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Everything posted by SBeth

  1. SBeth


    It's a coincidence disguised as a blessing! I think that this couple is very very lucky to have such wonderful people as you and Lucie in their corner and supporting them thru this ordeal. Love,
  2. Frank...I don't get it. If you cut the cord, how does it run?
  3. GREAT TRUTHS THAT LITTLE CHILDREN HAVE LEARNED: 1) No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats. 2) When your Mom is mad at your Dad, don't let her brush your hair. 3) If your sister hits you, don't hit her back. They always catch the second person. 4) Never ask your 3-year old brother to hold a tomato. 5) You can't trust dogs to watch your food. 6) Don't sneeze when someone is cutting your hair. 7) Never hold a Dust-Buster and a cat at the same time. You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk. 9) Don't wear polka-dot underwear under white shorts. 10) The best place to be when you're sad is Grandpa's lap. GREAT TRUTHS THAT ADULTS HAVE LEARNED: 1) Raising teenagers is like nailing Jell-O to a tree. 2) Wrinkles don't hurt. 3) Families are like fudge...mostly sweet, with a few nuts. 4) Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground. 5) Laughing is good exercise. It's like jogging on the inside. 6) Middle age is when you choose your cereal for the fiber, not the toy. GREAT TRUTHS ABOUT GROWING OLD: 1) Growing up is mandatory; growing old is optional. 2) Forget the health food. I need all the preservatives I can get. 3) When you fall down, you wonder what else you can do while you're down there. 4) You're getting old when you get the same sensation from a rocking chair that you once got from a roller coaster. 5) It's frustrating when you know all the answers but nobody bothers to ask you the questions. 6) Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician. 7) Wisdom comes with age, but sometimes age comes alone. THE FOUR STAGES OF LIFE: 1) You believe in Santa Claus. 2) You don't believe in Santa Claus. 3) You are Santa Claus. 4) You look like Santa Claus. SUCCESS: At age 4 success is . . not peeing in your pants. At age 12 success is . . . having friends. At age 16 success is . . . having a drivers license. At age 35 success is . . . having money. At age 50 success is . . . having money. At age 70 success is . . . having a drivers license. At age 75 success is . . . having friends. At age 80 success is . not peeing in your pants.
  4. Melanie, I cannot reply to most of your post, as I do not have cancer and cannot imagine how it must feel. But I do know how it feels to love someone and care for someone fighting this terrible illness. I would just like to send out a resounding AMEN to your last paragraph. This site and the many posts...and sometimes just one single post...can make the most incredible difference in my hour, my day and even my week! Good luck in your fight and I will keep you in my prayers. Love
  5. They even made my husband laugh...okay, okay...it wasn't an all out laugh...but he did crack a smile.
  6. BRAVO! I'm giving you a standing ovation because I just know that I missed the one you got in Chicago! Way to go out there and show them what you've got! Love,
  7. I'm so glad this is behind you. Nothing but clear sailing ahead. I'll say a prayer that the pain from the surgery begins to ease and your chemo treatment goes easy on you. Love and prayers,
  8. Great new picture, a good lookin couple of men in your life!!! I'll keep you in thoughts in the early morning hours and hoping that the second round of farewells go as smoothly. Love,
  9. SBeth

    Anna Shearing

    Dear Geoff & Melinda, I'm so sorry for your loss and will keep you in prayer. What a beautiful obituary you have written in your mother's honor, I'm sure you have made her, and will continue to make her, very proud. God bless you and your family thru these difficult times. Love,
  10. SBeth

    What are the odds?

    I have to ditto Becky's message...I don't know what to say, except that I do know the pain of having to make a tough decision. We had to have Gizmo, our 17 year old collie, put to sleep a few weeks ago due to many many age related problems. It still hurts to think about it and the worst part of us was that we waited too long and I know his final days were not without pain. I hope and pray that you find the courage and strength to get thru this difficult and emotional time and find brighter days ahead. Love,
  11. Oh Peggy...I'm so sorry and so happy for you at the same time. It's times like this that I am so grateful mine are still too young to leave the nest (but only times like this ). Try to be strong and think about those wonderful family reunions out in Arizona and I'll be thinking of you all day long today and sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. By the way...I never realized we were "state" neighbors...what part of Indiana are you in? Take care today and I'll be thinking of you! Love,
  12. SBeth


    I'm almost ashamed to admit it...but I liked it as much as my boys! Good one!
  13. Way to go Heather & THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all the hard work. You are inspiring!
  14. Hi Jean, My husband is presently undergoing whole brain radiation for 5 mets to the brain. His too, are very small and we are hopeful that the wbr will successfully combat this hurdle in our recovery. Bill's surgery in June, combined with chemo and radiation, have left us with scans showing no visable signs of cancer and we were perplexed as well. The neurologist told us that it was very possible that the mets to the brain were microscopic and not detected prior to the start of chemo...we have no reason to believe that the chemo is not working and we are still going to be in remission once wbr is behind us. I hope and pray you have the same good fortune. Love and prayers,
  15. Karen, My deepest deepest sympathies go out to you, your family and most especially your mother. Please take care of each other and know that many people will keep you all in prayer. Love,
  16. I can't imagine there are any words of comfort for you, your mother and family right now. Please know that prayers are being said all over the world right now that you will feel peace. Love,
  17. How exciting...I love to watch Crossing Over with John Edwards. Please come back and let us know if you get to speak to/with him personally and enjoy your trip.
  18. A woman calls her boss one morning and tells him that she is staying home because she is not feeling well. "What's the matter?" he asks. "I have a case of anal glaucoma," she says in a weak voice. "What the hell is anal glaucoma?" "I can't see my *ss coming in to work today."
  19. Hi Sheryl, You have already been thru so much, I hope that your visits to this forum will help you with all your questions. I'm relatively new to cancer, so I wouldn't be so bold as to feel qualified to offer any advice, but I would love to offer you a warm welcome to this site and please know that if you need support and love, this is the place to be. Please come back often and keep us posted on recovery. Love and prayers,
  20. It's been over a week since Lisa's post. Does anyone have an update on Ahmed or if Lisa has received any help? I can't quit thinking about her and how badly I feel for her family.
  21. Tom, I will keep you, Jud and the rest of your family in my prayers. I hope that the love and support of family and friends, along with time, will slowly help you begin to heal from the terrible pain you are feeling. Love,
  22. So happy to hear this great news Rich. Enjoy the short break and prepare to continue battle.
  23. I will pray for all of you Nell. They are blessed to have such a wonderful and loving friend to help them through these painful days. Love,
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