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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Oh Karen- I read your post and could just hear the pain. I am sure David would be so proud of you caring for your daughter and I am so glad she is able to remember him. God Bless. Cindy
  2. hope there was LOTS of cake since there are 2!
  3. Cindy RN

    Journey's End

    As everyone said-I am so sorry
  4. Cindy RN

    Safely home

    Home sweet home. Prayers are with you.
  5. Cindy RN

    J.C. 2000

    Glad you are still here!
  6. Probably caring-maybe listening. I think that comes from my mom. Also being a nurse-I listen alot.
  7. I went thru periods of a low grade temp off and on for several months. Never knew why. If it got to 100.5-101 I would call the Dr and get zithro also. Usually it was just 99-100. Enough to make me miserable, and I hated it when it would break and I was clammy. I have not had one now for about a yr.
  8. To all our Floridian friends-batten down the hatches!! Check in with us with in the next few days!! prayers for you all! Love Cindy
  9. Cindy RN


    She needs an MRI and YES there is treatment for it!! Get the Dr moving on it. Cindy
  10. Cindy RN

    another loss

    Nancy-I am so sorry, you and your family are in my prayers. Cindy
  11. Definitely my MOM!! I look like her, sound like her, and yes----I act just like her!
  12. I want to adopt you!!! You are so special
  13. The color sounds normal for someone who is not eating. He needs to be taking imodium or lomotil. Is he on any reg regimine of these two drugs? Mix up ensure or carnation instant breckfast drink with ice cream that helps sometimes. Also if he can drink things like gator aid. He needs to replenish the fluids and electrolytes he is losing. Good luck, Cindy
  14. I always LOVED the popcorn balls. Used to people made the treats. I know nowadays that is not too safe BUT you asked my fav. Also whoppers! Could be they are made at the local Hersheys plant here in Robinson!!
  15. I am so sorry about the loss of your dad. Remember cancer did not take everything. You have ALL the memories of a wonderful dad. So many people do not have good memories of their dad. You have those and the grandchildren. Tell them about him and he will live on thru you all. Cindy
  16. I am so sorry-I was with my mom as she left too. They do go on to a wonderful place and we will miss them. Please know you are in my prayers. Love Cindy
  17. Don-I am so glad to see how long you have made it. I too believe that only God decides when and where. Keep the attitude of keep on living and we will still be here in 20-30 yrs! Cindy
  18. Well-My oldest has let the------talk her into staying with him!! They have been together for 6 yrs and I don't think he thought she would actully leave until she had a place to move and her stuff was packed. He agreed to come back here on Sundays to go to church with us and he would stop going out as much.HA! I hope he is being truthful but I bet within a few weeks it will be back to the same ole same ole. He came by the house last nite to see the pups, his pug is the one we bred Roxy with so hubby and I satyed downstairs in the family room. Better that way. I am trying to stay our of it. I may need duct tape to hold me down next time tho
  19. I agree she DOES look like Paula the cook. I have been in when people have had the 'shock'(cardioversion) done for A-Fib. Hopefully it works. Good luck! Cindy
  20. Cindy RN

    Katie B 5000

    Oh Katie! I am so glad Don watches these posts! You have made such an impact on our lives. Because of what you have done we have a place to go and just be who we are. YOU are special! Cindy
  21. Carol you are so right. Don-I have the most wonderful husband who treats me with love and respect. We have been married almost 16 yrs. They have watched him over the yrs. My son has taken after him and treats his wife so well. The kids real father does not have much to do with them. He calls them and sends money to help with Samanthas college bills but he is a drunk and has a terrible drug problem. The kids all know it. I had always hoped they would look for someone like Tom, looks like they are leaning towards their real dad. The kids were raised in the church since they were born. They know how to behave but they seem to pick the wrong type and try to change them. They are learning that does not work. Cindy
  22. AAAUUUGGGHHH!!! I hate it but I agree with you all. I have kept my mouth shut, at times when they ask I will speak my piece. I just wish life could be easier for them! They have to learn it on their own but I really am afraid it will be too late and they wil have to live the consequences forever. Cindy
  23. Happy Birthday, I have cake leftover from mine yesterday---wanna share? Cindy
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