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Everything posted by SBeth

  1. SBeth

    Apt Tuesday

    Nina, Prayers, prayers and more prayers headed your way for good results. Love,
  2. Dear Kristal, Welcome to this site and thank you for sharing your story. As you will see if you read my (my husband's) bio below...I can understand all you are going thru. That is great that he has quit smoking and is again able to use his arm; he's well on the road to recovery. Please come back often and let us know how you are both doing and if there is anything we can do for you. Love and prayers,
  3. Margaret, As usual, your posts are so inspiring and give me such comfort. You are a most admirable woman and wife. May God bless and take care of you and Jim on the road ahead. All my love and prayers,
  4. Hey Beth.... Get the door....it's Domino's! That should wipe out three chores...breakfast, lunch and dinner (not to mention dishes) and we all know that pizza works ANY time of the day. It's only for a week, make things easy on yourself and your kids will be so thrilled they may even take care of the laundry! Best of luck getting to the weekend. We'll be here for you. Love,
  5. SBeth

    Prayers Please

    Lisa, I have no additional advice, but want you to know that I am praying for you and your gram! Love,
  6. Hi Randi, My husband's tremors began shortly after his first surgery to remove a brain tumor. The neurologist said it was most likely from the surgery itself, but it has continued to worsen; first after his gamma knife surgery and recently since his WBR is has gotten so bad that there are times when he is completely unable to hold a drink or a pen. It has been one of the most difficult things for Bill to accept thru this ordeal. Our neurologist has given us no hope that this "side effect" will diminish, but rather expects it is permanent damage. I hope that your mother's shaking is minimal and manageable. Love and prayers,
  7. Dear Andrea, Whine away...as you can see from the time of this post, I too am having trouble sleeping. I usually go in spurts...times when I hit the pillow and sleep like a baby...and other times (like now) when I have so much on my mind that sleep just won't come. I'm sure that having such a painful test scheduled for Monday would count as "alot on your mind". I hope it goes well. In any event, I think we are normal May the sheep be lining up at your bedside soon! Love and prayers to you,
  8. Dear Shadowrose, Thank you for sharing your story and such deep personal feelings and experiences with us. I hope that your trip on the road less travelled is all that it can be for both you and your daughter. It is, in many ways, a self-less act of love to give your daughter such precious memories instead of the ones that haunt you with the loss of your own parent. God bless you during this travel. Love to you,
  9. I'm so happy to hear this great news. I hope things continue to improve. I know it must feel wonderful to see Charlie feeling better and more energetic! Continued prayers for you and your family!
  10. Maureen, You have so much going on; please know that I will be keeping you in my prayers for positive results with your tests. May you soon be part of that exclusive "empty head" club. I'll be looking forward to reading your post under GOOD NEWS. Love,
  11. Haylee, I'm just a few miles south of you in Cincinnati, count me in!
  12. Great picture Angie. I can see where you get your good looks from...and your daughters too! Tell your Dad how pleased we are to finally be able to put a face to all that love we feel for him!
  13. Hi Angie! I'm so glad to see your post. My condolences on the loss of your uncle. I feel awful for you and all that you have to endure. Please know that I will keep saying prayers that your father continues to find the strength to fight. I'm sure that your getaway to Gatlinburg will be so much fun. I hope that the weather is great and the skies are clear. There are few things I find more beautiful than those Smoky Mountains. If you're walking thru downtown Gatlinburg and you happen upon an OgleDog (it's a huge corn dog on a stick), have one for me, oh and don't forget some fudge. See you back on-board soon! Love,
  14. Ry & John, So glad that Iressa has worked so well, I'm sure Tarceva will continue to keep you STABLE!!!
  15. What a GREAT picture. You have a beautiful smile.
  16. SBeth


    I remember a few years back when I wanted to get a tatoo, but didn't have the nerve to do it. My husband came up with this quote "Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable" to try and encourage me to get that cute little dolphin tatooed on my rump. Thank goodness I was such a chicken back then and didn't go thru with it. I commented the other day that had I been more daring...my little dolphin would have become a killer whale as the years have not been so good to me. Anyway...no advice to your question Beth...just strolling down memory lane and thinking about all those things that time has not yet tempered. Good luck with your tatoo. Will you post pictures afterwards?
  17. Yes, as they are a privately owned company, it is and was legal. They're security net was their disclaimer to the employees in 2003 that the policy was going into effect in 2005. However....being legal also means...having loopholes. I'm sure someone will get wealthier.
  18. Hi Becky...I'll do my best to stop in for a visit, but jeez...these days even 8:00 is late for me to be up. Great idea to post this reminder for chat.
  19. Janet, I'm so happy to be the first to say Welcome to this site, although I'm not happy that you have a need to be here. Your story is already inspiring to me and I'm sure to many others that will read. Please keep us posted on progress and come back often with more and more good news. I cannot help you with your questions regarding mets to the adrenal, but I have confidence that there are many others who will be posting all they can to help and learn along with you. Love and prayers,
  20. http://www.channelcincinnati.com/health ... etail.html
  21. Has anyone heard from Angie lately? I know she was having internet problems and I sent her an email to her home email she posted, but haven't heard anything. Does anyone know how her father is doing? I hope I haven't missing something in the posts.
  22. Mary, Welcome to this group. You have found one of the BEST groups of people in the world right here. They will help you, listen to you, try to answer your questions and hold your hand thru this nightmare. I say "they" because I have been much more of a taker than a giver around here; but I'm getting stronger every day (Thankyou Peggy) and look forward to the time when I can give back as much as I have gained here. Everyone needs someone to talk to and there is no such thing as a stranger around here. Love and prayers,
  23. Cathy, I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you and praying that you get some relief and good news quickly. Love and prayers,
  24. Hi Beth, Chiming in here with belated but still heartfelt wishes that your 17th anniversary dinner was fantastic. Will be thinking about you today and looking for that "good news" post! Love to you and your family!
  25. I think it's great! I especially like the link to discount travel. Thank you Rick.
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