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Posts posted by SBeth

  1. Good morning!  My father recently finished his sixth round of Carboplatin, having scans after the third round which showed a little shrinkage in the liver lesion and no growth in the two lung lesions.  This was obviously good news!  However, for the past two months he has been having an increasingly harder time breathing and has a great deal of chest congestion.  His cough is very productive, but clear and no indication of infection.  His oncologist has given him Mucinex, both in syrup and pill form and neither those, nor his inhailers have helped aleviate the cough so that he can catch his breath.  When he gets so out of breath, his oxygen is little help and he gets very nervous trying to breath.  This is causing him (and my mom) a great deal of anxiety.  Any suggestions?

  2. Thank you all for all of the Welcomes and Welcome Backs...I'm so sad to be here but it was so comforting to see so many old familiar faces.  


    Dad endured his first round of CarboTaxol one week ago today and so far has not "hit the wall", but is still waiting for the side effects to present.  The view from the seat as a daughter is far different than that as a spouse and so much has changed in treatment that I feel like this is a whole new journey, while my siblings and mother still seem to think that I may be their resident "expert".  This is not a trip down memory lane that I wanted to take, yet here I am so I come back to all of you here very humbly and ask for your prayers and your guidance with a few questions...


    My father is 71 years old and suffers from COPD prior to the LC diagnosis.  He has so far avoided the assistance of oxygen for fear that he will become dependant upon it for complete breathing.  Last night he found himself extremely out of breath while repeatedly making trips to the bathroom feeling the onset effects of chemo.  I think the fear of catching his breath has made him to decide having oxygen "readily available" is going to be a necessity.  However, when he was administered his first round of chemo last Tuesday, they also administered a dose of steroids thru the IV.  The first 48 hours post chemo he felt 10 years younger.  He had a GREAT appetite and did not have to use his inhalers at all.  As expected (and remembered) the euphoria from the steroids wore off and he is back to no appetite and hard to breath.  I'm going to go with him to his next oncology appointment  but can someone remind me....will they allow him an Rx for steroids for a short period of time if it could improve the quality of life for a long family weekend getaway?  Or could that do more damage than good?


    As always, thank you to everyone here and prayers to all!

  3.  Thank you all for all of the Welcomes and Welcome Backs...I'm so sad to be here but it was so comforting to see so many old familiar faces.  


    Dad endured his first round of CarboTaxol one week ago today and so far has not "hit the wall", but is still waiting for the side effects to present.  The view from the seat as a daughter is far different than that as a spouse and so much has changed in treatment that I feel like this is a whole new journey, while my siblings and mother still seem to think that I may be their resident "expert".  This is not a trip down memory lane that I wanted to take, yet here I am so I come back to all of you here very humbly and ask for your prayers and your guidance with a few questions...


    My father is 71 years old and suffers from COPD prior to the LC diagnosis.  He has so far avoided the assistance of oxygen for fear that he will become dependant upon it for complete breathing.  Last night he found himself extremely out of breath while repeatedly making trips to the bathroom feeling the onset effects of chemo.  I think the fear of catching his breath has made him to decide having oxygen "readily available" is going to be a necessity.  However, when he was administered his first round of chemo last Tuesday, they also administered a dose of steroids thru the IV.  The first 48 hours post chemo he felt 10 years younger.  He had a GREAT appetite and did not have to use his inhalers at all.  As expected (and remembered) the euphoria from the steroids wore off and he is back to no appetite and hard to breath.  I'm going to go with him to his next oncology appointment  but can someone remind me....will they allow him an Rx for steroids for a short period of time if it could improve the quality of life for a long family weekend getaway?  Or could that do more damage than good?


    As always, thank you to everyone here and prayers to all!

  4. Hello everyone.  I'm sad to be back here, but I know from the time I spent here in 2004/2005 that there is no better place for support, so here I am. 

    With a heavy heart, I share that my father was diagnosed this past week with lung cancer, stage 4, mets to the liver.  I'm sure I will be back to share more, listen more, help more and become a bigger part of this family again; but for now I am going to just digest all that I have learned and put on my armor for this fight again.


    My best to all....



  5. Hello All. Wow, so many of your profile pictures have changed, yet some stay the same and are a comfort to see! It has truly been too long. I have tried to check in once in a while, but sadly, it had become difficult and reminded me too much of a painful time in my life. So much has happened in the last six years, yes it is coming up on six years ago that I lost my Bill. December 9, 2005. Oh how I thought the world stopped turning, but it did not. Here I am six years later, re-married and a grandmother to the most beautiful little boy, Brandon. I miss so many of you and wonder how you are....PatKid, GinnyD, Jamie, Randy, Becky, Val, Ann...so many of you. I keep current on the ups & downs with Katie via FaceBook and hence some posts from many of you cross my path. I think of all of you so very often and always keep you all in my prayers. Much love to all of you, especially those that might actually remember me! :) Obviously, I have to show off my baby, here is Brandon on Halloween, and a picture of my new husband, Sean, and myself taken this summer.



  6. Jamie...I'm so happy you are staying so busy and life is good. I think of you ALL THE TIME and pray for you daily. I don't get here as often as I would like either, but when I do I look for something from you. Your post was music to my ears. Love you!

  7. I remember Randy. I remember coming back to LCSC a few weeks after I lost Bill and reading that you had lost Deb. I'm still so sorry for this undeniable void in your life and in your heart. I think of you often and send you hugs.

  8. Pat,

    You are always in my thoughts and now you will be back in my daily prayers as well. I miss you and I hope that you are able to get this resolved in short order. Please let me know if I can do anything. If there was a way I could adopt you and put you on my insurance, you know that I would.


  9. Becky,

    You were always an inspiration to me during Bill's illness and you continue to inspire so many here with your great news and your wonderful attitude. My best to you as you celebrate your test results. Long live the Dragon Slayer!!!


  10. Four years ago today and under a five inch blanket of pure white snow, Bill left this earth. I miss him so much. I am at work, but I really just want to go home, go back to bed and wake up on December 10th.

  11. Dear Val,

    I do understand how those painful memories sneak back into our lives and wreak havoc. I am sorry that any cancer has again hit your family. Please know that you and your family will be in my prayers.


  12. Thank you everyone for your thoughtful comments and helpful advice. I am going to go ahead and seek out some help. It just makes sense that I at least give it a try because I really don't have anything to loose!

    I guess it is probably just this time of the year. It seems that every autumn gets a little harder instead of a little easier. This month is just filled with difficult memories. I know I am not telling anyone here anything new, everyone on here that has lost a loved one knows what I am talking about. Same story, just different season for some.

    Thank you all again. While I may not post often, you can be sure that I log in frequently to keep up on everyone and their loved ones.

    Take care.

  13. Just trying to get some feedback regarding grief counseling and timing. Ry's post on another thread has me wondering...has anyone waiting longer than a year to seek counseling? I am almost at four years since Bill's death and I still find myself completely unable to accept, deal with or think about certain things. While I appear to have moved on in my life; I know my happiness is fragile due to my grief still lingering. I'm just curious if I may have waited too long. Anyone have any insight?

  14. Val,

    I do the same thing. I think we all do. I know in my heart that there were things that I could have done differently, or even better. But I did the best I could and I know that you did too. We are all only human and there is no handbook on how to let someone you love die. Don't spend too much time dwelling on this because the fact is, if you had a "do-over" and did things differently, you would probably still be saying to yourself....what if! Listen to what everyone here is telling you; many of us were here with you when you were going thru it and I can tell you that I was always amazed, impressed and in awe of your love and compassion, not only for your mother, but for so many others of us that were here for support.

    I still think of you often and wish you much happiness and love with your beautiful young family.


  15. Dear Pat,

    If I thought I could catch you before you left for Florida, I would hop in my car right now and drive up there to be with you, to give you my shoulder, to give you a hug. I am so very sorry that you continue to struggle so deeply with your loss and your old ghosts. Please call me when you get back home so we can make plans to get together. I have lots of vacation time to use and would love to come north for a day or two so we can meet up for some coffee, meals and hugs! Narry a day goes by that my thoughts aren't with you and Brian. I pray daily for you and your family. Please - let's get together!

    All my love to you my friend!


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