right there. I admire your honesty in putting out the thoughts you did in this post....and I think it's caused a lot of us to think more deeply about how cancer affects us....not just physically, but also very much so mentally and emotionally. Part of living with cancer AND the healing process...is addressing all aspects of how cancer affects us. And sometimes...it's just not all that easy to figure out....but putting the confusion out there, at the very least, allows us to share it and learn how others deal with it. Any burden feels a little lighter when we know others share in it with us.
  24. Addie

    More News on MO Sugar

    Mo...you were one of the first people I could tell was a real presence here....and someone everyone adores! Please know my prayers are added to everyone else's....that you can overcome this and that treatment is available to help you even if it's not chemo. Keeping you and your family in my warmest thoughts and praying for a turn for the better.
  25. Addie


    Kelly, I wasn't yet a member when you went missing due to your father's decline....but please accept my sincere sympathies on such a difficult loss. The tribute and celebration of your dad's life sounds as though it was meaningful for your family and I'm sure your dad was there, watching it all approvingly. I hope that time and all the wonderful memories you have will bring comfort. Again...I'm so sorry.
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