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Posts posted by Karma1976

  1. hello all now I deceided to change the dancing banana avatar to an old picture of me, my sisters and my dad. I am the dark haired green monster on the big wheels. my dad is actually on my purple people eater tricycle there. My sister sandy is on his lap and Kim is on the back of the big wheels with me. picture circa June 1981. haha I know that cause the Kodak picture on the back tells me. It was not the postcard version of the old Kodak pictures but i have tons of those too.

    This picture will be given in for the wall of memory so i wanted to give you guys a sneak peak.

  2. Commonwealth of Massachusetts -- Governor Mitt Romney has proclaimed Lung Cancer Awareness month, thanks to Richard Thompson

    whooo hooo good for mr. thompson. I wrote to his office and others and didn't even get so much as a reply!! I did not even see this though in the papers here. good for you though

  3. I have not been here in a while and have been thinking about you all. I plan on doing the wall of memory, i just think i need to figure exactly what i want to say for him. I hope everyone is doing well.

    MGH had a palitive care memorial mass for my dad and others on the 28th of October which was nice. and Nov. 16th the church will say his name at a service. (not sure how they work that i though they say it after the year or so?)

    just wanted to say hi and that I will be lurking more often!!!!! Miss you all.

    Janine (aka Karma)

  4. I can only reitterate. sorry for this news BUT like others have said it can be treated. It is so weird, i stepped away form the board for a bit sorry i have been so out of touch.

  5. Kris I can 100% totally feel you! That is what i have been dealign with for 4 months. I was so so about looking for treatment and helping him get the best care i never allowed myself to sit and have any "Talks" with him that may have been somehting i needed. I wouldn't kind of allow them. I fouced on positive if he got upset about it i would bring up a funny memory as opposed to having him break down and in retrospect I am not sure if i should have, but in my heart i do not think i could have held any discussion about him not surviving. I am here if you need me and have thought about getting some couseling, i mean jesus not everyday someone parents pass away and that you should be 100% a ok with it. We should allow oursleves some slack sometimes i think and we don't

  6. hmmmm lied, doubt it. my dad the week before he died had a seizure spawning the looksey at his brain and confiming it was there now too. BUT i doubt if my dad did not have the seizure they would have looked necessarily. I know that is not a help i do not know. it is possible it was there and they did not know. or it is possible it wasn't and becasue it was elsewhere it was too much on other organs. I lurk on this board myself chirstina, i find it a great help.


    Katie i can relate also which i am sure you know. Some days are going to be easier then others some days I just do not knwo what to do. I am here for you anytime you need me! Knowming i have all you here on says i feel like crap is always good.

  7. > Has anyone heard of Eva Cassidy?

    Yes, I have. She did nice stuff. A little Paula Colish without the power and whining factor :wink: Wasn't aware folks were trying to bring out more material.

    I guess there was a big thing on Warren on Letterman last nite. I had obligations last nite and did not get a chance to tape either. It caught me by suprise and I was not prepared.

    Eva Cassidy is the bomb!!!!!!!!!!!! I have 2 of her cd's and i love the way she takes a song and REALLY makes you understand the meaning of it.

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