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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Jude, My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and your family over the loss of your husband Don. Don gave so much of himself to us. He was always sharing any information he had in an effort to help others. He also spent so much time supporting and comforting other members. I will never forget him. He was such a kind and generous person who will be missed for a long time to come. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers in the difficult days, weeks etc. to come. God Bless, Sue
  2. Amanda, Thank you so very much for letting us know about Don's passing. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and your family. Don was truly loved here. He gave so very much of himself to all of us. He was always so willing to share his knowledge and his experiences with others. So often , it was his words and opinions that gave hope and comfort to others. He will be missed and never forgotten by those of us who had their lives touched by his kindness. Know that we will be here for you if you need us. God Bless, Sue
  3. Happy Birthday Ginny!!! Better late than never.. right. Hugs, Sue
  4. Shelli, I am so very sorry you and your family have lost another member. You've been through so much. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and yours. Hugs, Sue
  5. (((Pat))), I will never forget the Brian that you helped us to know. I will never forget his courageous fight and I will never forget his courageous wife who supported , encouraged, nurtured and loved him with all your heart. I do understand how it feels the same after 3 years. It will be 3 years for me in just two months and sometimes it seems harder. Know that I'm still out here, I still understand and I still care. Love, Sue
  6. Nicole, This is AWESOME NEWS!!! I am so very happy for your family. Sue
  7. shineladysue

    NED Again !!

    WOO HOO, Ken.. Happy New Year... Be thankful and comforted by those follow up scans. It's better to be safe than sorry. Sue
  8. They are precious , Denise. So glad you saw them on Christmas. Thinking of you. Sue
  9. My heartfelt condolences to Mary Jo's family and friends. I'm so very sorry. Sue
  10. Rich, Such a lovely message. I will carry you in my heart the rest of my life too. You are a wonderfully caring person and the efforts you have made to help others have not gone unnoticed. God Bless you Rich, now and always. Love, Sue
  11. (((Faith))), I'm so sorry for all your pain and all your loss. It's so hard, especially when there are young children left behind . One day, I do believe you will get something in the way of a sign or maybe dreams that can be interpreted as signs. I also believe in time you will be able to replace those last memories of how you saw your sister with memories of how you want to remember her. I find that , in my case, some of the memories that were the hardest or that plagued me for weeks and months after I lost my husband began to fade or to become less harsh. I think it all happens when we reach a point of acceptance. Know that we do understand and you did exactly what you should do by coming here to vent about it. Holidays are especially hard. Hugs, Sue
  12. (((Mary Lou))), Unfortunately, we do understand and I am so very sorry for your loss. I can feel your pain and wish there was something I could say to make you feel better, but sometimes it just helps to share with people who understand. Hugs & God Bless, Sue
  13. Shelly, Thanks for sharing this wonderful message of hope. What a wonderful gift you are giving to many who really need to read this. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Sue
  14. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too , Lily and to everyone here in our lung cancer family. Love, Suie
  15. (((Denise))), I don't know what brought all this on, but obviously it didn't happen overnight. I'm just so sorry. My heart goes out to you. I will be praying for your entire family , especially little Jayla. Hugs, Sue
  16. shineladysue

    O Patti B

    Ohhhh Sandra, I love that song for "our" Patti B. She is so deserving of that song and so much more. (((Patti))), I so wish that you felt better and I hate it that you are in pain, but please don't stay away because you are having a rough time. You have given so much of yourself to so many others here and we want to be here for you too. You have to get it in your head that it's not only ok , but it's perfectly normal to have fears and to at times feel depressed... Patti, cancer is no picnic , but if anyone deserves an award for making the best of it, you sure do. You also have to realize you are human and when humans hurt physically and emotionally it helps to vent. I can't think of a better place to vent than right here where people understand and where you are so loved. Take care Patti and please , please come when you can. Your voice has been missed. Love, Sue
  17. (((Creekgirl))), First of all, I'm sorry about these recent changes , but I am not a believer in doctors who think they can tell you the one thing that only God knows and that is how long you have to live. They can only go by averages and statistics and so many of those figures are based on cases treated before a lot of the newer treatments became available. I love your spirit and your plan to take it one step at a time and go from there. Remember, we are here for you too. Please keep us posted on the outcome of all your tests and let us support you in whatever treatment plan you have. God Bless, Sue
  18. shineladysue

    My Heroes

    Ginny, I'm so very sorry about your break, missed that post. I hope that you will continue to heal rapidly. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about our cancer patients. I have so many times wondered where they get all that strength and courage to face each challenging day. They are all heroes, they fight not only for themselves , but for other cancer patients and for their friends and families. Heroes is a very applicable word and describes them perfectly . I'm proud and honored to know such courageous and unselfish people . God Bless them all. Sue
  19. Lori, It's good to see you. When you talk about the challenges and sharing the "joy", I'm thinkiing you have had good things in your life this year.. I hope so. And... Lori, I believe "mama" knows. As for you, I hope you know that you haven't been forgotten and you will always have a friend here who understands how you feel. Merry Christmas to you and yours.. Hugs, Sue
  20. shineladysue


    Lily, thanks for posting this. (((Ann))), you will be in my thoughts and prayers today. Love, Sue
  21. Prayers being sent for your Daddy ,for you and your family. (((Sharon))). Hugs, Sue
  22. Welcome back, Lorrie. How are you? I hope all is well. Glad you are back with us. Hugs, Sue
  23. shineladysue

    ice storm

    Chris, You , your family and all the folks up that way have my prayers. I've seen your pictures on Facebook and the pictures on the news, what a horrible storm. Praying for everything to get back to normal sooner rather than later. Love, Sue
  24. You can never have too many pics of your grandchildren.. Sue
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