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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. This is indeed GOOD NEWS!! I'm very happy for you and your family. Enjoy your holidays and each other. Hugs, Sue
  2. shineladysue

    Two years

    (((Leslie))), I do hope you were able to think of some good memories today. As I read all the events that led to the end for your Dad, I thought about how a lot of us do that. I mean, we seem to relive those last days , hours, minutes over and over... it's so hard. Lots of hugs, Sue
  3. Take a deep breath, tilt your head back and swallow... it's not so comfortable , but it works for me most of the time. Does it seem like people have hiccupping days? I mean I can go months without hiccups and the have them two or three times in a day.. even when I'm sober.. Sue
  4. (((Tammy))), Holidays are so very hard. I think it's wonderful that you are all pulling together as a family to make it through and to make some new cherished moments for one another. God Bless, Sue
  5. Thanks, Ann... I love this one. Sue
  6. (((Dana))), I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers will be with your family as you go through the difficult days ahead. Know that we will be here for you. Sue
  7. Lynn, This time of the year can be so difficult without the ones we have lost. I'm so glad that your step daughter has reached out to you . I hope that you can pick up the pieces and continue with a meaningful relationship. God Bless, Sue
  8. (((Chris))), Sending a big ole understanding hug. Love, Sue
  9. shineladysue


    (((Dana))), You and your family are in my prayers. Wish I had words of wisdom, but all I can offer is love, understanding and prayers. God Bless, Sue
  10. (((Beth))), It seems impossible that it can be three years, but I know it's true because it will be three years for me in March. Hope this day will pass gently for you. You have come a long way Beth and I'm sure Bill is so proud of you. He will always be with you and in your heart. Hugs, Sue
  11. WONDERFUL NEWS, DENISE. I do hope that Tom will continue to feel better and better. Hugs, Sue
  12. Darryl certainly was an inspiration to many and he will never be forgotten by those of us who read him or knew him. Thank you Chris for sharing your thoughts and helping us remember one of our lost famliy members. Hugs, Sue
  13. AWESOME DONNA!!! What an inspiration you are to so many. Hugs, Sue
  14. Oh Nick, aside from being funny, you also made me tear up. There must be so many many times you want to tell her things. Hey Nick, I'm so glad OJ did get his today. I have to believe in the end he will get everything that is coming to him. Hugs, Sue
  15. My condolences to Diane and her family. Sue
  16. Ann, I am so sorry for your family's loss. I somehow missed your update when I posted. You know we will be here for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family during this very difficult time. Hugs, sue
  17. Me again and virus free now , I hope. My son is a computer geek extradinairre... anyhow. after much research he found the software that did the trick. That darn thing did a number on my puter , even hijacked my browser. Glad to be rid of it and I learned a lesson to never click links unless I am positive of what they are. Even when they come from a friend, they may not be from that friend which was he case here. If anyone got hit and would like to know what program we used, just email me and I will be glad to share . Hugs, Sue PS: Randy you made me laugh.. lol
  18. TO ALL MY FRIENDS ON FACEBOOK. MY FACEBOOK MAILBOX GOT HIT WITH A VIRUS. DO NOT OPEN ON CLICK ON LINKS FROM ME OR OTHERS THAT LOOK SUSPICIOUS. Thanks, Sue PS: I'm not sure what to do about this problem. I hope to get my son's help today. My computer is in a mess.
  19. (((Ann))), Of course, you and yours have my prayers. I am so very sorry your family is suffering such sadness and grief. There is never a good time , but it seems when it happens at a time that should be joyous and a time when family being together is key, it just makes it so much harder. Just know that we are here for you .Hang in there. Hugs, Sue
  20. Judy, I just love your tree. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Sue
  21. (((Ann))), I'm so sorry to be reading this sad news from you. You can be sure you and your family will be in my prayers. Keep us updated when you can . Love, Sue
  22. Gabby, I am so very sorry you have lost your courageous father. Your Dad was blessed to have known such love as your family gave him. My thoughts and prayers are with you all as you go through the difficult days ahead. Know that we will be here for you if you need us. God Bless, Sue
  23. (((Leslie))), it's so hard and we do understand. It seems to help to talk about it to people who can relate to what you are feeling. Hugs, Sue
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