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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Leslie-good news. Love those Good scans! Keep em comin Cindy
  2. Cindy RN

    Fay 3000

    Hey Hey Fay!! I have a ways to catch up with you!
  3. I stay because there are others just like me here. My family just does not have any idea what I am actually going thru. My greatest fear with this disease is leaving them to carry on. I have always done 'homework' here. Tom carries the trash out weekly and the kids when they are here, clean if I get on their case. I worry about who is going to do those other 'things' when I am gone. There are others here who know JUST WHAT I MEAN!
  4. I know what you mean!! Those birthdays, graduations, driving, first dates, weddings, all of those-alot of us never thought we would make it. Alot of us have! Enjoy EVERY minute!!
  5. Jen-what a mess. Have you thought of making an apt. with another facility? One that specializes in Ca?? Somewhere not *ss. with the one you have been going to? Just as a second opinion on what has been going on the last few months? I have not had to do this but I have never had the problems you have had. It seems like none of these people can agree on one thing. I think your onco is doing well but if he is not getting good info then he will have problems too. I think about you often. Please know that you are being prayed over. Love Cindy
  6. Cindy RN

    1500 post

    I had to post this one here. I noticed I only had a few posts to go til I hit 1500. So here it is! I would never of believed that almost 5 yrs ago I would still be here. I want to thank Katie and Rick for this site! Also for Katie's dad who really was her inspiration. Love Cindy
  7. I am too practical for my own good. SO I want something personal!
  8. Cindy RN


    Marilyn- I was so glad to see your post. It has been along time. I am glad you are doing well. Hope to see you post more often Cindy
  9. I don't know anything about that drug. I too had the sclc in the L adrenal when they first found it in 2001. Read below for my treatments. Good luck! Cindy
  10. Cindy RN

    Pure Magic

    These are tears of joy! So happy he made it.
  11. Remeber I had cisplatin and CAMPTOSAR for 8 mos then switched to carboplatin and CAMPTSAR for the last month. Ask about it. Cindy
  12. Hate to even start liting them Empty cups and cans left on the counter NEXT to the trash can because the trashcan is full! Blame game!(what happened to personal responsibility) People dumping their pets Enuff!
  13. I continue to look up for the hope He gives me, I listen quietly for Him to answer to my pleas
  14. Same problem right here! We get aggravated here because we have a refinery here in Robinson (Marathon) and we have higher gas prices than about 40 miles from us. Does that make since?
  15. Don-You and Lucie please have plenty of EVERYTHING you need before it gets bad!! You all take care! Cindy
  16. So glad you are home!!!!!!!!!! Cindy
  17. Most agree-it should be ok-let the Dr know tho so it on the record.
  18. Everybody has great picnic baskets. I'll just join them
  19. Ginny if I lived close enough-I would join you on the deck! Cindy
  20. Cindy RN

    What is PCI?

    The stats are different wherever you look on long term prevention of mets to the brain after PCI. Please look into it before it is done. Not everyone does it. There are several on here that have-ask them, I did not have it done. There are some side effects that can be severe. Not all have them-thank goodness. Be informed before having a Dr just say you need this. This goes for ANYTHING ordered. Cindy
  21. Cindy RN

    Flu shot

    yes yes yes to all of you
  22. Weddings are so important. I was able to make it to my sons, (wig and all). Prayers for the strength and patience to get thru it. Cindy
  23. Keep on walking!! Best way to hurry up the process of going home. Cindy
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