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Posts posted by Karma1976

  1. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!! Keep the posts coming i think it is very helpful for my dad to see he is not alone in the old crapola that chemo can cause. Thank you Katie B! Connie B, Daggiesmom (love the dog by the way and so did my dad) angel, ginnyd, Donna G, Terrie, Candy, Hebbie, Debaroo (you know we would sooo hang out if i was out in long island! and you in boston!!) and don wood!!!!! I honestly appreciate you taking the time out to give my dad a shout out! He is taking off for his appointment at 12 and i hope now has a better idea of something he can talk to the doctor about and just a better feel of he is not alone and that reading post from actually people, live people who are going thru it or with the person going thru it is helpful and how positive thinking can really lift your spirits!!!!! Thank you all again!!!!!! :D

  2. Renee we are all here for you AND you should not feel bad for having to take charge of your life too. (especially with your boyfriend...so sorry to hear about that!!) It sounds like she is a lot to handle for one person right now!!! I do not think you should feel guilty at all, you have done so much for your mom!!! I think she wished she could not be acting the way she is...it does sound like it would be in the brain and having a degree in psych and taking sooo many classes about the brain and moods. I know you wouldn't but nothing she does you should take personal or to heart it is all beyond her control. I am sending my banana to give you a great big hug cause you need one!!! Hang in there please. and I hope your boyfriend is ok!!!!! and you are an AWESOME daughter and she is lucky to have you.

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