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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. plain ole pumpkin pie-made from the recipe on the Libby's can of pumpkin
  2. Jen-Glad to see you post. Sorry you have felt cruddy. Here is hoping the tests all come back good. Prayers- Love Cindy
  3. I raise my coffee cup to him from my chair in the backyard. He was such a big part of the blending this internet family had in the beginning. He is missed sorely. Cindy
  4. That show bothered my family too. I saw it from the nurse side. I think that youg Dr had to deal with her own feelings of telling someone they had a terminal disease. It is TOUGH being the one to deliver the news. A Dr needs to develop a thick skin or they won't make it. They also need the bedside manner (House has not learned that-he is like my surgeon!) to go along with it to make a Great Dr. Cindy
  5. Of course, that little girl in me at the drive in seeing falling stars is still alive and well. Shelly-you are special-keep remembering what good you had with them. It does help eventually. Love Cindy
  6. Oh My Gosh!! I feel absolutely sinful after all the sweet meetings I read about. I met Tom in the most UNLIKELY place for me-A BAR!! I had been divorced about 2 yrs. and was in nursing school. I had a class on a Wed. nite and I remember praying all the way to class about how tired and lonely I had become-raising 3 kids alone and such. Well Thurs. nite was taco nite at a local bar and some of my classmates talked me into going. That was it. We met, he came over for coffee that evening and 2 yrs later we were married. Nov. 11 will be 16 yrs. Imagine actually picking up a guy in a bar and he had never been married, no kids and he marries me with 3 of them.,WHAT A MAN!! Cindy
  7. WBC are made in the bone marrow. Chemo destroys just about anything that is fast growing and WBC, RBC, hair, skin in you mouth, etc. are all effected. When the WBC get low your immune system can not fight off even a minor cold. Usually you will get some type of weekly injection-neupogen (or a version of it) it works on bone marrow to increase production of the WBC. They are baby cells tho so they don't really work to well for a few weeks. Those shots kind of trick the bone marrow to think you are sick so they work overtime making these WBC. Thus the bone pain after the shots. Tylenol usually helps. Cindy
  8. Cindy RN

    out of icu

    Just glad to see you post. Keep getting better. Love, Cindy
  9. I hardly go-it's been a few months BUT I love scary movies. So we went Sat. afternon-cheaper- to see the Exorcism of Emily Rose. I had my eyes covered thru 1/3 of it. Great popcorn tho-they had ranch flavor to put on it. It was good.
  10. I have become swamped with work! Which is good, but I am almost overwhelmed. We have started a committee overseeing a project-The Moses Project. We have made available homes here in my county for 50-75 people as of this morning. I am working on the logistics of this-what they will do after they get here etc. So I am fine but will be missing in action here for awhile. My request is you pray for us and me. This project has taken a life of it's own and the amount of work is unbelievable. Katie-you and Rick are my heroes for putting this place together. Love Cindy
  11. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I LOVE my coffe, plain, flavored, frapacino, capacino ANY kind (I just can't spell them )
  12. Go to this web site and report the gas gouging stations. We have several in our town-all at 2.99/gal but one had the nerve to put up 3.54/gal! http://gaswatch.energy.gov/
  13. A car-hop at the local Dari-Castle, age 15. No I did not wear skates 0.75 cents per hr!
  14. Don looks like a lot of them are coming your direction-the old Astrodome. I went there for football or baseball games and rodeos back in the 60's. It was new then. I hope they can handle the influx. Cindy
  15. It has been heartbreaking watching all the fim from down south. The looting makes me so sick. I see no problem with them going into the grocery stores, after all most of that will be spoiling. BUT the jewelry, appliance and clothing stores. My hubby said they need to get the National Guard in those areas with big sticks! That is always his answer. I wish the people had listened more and gotten out. There were buses for just that purpose. A lot chose to go to the superdome so afterwards they could go home quicker. I know after sooo many warnings in the past most probably never thought it could be this bad. I wonder if FEMA or the Salvation Army have thought about asking those of us north to open up our houses to these families while the clean up is going on. It would be cheaper and more comfy for them than putting everybody up in hotels. I suppose they could pay a stipend to help with food costs. I have so much room in my house but not the finances to feed a family of 4 if they were to come stay. I have friends in the state office in Springfield, maybe I will ask about it. Anyway if you can send money I know the Salvation Army has a farely low overhead so most of what you send actually goes to thee ones needing it. Cindy
  16. Cindy RN

    DeanCarl Posts

    I was on here when Dean began posting. He is a very wise and honorable man. He said it like it was. I am glad he is keeping up with these posts. Love ya Dean, Cindy
  17. WHOOPEE!! That is a lot of typing. Love Cindy
  18. Grab my darvocet -take them, stumble down the steps, pour the coffee and take Roxy out. Sit on the porch while she is out and just think about what I have to do. I ended up taking her to the vets. I was sitting on the couch and she was asleep on my lap-she woke up screaming, yes I found out dogs do scream. I paniced and drove to the vets. They think she had a bad dream. Geesh I had to pay a vet bill for THAT!! YIKES I am becoming that old woman who turns her dog into her baby, Cindy
  19. SOOOOOOOO glad you are home, rest up and catch up. Cindy
  20. Spend as much time as possible with her now. Prayers with you. Cindy
  21. Glad your mom is where she needs to be to regain her strength, prayers for dad that his tests are good. You need a break! Cindy
  22. Cindy RN

    1 year mark

    And many more to come!! Love Cindy
  23. Never did it. I was dating in the early 70's and then again in the late 80's (I was divorced in 86, remarried in 89. No computers I WOULD try it now if I were that young again. NOW tho if I were to be single again, I would just live here with lots of puggy's runnin around. TPBM---thick crust or thin??
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