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Posts posted by Sandra1AL

  1. Wow what a day :( we just found out that my stepfather has inoperable lung cancer, it has not spread ..

    I was prepared for the lung cancer part but not the inoperable part, i feel like he has just been given a death sentence, maybe he has.


    My husband heard on Wednesday that he has inoperable lung cancer. I'm trying to be positive and I know there is power in the many prayers being offered on his behalf. Yet at 1:30 a.m. I'm awake and having all kinds of negative thoughts. I want to be strong for him. We visited the oncologist yesterday and he was encouraging at the same time he said chemo is the only therapy because there is a tumor in each lung. My husband is 58 and in otherwise good health which the doctor says is a positive. Friends are more precious than ever at this time, but I need to hear from those who know what I'm feeling. I'm glad I found this site. Night time is the worst time. Thank you.

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