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Posts posted by Karma1976

  1. Debi, good luck with your operation!!!!! I know how corporate issues can suck! it is amazing to me how little they give to someone who is out of work for ligititmate reasons, how DO they live? But do take Mrs. Mike's advice and do not worry about that, worry about you getting better!!!! :D

  2. Nancy I am so so sorry, My dad passed away May 25th and it was way way quicker than we expected also. And we were all there for his last breath ourselves which i can not tell you has changed my life in a way i am not 100% sure of yet is good or bad. I am happy i was there for HIM, for myself i try to stop thinking about that moment and i can't. If you need to talk i am here, so please do not hesitate to PM me!!! again i am so so sorry!

  3. I can only reiterate what people have said here. Most people find out due to a cough or something along those lines. Let us know when you find out the results. you never know it may just be contained to the lung as of now. Not sure what gave the dr. a clue if it was it would be at stage III??? I mena i am sure they may be certain signs, but my dad had no clue he was at stage IV neither did his doctor at first without the tests.

  4. Becky lung cancer sucks whether anyone is a smoker or not i agree. BUT i hate to say sometimes NOTHING will scare people into quitting. Unless they themselves deal with it or maybe have a loved one and sometimes THAT may not even help. it does stink and trust me some people who smoke want to quit a lot of them but it is an addiction that is hard to break.

    You know it is difficult too cause people say i eat right i never smoked.... some people change their lifestyle 20 years after from drinking and smoking heavily to not and then at the ripe ole age of 58 get it. What did they do wrong??? Studies claim if you quite smoking in like 3 weeks, this will be better in your lungs and in one year new tissue will grow and so on in 5 years this will be so much better??? If that is true, then why does it happen to people who quit eons ago??? Then if someone quits smoking now are they destine to get it no matter what????

    I actually had a good friend after she heard about my dad say....it is tough cause i want to quit smoking then i look at your dad who quit years and years ago and he still gets it, sooo do i quit deprive myself of something i enjoy to save myself just to deal with it regardless??? she is taking her chances and you know what....i understand her philosophy and can validate what she is saying, cause that is her choice and i have to respect that. I do not get offended when people smoke around me, usually they go outside and that is obviously the best thing, no one wants to smell like smoke, but unless i am in a smokers house and i choose to go there so, so be it to me, they have that right. I grew up around smoking, so i guess the fact of the matter the way i look at it too, i maybe destined for it myself and not sure if making the universe smoke free will NOW help my chances any.

    I do however think, that smoking hopefully is going to be on a decline. It is such a taboo now...people are banished to ally ways to smoke; it is not a dignified thing anymore. So I hope for the futures sake, lung cancer (smoking related) declines...but lung cancer IS a cancer, cancer does NOT discriminate so it is not all about smoking. Maybe after studies show the amount of people who smoke is down significantly then lung cancer will get more research funding cause people will not be so blind to other contributors to it.

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