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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. My heart goes out to you. I am so very sorry for your loss. There are many of us here who understand and we will be here for you if and when you need us. Hugs, Sue
  2. (((Jan))), lots of prayers coming from here too. Hugs, Sue
  3. Berisa, It's good to see you once again. You are certainly among friends who understand your pain. Hugs and understanding coming your way. Sue
  4. shineladysue

    It's a year!

    Dana, Happy to help you celebrate your 1 year anniversaries and wish you many many many more. Hugs, Sue
  5. Just beautiful.. I love them all. Thanks for sharing them, Judy. Sue
  6. Awwwww, Congratulations!!! Hugs, Sue
  7. Congratulations on the new baby!!! Hope Viv is doing ok, how scary that must have been . Hugs, Sue
  8. (((Janette))), I just gasped when I read this... it took my breath away and my heart breaks for you and your family. This is just so sad and so tragic.. May God be with you all. Hugs, Sue
  9. I too had wondered about Bucky and I'm so glad that this thread has a happy note and answer from Bucky... Sue
  10. Yesssss!!!! I thought I was seeing things... I mean, I CAN now see things so much easier . Thanks, Sue
  11. shineladysue


    (((Amie/Bunny))), My heart goes out to you and yours. I am just so sorry for your loss. We will all miss the Suki that you have helped us to know. She was an inspiration, a fighter and a "winner". God be with you . Love, Sue
  12. Hi Denise, Well, it's good for grandson to come when he's through "cooking"... We have a lovely day here too. I've done some laundry and dragged in a bunch of groceries and am taking 5 at the moment . Wishing the best to everyone. Hugs, Sue
  13. Happy Birthday Leslie!!! Hugs, Sue
  14. What fun, Ann!!! I remember them all.. My phone number was Justice 70979 I believe and we had a party line too.
  15. So happy for your good news, keep it coming. This is what we like to hear. Hugs, Sue
  16. Tina, thank you for sharing this so that we can know a little of who your mom was. She was truly an incredible lady, like mother like daughter .. Hugs, sue
  17. I am so very sorry you have lost your Pop-Pop. My heart is breaking for you . Know that you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you know that we will still be here in those difficult days ahead. Hugs, Sue
  18. (((Chris))), thinking of you.
  19. I'm so sorry to read this. My condolences to Corrine's family and friends. Sue
  20. (((Mike))), So many of us understand and we can relate all to well to what you are going through. It has been three years since I lost my husband, Mike (nice name ) It's still hard. I have good days , but I'm still getting blindsided by things that trigger that painful ache deep inside. Just know that you aren't alone and I've been told that the only way out of it is to go through it. It just takes time. You can come here and post any time, we care. Hugs, Sue
  21. shineladysue

    My Mom

    (((Tina))), I am just so very sorry you have lost your mom. My heart is just breaking for you . May God be with you and your family during this very painful and difficult time. Love, Sue
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