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Amy P

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Everything posted by Amy P

  1. I think Amy lives in a different area and cannot attend the appt.'s. which has to be absolutely frustrating. I know at one point her Dad was going to see if they could call her during the appt. not sure what happend with that. I agree that she should sign the HIPPA paperwork. Mom did so I could call and ask questions if needed. Sorry Amy, I don't mean to answer for you, bad habit of mine Much Love to You All, Amy P
  2. Amy P

    On oxygen?

    My Mom is another one-lunger and she only uses oxygen at night (for sleep apnea) but I WISH she could have it regularly - her sats are too high so medicare won't cover, but she is sooo short of breath even walking short distances. Her oncologist has tried and tried to walk her so her sats would drop but it never happens. Best of luck to you! Much Love, Amy
  3. Too Funny Bruce - a couple of those could have come from the mouth of my 5 yr old Thanks for the chuckle! Much Love, Amy
  4. Amy P

    prayers please

    MJ - Praying for your Mom and you! Please let us know how things are going. Much Love, Amy
  5. Amy P

    Mama Bear

    For all you Mama Bears out there..... Baby Bear goes downstairs and sits in his small chair at the table, he looks into his small bowl. It is empty. Who's been eating my porridge?!!" he squeaks. Papa Bear arrives at the big table and sits in his big chair. He looks into his big bowl, and it is also empty. "Who's been eating my Porridge?!!" he roars. Momma Bear puts her head through the serving hatch from the kitchen and yells... "How many times do I have to go through this with you idiots? It was Momma Bear who got up first, it was Momma Bear who woke everyone in the house, it was Momma Bear who made the coffee, it was Momma Bear who unloaded the dishwasher from last night, and put everything away, it was Momma Bear who went out in the cold early morning air to fetch the newspaper, it was Momma Bear who set the darn table, it was Momma Bear who put the cat out, cleaned the litter box, and filled the cat's water and food dish, and, now that you've decided to drag your sorry bear-asses downstairs, and grace Momma Bear's kitchen with your grumpy presence, listen good, cause I'm only going to say this one more time... "I HAVEN'T MADE THE PORRIDGE YET!!"
  6. Amy P

    Two Robins

    This has been around for awhile but still makes me laugh Two robins were sitting in a tree. "I'm really hungry," said the first one. "Let's fly down and find some lunch." They flew down to the ground and found a nice plot of newly plowed ground that was full of worms. They ate and ate and ate till they could eat no more. "I m so full, I don't think I can fly back up into the tree," said the first one. "Let's just lay back here and bask in the warm sun," said the second. O K," said the first. So they plopped down, basking in the sun. No sooner than they had fallen asleep, when a big fat tomcat up and gobbled them up. As the cat sat washing his face after his meal, ;he thought... scroll down) ready??) you're gonna like this one) I JUST LOVE BASKIN ROBINS."
  7. TeeTaa - Thanks for sharing...That is AWESOME!!!!! Much Love, Amy
  8. Amy P

    Breathing test

    I got a 70 then a 67 and the second time I was really struggling... what does this indicate?
  9. Pamela - I am so sorry for your loss. I have been wondering about you and how things were going. Please accept my deepest sympathies. I hope you have a safe trip, when you get back please give me a call maybe we can get together and have cofee or whatever....I am thinking about you! Much Love, Amy
  10. Ginny - I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that I am praying for you and your family during this time. I was so evident that you and Earl were so in love. The obituary was beautiful and I too will toast Earl this evening! Wishing you strength in the coming days. Much Love, Amy
  11. ((((((((((Karen)))))))))))))) Reading your post reminds me so much of where I was in April, won't go into that but suffice to say I cried more than several times at work - a couple of times in my new bosses office (I had only been working for him for 2 wks!) and even more at home. I was SO over whelmed - so many people needed me for so many times but then those same people kept saying I needed to take care of myself but I didn't know how...I have always been the caretaker etc. What I am getting at is you are entitled to the pity party - for at least a little while - because you do have A LOT on your plate right now. Cry, Cry and Cry some more - I always did mine in the shower so I didn't have the answer the kiddos questions - it is one of the best emotional releases. You will make it through this because I can tell from your posts that you are one tough cookie (and being a woman doesn't hurt either ). I am hoping that Dave's parent get there soon and can help relieve some of the pressure on you and once they do, as other have suggested - do something for yourself - massage, pedicure or something. I wish I was there to give you a hug and take you to a good chick flick!!!! Sending extra prayers for you and the whole family!!!!!! Much Love to you, Amy
  12. (((((((Ginny)))))) Will say an extra prayer for the both of you this evening. Much Love, Amy
  13. Well the prayers must have worked...my SIL's OB thinks that she sustained at least one of the pregnancies, she should get absolute confirmation next week sometime. Yeah AND my interview went very well. I somehow managed to talk for 4 solid hrs (if you knew me, it wasn't really that much of a stretch and I think I nailed it, I have no regrets so if I don't get in the program I know that I did my best and that it just wasn't meant to be. Thanks to all of you for your prayers!!!!! Prayer Warriors Rule! Much Love, Amy
  14. Just heard that they upgraded Charley to a category 4 - Prayers for keeping our Florida and Georgia friends safe!!!!
  15. ((((((((DeDe))))))) Welcome to our family. Praying for your family through this difficult time. Much Love, Amy
  16. Paige - I am so sorry. Please accept my sincerest sympathies. Much Love, Amy
  17. Amy P

    Fun in Heaven

    TeeTaa - That was a wonderful tribute to two wonderful guys. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us. Much Love to You, Amy
  18. Paige - Prayers coming for you and yours for strength in the coming days. Will send a PM with other thoughts. Much Love to you!! Amy
  19. All of you wonderful prayer warriors, I am calling on you to pray for my sister-in-law who was over joyed when she found out she was pregnant 2 wks ago and ever more so when she found out that it just might be twins...well after some severe cramping and heavy bleeding they don't think she will be able to sustain one, let alone two pregnancies. She will find out tomorrow morning. Please pray that she finds the strength to deal with whatever the news may be! Much Love, Amy PS. and could you throw an extra one on there for me too as I have a four hour interview tomorrow morning - I am trying to get into a management program at work - they are only taking 5 out of 20 candidates! Many Many thanks!!!! You all are DEFINATELY the best!
  20. Amy P

    Tuesdays With David A

  21. Angie - Please take care yourself and know that when we are ready to come back we'll all be here waiting with open arms. Prayers for your Dad and your family that he will get to feeling better. Much Love to YOU!!!! Amy
  22. Cat - I am so happy for you. You more than deserve this wonderful turn of events. I will also be sending letters to my senators and congressman. I thought I read that Sam Brownback is co-sponsoring a bi-partisan cancer bill (Jane - did you put that in one of your letters??) and he is from KS so my letter to him will be to thank him for his support. Anyway, I am very glad to hear things are going better for you and that your former onc has finally taken his head out of his rear end and signed to proper paperwork. You are an inspriation to stand up for what you believe in. You go Cat! Much Love to You!!!! Amy
  23. Amy P

    David A

    No words can express what I am feeling. My heart goes out to the family of this wonderful man. His sense of humor was soooo much like my husband's that while I didn't "know" him I felt like I did. He was always so full of hope and the love he had for his family is so evident. Please accept my my sincerest condolences during this difficult time. Much Love to You All!
  24. TAnn - Welcome back - I am very jealous but I am know it was well deserved. Glad you had a safe journey!!! Much Love, Amy
  25. Thank you all for your encouragement and support. Mom hasn't asked again but when she does (and I know she will) I will be ready I did pick up the phone today and actually made a phone call to get my youngest back to her see the child psychologist - trying to keep her off medication. I have the utmost respect for this man and am going to ask him for a referral for me. My insurance Co. does this but I had a HORRIBLE experience when we were trying to get counseling for Abby - they tried to send her to a pyschiatrist at age 4, unaware of that at the time, I called to make an appt and explained the situation - they refused to let me and my hubby meet with the doc first w/o Abby and then proceeded to ask me if she had ever tried to kill herself...WON"T ever use that service again and will pay what I have to to see a good Dr. Amy - my heart goes out to you and your family. You sound like a strong person to be able to handle all of that + your Dad's dx. I will keep you and yours in our prayers. Thanks again to all of you for taking the time to help me sort this out! Much Love to you all!!!!!
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