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Posts posted by Karma1976

  1. tara so sorry to hear about your uncle. and doctors are awful when it come to the "time frame" they are honestly jerks. OK even if so, say he did have a year to live...exactly what should he do with this info???? um, i be utterly depressed too. Numbers are just numbers, tell you uncle there are people on here he can talk to too, it made my dad feel a whole hell of a lot better!!!

  2. Shannon that is UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! what kind of cancer floor are they??? and if not a cancer floor....a hospital floor. I know at mass general they had a fridage with boosts, this generic soda called shasta (i used to joke with my dad if he wanted a shasta McNasty ginger ale) juices etc. and ANYONE OF US could go in there at anytime to get him something. As far as food???? More in awe!!!!!! Do they not have the sheet that looks like a number 2 test final that you can pick his meals?? how can they not???? 3 times daily my dad got whatever (even if he didn't fill it out they would pick according to his disease and diet constraints) that is just not right!!!!! so not right!!! I would contatc the hospital heads for cripe sakes. I would contact the damn news!!!!!

  3. Sorry to hear that your dad is feeling under the weather Katie, I agree with Debaroo though i would ask for an MRI to rule out anything. I am suprised they didn't

  4. Schmid you sound like you have your act together and are VERY into finding out all you can. I was the same way and it is your parent!! Here is a great place to be to find out about treatments and in general aside from all the studies and big fancy medical terms, what pleural effusion, Gamma Knife, and carbo/taxol/taxotere/VP-16 actually looks like form a patient/human point of view, not a double blind study. Welcome!!! :D

  5. Sandra welcome...i have to say I am in LOVE with Australia and have never been there but new south wales is where i would like to head to. SOME DAY SOME DAY. Sorry you have to be here but again welcome everyone here is so nice, supportive and great friends.

  6. In paranormal Psychology terms it would be i think refered to as an orb. Sometimes happens in cemtary's some people say they are bands of light that are just there (bad picture) some people say it is the actual spirit of a person. I say which ever you think it is up to you :D

  7. Wow i loved hearing these other stories!!!! i am a firm beliver in this and YES the watch thing is ultra freaky! when i told my sister sandy who is in Chicago for a wedding i said so dad's badge number was 446 and she said oh my god mom made me play that number a couple of times last week cause a watch was going off at 4:46....i was like i know!! It was funny cause i didn't even need to get into with her. I would LOVE to hear more stories cause I think it is nice to know that they sometimes let us know their presence is here.

    Heading to New Hampshire in honor of my dad, going to see the old man on the mountain no more since he never got to get back up there to offer his respects to him, so we are doing it today and goign to go hiking and stuff! Happy Father's day to all!!!!!!!!!!! Gives your an extra squeeze for me ok! :D

  8. Ok WEIRD stuff has been happening since my dad died. I think i told you guys about how when we returned my dad lexus they said we were missing a set of keys (we gave them 3 already, jeez how many more can there be) so my mom was like Jimmy where are the keys?? out loud. couple hours later she was rolling some coins due to her temporary broke status and she went into a coin box he had that she NEVER went into. No one did unless she wanted a tounge lashing (my dad knew when i took like a dollar from his coins so no one touched) the keys were in there!!! werid.

    and i said to renee's post about the cemetary how the sun has come out of clouds whenever i have gone

    now NEW freaky stuff

    so my dad's work buddies stopped by my mom house today they gave her a card from everyone with $1000 in it. presented a duplicate plaque to her that they have put up at his desk in GE that says here worked a hardworking so on and on man James F. Santilli who can not be replaced on and on, and included his employee badge number 446...how sweet huh, i was all like chocked up when my mom read it...here is the freak part and like i said this has been happening all the damn time now. I have one of my dad's watches the one he wore up till his death, my mom said i found his other old watch, you know what time it has been going off since she found it like 3 days after his death 4:46 am. my dad would NEVER set it for that early he worked the 3rd shift.......my mother said i took the watch down for the bedroom and showed them they were all freaked out and she never knew that was his employee id was 446 and i promise you he would have NEVER set it for that time regardless.

    He is coming thru BIG TIME, but that does not surprise me much since he was pretty much let his presence be known when he was here. Just wanted to share.

  9. I can even explain how much i agree about the whole lung cancer smoking shiznit! ummm, if they banished smoking to the depht of hell, is all of a sudden the lung going to be the ONLY organ that can NOT no way in all hell get cancer....wow :shock:

    My favorite, for my dad passing. It was the holiday weekend so wake was tuesday, funeral wednesday i took the rest of the week, yeah like I could go into work PLUS all the stuff that has to be done!! I was up at the crack of dawn in bed at like 1-2 at night remenising with relatives and carlo & rossi. well on monday when i went back to work i said to a friend over email how tired i was when she asked how i was doing. she said oh really well you had a week off??? ahhhh, i forgot i was on vacation people... that is right being up til 4 am wathing your father pass away and taking your mom and aunt to the ER to get treated, burying a loved one, going thru old photos and clothes for people, trying to figure out all the legality issues...your right i forgot what a vacation! Not sure why people choose hawaii over a nice beverment vaca... :shock::shock::shock:

  10. no offense but what a pompous *ss he is for making that statement! UMMMM what we expected to see??? so if he is optimistic...everything is working the way we want it too, if he sees the glass as half empty then we knew the cancer will take over??? I am so sorry for that statement! BUT on the other hand congrats about that AC!!!

  11. I am so so sorry to hear about his mom, i can not believe that!!!!!! Let jay know we are all thinking of him!!!!

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