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Posts posted by Karma1976

  1. Yeah i find out today what kind of chemo it is going to be from my mom. I may go over the hospital during lunch to see them. Mass general. (i live 5 minutes out of Boston near the airport and work in boston)

    so hopefully i can brave the cold and maybe pop by there.

    Is it true that you may get sick 2-3 days AFTER the chemo?

  2. When exactly does hair start falling out? Just to prepare for my dad. Today actually right now i think he starts the chemo. I think something like 6 hours??? is that possible dear god! his are one every 3 weeks. and renee i do not mean to laugh but your comment about your bro being an a-hole made me laugh. He must be pretty impressed with you though to handle all of this so well :D

  3. I have super heros who do a dance too. If you start an account at boompeed.com you can add images to their site and they give you a url for that particular image. I am/was a dancer so spiderman dancing makes me laugh too me and my friend kenny have actually somehow remember how spiderman does this so sometimes we joke and do this dance oursleves.


    I know this dance too. haha glad everyone likes them.

  4. Thank you all I will keep everyone posted. I know yesterday he had radiation again and they want him to get a cane in fear his left leg is about to break. so crazy how you can go from one month everything being fine to possibility of bones breaking all over the place.

    I printed out the lung cancer manual yesterday and made them a binder of all resources from the ALCASE.

    Junior the last time my dad cancer. it was localized (Thank god) so they only did radiation (originally they wanted to do both) but he had to have a surgery that was originally going to be really complex but once they went in they tried another approach and it worked.

    Chemo is going to be REALLY new for all of us. Plus I am older now (26) I was 16 for the last cancer and kind of oblivious to all that went on. Also my dad has a great head of hair for a 58 year old Italian. haha, I think that is going to be weird. oh also I forgot, his moustache! I have never in my life seen him without one? (well i am assuming he will lose it) just certain things I know I am going to be really internally freaked by. I am VERY good about a lot of things that would make other feel uncomfy, they do not bother me in the least but this is my dad whom I think is going to be upset himself. I love the man to death but he is not exactly a carefree man. he is a complete hot blooded Italian man that has made an art form out of swearing. When I went to their last appointment with them and he slipped and said so what does that shi_...I mean stuff mean? I almost laughed out loud in his face cause it was so cute. haha

    if anyone can tell me what chemo and stuff will be like. I am not sure yet what he will be on. again Friday he starts once every 3 weeks.

    Marlon you are right though this board is VERY helpful!!!!! Thank you so much for referring me!

  5. Marlon thanks a bunch! I will do that. I feel bad for my dad just cause his life was finally starting to work out. (they had to file for bankruptcy after the last cancer due to being out of work, medical and credit cards bills piling up) again 10 years ago that was so he just leased his dream car a Lexus 300 and things were finally working out for them after years of struggling and then this! I can tell his spirit is down, I feel mentally he might be just giving up.

    I bought my mom my big fat Greek wedding for her since she has been through a lot in the past month. so I asked if they watched it last night. she said I did he refused (now mind you he did want to see this once it came out to dvd) he refused cause he was afraid he would laugh and he didn't want to since it would hurt. isn't that so sad. :(

  6. Hello and thank you for an idividual on the health boards to refer me to here.

    My dad went for a regualr check up a month ago. he thought he had pnemonia and told his dr. (he is also a survivor of mouth and throat cancer - 10 year remission) The dr. took x-ray and then called for a cat scan...biopsy. He was diagnosied with NSCLC squamous cell. After the biopsy they said if any problems arise to come back. his rib was hurting him, they x-ray thought that he broke it from coughing.

    They did the normal tests to determine the staging. When the results came back (which seemed sooo long and sporatic) they said he had cancer of the bones too. it mestasized to his rib, left leg and base of skull. so far so good on the cat scan of the brain. They staged it at IV. He started radiation and will start chemo on friday once every 3 weeks.

    I plan on going to read all sections of this site, but i am hoping their are some sucess stories of stage IV. I know the dr. told him on his appointment on friday he had a 30% chance of lasting the year. 30% good? or 30% bad? where is the 70%?? 70% he can last 300 years or 70% he will last 2 days? Sometimes the info isnlt clarified the way it could be. Thank you all again for taking the time out to read.

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