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Everything posted by SBeth

  1. Cathy, I just want to echo all the others in that I am thinking of you and hoping that you have some wonderful time with your children. Love,
  2. Thanks for mentioning that about your father Katie. I was reading that article and felt the wind go right out of my sails as Bill's voice has been steadily getting more hoarse, yet the last PET scan did not show any lymph node involvement. I don't think that it is fair for that "person" to make assumptions about PJ's diagnosis; and if he was making an informed and factual statement, then he should have stated so. Either way, it was an interesting article and it's ALWAYS good to have a little attention in the Lung Cancer Awareness forum. Thanks Rich for posting it!
  3. Welcome home Rick, glad all the prayers helped. Hope that you are feeling better; tell Katie she can take that deep breath now and try to relax. We'll continue to keep you in thoughts and prayers.
  4. Yep...I noticed that about Bill's nails. I find myself filing them down for him every week. I wondered too...glad you asked.
  5. Carbo/Taxol was Bill's first course of treatment. He tolerated it very well with practically no side effects. We cannot say if it worked, the lesions on his brain continued to grow, but there was no spreading elsewhere and the oncologist/neurologist believe that those lesions were there prior to starting the chemo. I don't believe that the Carbo/Taxol combination is expected to cross the blood/brain barrier; so aside from the growth on the brain lesions...it seemed to work well for Bill. Hope this helps.
  6. Dear Pat & Brian, I will continue to keep you in my prayers. How very proud you must be of your husband Pat! Brian sounds like a very strong and very courageous man to be handling those tasks. Wishing you the best to get thru the scans and get a plan in place. Love,
  7. Gail, It from reading your Dad's bio, it sounds like he is truly a fighter and has been doing well. I hope this is just a minor set back and he will again be on the road to 5 years.
  8. Congrats on one year! Are you looking forward to this coming summer as much as we are? We feel like me completely missed out on it last year. Here's to your not-so-virgin margarita! Cheers.
  9. Boy Peggy...that is what I call burning the candle at both ends. Please take care of yourself as you continue to take care of everyone else. We'll keep you all in our prayers and hope for big improvements on both fronts. Love,
  10. I don't have any answers for you either Peggy...but you know you've got my prayers that this is not the lc, but something easily treated. Love,
  11. Dave, It is really good to see a post from you. I'm so glad that you are feeling better. It sounds like you have been coaching my husband on "the perfect date"...you'll have to quit doing that! Looking forward to many more posts as you begin to feel better and better.
  12. Hello Oliver and Welcome. Thank you for sharing your story. It sounds like you have been thru the same lot as many others and are doing quite well. We hope you will post often and let us help you and be helped by you!
  13. I've found myself often lately wondering how Angie (Daughter of Bill) is doing. Has anyone heard from her or know how she is coping? Angie...if you are reading, but not feeling up to posting; just know that I'm thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. I hope you have a blessed Mother's Day with your beautiful daughters. Love,
  14. SBeth

    A wee favor...

    Becky, I'm happy to hear this great news. I have been wondering how he was doing, but trying to be patient and wait for you to post something. This is good to hear. Hope it makes your Mother's Day extra special. Love,
  15. Is this just happening in Cincinnati, or are others noticing the sudden increase in lung cancer awareness public messages and announcements? I realize that the recent diagnosis of Peter Jennings was bound to generate some much needed attention, but surely all that I am noticing lately cannot be solely due to his diagnosis? Or can it? Either way, I think it is great and long long overdue.
  16. SBeth

    My Mom is gone

    Sherri, So very sorry for the loss of your dear mother. I'm glad this board was so much help to you during her illness; please know we are all here for you during the days ahead also. So many here have already walked the path that is ahead of you, please draw upon their help/support if you need it. God bless.
  17. SBeth

    prayer request

    We are keeping Sheila in our prayers, as well as you.
  18. SBeth


    That is a great way to head into the weekend. Thanks for letting us all share in the happiness.
  19. Nancy, That is truly wonderful news. Enjoy your celebration, it is well-deserved.
  20. Barb, What a wonderful Mother's Day gift! I'm very happy for you.
  21. Dear Pat & Brian, I'm sorry to hear that there "seems" to be "something going on" and they are ordering scans. But our experience has been that the scans show everything is okay...hope yours will be the same. I will keep you in my thoughts and be praying that Brian's transition to his new way of life is an easy one. I know that it has been terribly difficult for Bill to be off work and have no plan to return, I can sympathize with you on every aspect of the "accompanying" stuff. Best wishes,
  22. SBeth

    Wood Update

    Don, Just saw your post and wanted you to know that you inspire me. You're walking 20 minutes a day...a mile; and I find myself getting winded just walking from the parking lot into my office. I'm glad you're doing so well and hope that Lucie continues to feel better also.
  23. Andrea, I saw this from Uncle Doug on another thread and thought you might want to use it....my first time with posting a "quote", hope I'm doing this right!
  24. I'm not sure if this helps, but when Bill was in the hospital and the nurse noted that he had been taking meds for chest/rib/shoulder pain and then realized he had a port, she asked if his pain was a burning pain in that area and remarked that the port may have caused an infection. Then she realized that the pain was on his right side and his port was on his left side. I agree with Don and the others and think it is something that she should have her doctor take a look at.
  25. SBeth

    Out for Dinner

    Just two weeks ago, my husband was admitted to the hospital. He was dehydrated, had no energy, no appetite, a great deal of pain in his chest and stomach. He had lost 20 lbs in less than one month. His liver enzymes were very high,alarming the oncologist as he suspected that the cancer had spread to his liver The team pulled me aside to try and prepare me for the worse possible scenario and even indicated to me that if it had spread to the liver he would "probably" only have about 3 months left. (we have since learned that the reason for that timing was that he was rapidly deteriorating from the weight loss, fatigue and pain and further chemo would probably not be an option). Last night we went out for dinner to one of our favorite Mexican restaurants; our first night out in months. He ate like there was no tomorrow. He feels wonderful...better than he has in almost a year. The cancer did not spread to his liver, he had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic he was taking and the chemo cocktail mixed with this antibiotic was literally killing him. He has been off of his chemo for three weeks now and food is tasting good again, he has a wonderful appetite and is getting stronger everyday. He still has pain in his rib/chest area, but he says it is manageable. We'll go May 20th for the whole round of scans and his MRI, but regardless of what turns up, he has decided that he doesn't want to feel that poorly again and if chemo is doing that, then he is finished with chemo(I won't hold him to that). For now, we are enjoying life and planning one crazy, over-the-top pool party for Memorial Day 2005 and we cannot believe how far we have come, how much we have learned, or how much we could love as we have in this past year. Thank you ALL for all your help in getting us thru this first year. Love,
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