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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Woo Hoo!!! This is the most fantastic news, Patti. I can't tell you how thrilled I am to be helping you celebrate. I'm already at the pub, ready to buy the first round. Hope you have a wonderful time at the swim championship with Nick... You go girl!!!! Hugs, Sue
  2. shineladysue


    Amen!!! Love and Prayers, Sue
  3. I just learned of Carole's passing from a member of this board and I had to come here and express my deepest sympathy to her friends and family. Carole was truly one of the special ones. I will never forget her and I will cherish the few messages that I received from her. She gave so much of herself to others and I will always remember her very fondly. Sue
  4. shineladysue


    Lilly, I love sharing good news!!! I'm so happy for you. This is just awesome... Hugs, Sue
  5. Kerri, I am so sorry about the loss of your beautiful mom. She was so blessed to have had you and your dad with her. Know that we will be here if you need us as you go through this difficult time. Hugs, Sue
  6. (((Chris))), I am so sorry for the pain you are feeling today. I don't find your post "off topic" at all. I find it very much on topic. It's the memories of times and events past that seem to bring out those emotions that just kind of lie dormant until there is a trigger. It has been my own personal observation that certain triggers can bring on a flood of tears that seem to start at an alarming rate of speed and continue for a surprising length of time. We NEVER really forget . Hope you will soon feel better. Brad was blessed to have had you for a friend, Chris. Love, Sue
  7. Hope they find out what is causing the fever soon so your Pop Pop can get back on the road to recovery. I will keep him and your family in my prayers. Please keep us updated. Hugs, Sue
  8. Happy Birthday, Ry!!! Hope you have a wonderful day filled with love and special surprises. Hugs, Sue
  9. Thank you so much for being here for me. I see old friends and new friends here giving me support. It means more than you know. It has been an incredibly hard day.. I was so blessed to have had such a wonderful man in my life for nearly 36 years. I lived a dream that so many people will never know. I had a fairytale marriage and enough good memories to fill all my waking hours for a long time to come. I miss him , but I'm grateful for what I had. It was just so hard to let go.. Love to all, Sue
  10. It was three years ago today that the love of my life passed away and I still find the pain unbearable. I miss him so so so much. Just this morning, we woke to it snowing. It was the first time in years since it has snowed here. Made me wonder if he put in an orderfor it for this day. He always loved to look at the snow.. I didn't say he loved to go out in it (lol) , but he loved the beauty of it and it was something we shared together. Just sharing my day and my heartfelt thoughts with you guys because I know you "get it" and you care. Hugs, Sue
  11. That is awesome , Randy !!! Thank you
  12. Prayers on the way ,((( Randy))). Please keep us posted . Hugs, Sue
  13. A belated, but heartfelt Happy Birthday to your Mom. Sue
  14. WOW!!! Wonderful news, Becky!!! You are such an inspiration to many in this group. I'm so happy for you. Hugs, Sue
  15. Hamburger , lettuce , tomatoes, onions and Fries
  16. (((Denise))), Oh my , I just saw this and I can't believe so much can happen to one person. Bless your heart. I hope everything turns out ok. Will be keeping my eye on this space. Hugs, Sue
  17. Ann, you might throw in some hard candy and some cracker snacks.. nabs or those Handisnacks that have cheese a little knife and cheese spread ( if you have seen them, you would know). Your idea is very good and original. Other things that were done at our Cancer center were a cart with ice , cups and softdrinks was rolled around and they approached the patients and whoever accompanied them and offered them drinks while they waited for doctor appointments or were getting chemo. Another thing they did was bring in a cart loaded with cake, cookies, finger sandwiches etc. and small plates and napkins. No wonder I'm so fat, all I think about is food.. Sue
  18. Ned, I'm following your journal too. It's such a thoughtful thing for you to do, so that others may benefit from your experience. Best of luck to you. Prayers continue for Alimta to be doable for you and for your scans on March 30th to be great. Hugs, Sue
  19. Your nice long post is such a treat , Lillian. Sounds like you have been having a wonderful time with your family. Anytime someone gets to eat crabs is a wonderful time in my opinion.. lol I love them too. Steamed with Chesapeake Bay seasoning is how I like them. It's good to know that you are doing well. Take care and thanks for checking in. Sue
  20. I would definitely head out for dinner, whether they are announced or unannounced. I don't cook . Sue
  21. 1. food scraps 2. junk mail 3. food packaging
  22. Marci, You have my heartfelt sympathy for the passing of your mom. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and yours during this time and the difficult days ahead. Know that we will be here for you. Hugs, Sue
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