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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Welcome, there a lot of people here just like you that need the support of others just like them. Come back often, there are some really sweet people here. Cindy
  2. Mayfrog-I loved your response! I was diagnosed 2/01 with extensive sclc.. I had 9 mos chemo, remission 1 yr, relapse 2/03 6 mos chemo and 6 weeks of radiation-oh yeah, I fell and broke my leg during that 1st week of rad. I am this month 1 year in remission again. I just got a new job. I will be an instructor at the local JR college, Lincoln Trail College here in Robinson teaching CNA's. THERE IS LIFE AFTER CANCER DIAGNOSIS!!!!!!!! You are at the beginning of all of this and it is overwhelming. You will feel better after treatments are done!! I am now 47. Cindy
  3. My pericardial effusion (fluid around the heart) has stayed steady-no increase or decrease. The cardiologist would like to drain it, the oncologist said until it causes more severe symptoms he advised against it. So here I am stuck in the middle. I decided to go with the oncologist advice, after all he is my primary and has gotten me 3 1/2 yrs past the initial diagnosis. And too many cooks in the kitchen can be a disaster. HA! My symptoms are slight swelling of the ankles and a little more SOB when active. WARNING: If he should start becoming very short of breath (SOB) or has chest pain he needs to go in -ER if necessary to be checked out. The fluid can increse and cause the heart to stop functioning. I am getting bi-monthly echocardiograms to check on the effusion. Hope that helps- Cindy
  4. My prayers go to ALL of you on the east coast!!! I rode a few out when I lived in Norfolk/VA Beach area. This one tho is going to be bad, Please be safe-NO hurricane parties please!! CAT-I pray you and the dog make your plane safely. I hate that shelters won't take pets. I had to keep my cat in the car outside of the shelter when I was evacuated. I snuck out and checked on her often. Prayers for all of your safety!! Love Cindy
  5. Betty-Praying it is just something simple like a B/P drop and nothing more. Love Cindy
  6. You WILL have clean scans!! Prayers said. Cindy
  7. I don't think I have heard of this place----Fill me in. Cindy
  8. I am so sorry for your loss. May God give you peace and good memories. Love Cindy
  9. I agree OUCH!! I was rearended while at a stoplite 2 yes I said 2 times within 72 hours. I have never had such back and neck pain in my life. That was 12 yrs ago and I still stare into the rearview mirror at all stoplites now!!! I love scary books-Steven King, John Carpenter etc. Also I do read Christian books, see the ironie in that! Let him baby you some now. After you are married you can do for him too. I am sure he does NOT see you as a burden. Love Cindy
  10. Cindy RN

    My Turn

    Glad you are back. Please take some time-even 15 min a day and hide out in a quiet place. I swear it helps. Hope all goes well with your Charlie! Love Cindy
  11. Denise-I am so sorry. I have been just where you are but it has been 10 yrs now. Prayers said for you and your family Cindy
  12. I will keep him in my prayers. I really hope this works and he can have many months without anything happening. Love Cindy
  13. I agree Jamie-You can not help but smile when you look at those smooshed faces! Cindy
  14. Dean I am so glad to see you on here-you have been missed. I like David P wonder if those cats ever get out I had 6 cats at one time (they have all but one gone on ahead) all in the house. During the winter I would put bird food on the patio, those cats would lay at the patio doors drooling. It looked like a smorgasboard laid out for them. I have a pic, one day I will put it up. I am so glad you are who you are. I agree spats that occur on here are actually trivial in the whole scheme of things. There are so many of us now that it is bound to happen. Your love for life and will power have gotten you here-Love ya Cindy
  15. After Jamie was showing off her pug I decided it was time to change my pic and show her mine is as cute as hers!!! Tom showed me how to do this so don't be surprised if I change often!!! Love Cindy
  16. After Jamie was showing off her pug I decided it was time to change my pic and show her mine is as cute as hers!!! Tom showed me how to do this so don't be surprised if I change often!!! Love Cindy
  17. Jen-Glad you feel up to being on here. I tried calling you back once but no answer. I will get ahold of you tho! I have had my hands full with sick hubby, rebel of a daughter and tenant problems. I can tell you you need something for the joint pain, ask your Dr for it. Or try Alieve OTC meds. They sure help me with that bone pain. Talk soon, Love Cindy
  18. SCLC is rarely found early enough to be limited!! So that alone should give you hope. Mine is extensive. Read below for the details. I had a bad xray on a Fri, so they did CT"s of the chest and abd. On Mon I had a bronchoscopy done. Went back to his office on Wed. for the diag of sclc extensive. I was admitted on Thurs. for biopsies to be done on Fri of the other areas seen on the CT. I healed up over the weeknd and started chemo on Mon. So I was really rushed thru. The PET scans and bone scans were done the next week. Good Luck, Cindy
  19. Most pain meds at first will make a person woozy. Usually after a week or so they adjust. If not let the Dr know. Cindy
  20. I have no idea what it could be. You NEED to let the Dr know about this. It may be a reaction to some of the meds, chemo-?? Let the Dr know! Cindy
  21. Fay-Isn't it wonderful to take the time to notice things like that. I see so many little things that just make my heart jump. Your flower sounds beautiful. I have hummingbirds in the backyard feeding from the feeder I put out last spring. I so enjoy watching them just hover in mid air. I agree-I see a face in the top petals of the sunflower! Cool. Love Cindy
  22. Cindy RN

    New puppy

    Mary Ann Add me to the list that say welcome. Your husband was such a great guy. He is missed so much. I am sure this puppy will be a wonderful part of the healing you must be going thru. Love Cindy
  23. Joanie-you go girl!!! What an inspiration you are. Tell it to all so they know lung cancer is NOT a death sentence everytime! Love Cindy
  24. Love the puppy! 6 Mos before my dianosis I got a 6 week old fawn puggy. Her name is Roxy and She has been a Godsend!! She curls up with me all the time. She knows when I am not feeling well, she sleeps between Tom and me --that has been a problem occasionally If I put her out of the bedroom, she sits at the door til I let her back in. Just like a little kid!! She is now 4 and my baby. Hope you have many long walks with yours! Cindy
  25. Don-I am so glad she is buying new clothes!! I remember when I was first diagnosed I did not buy anything new for myself for at least 6 mos. I did not want to waist money on something I might not be around to wear-STUPID!! WELL now----I have NO problems spending money on new clothes. HA, Tom says I was cheaper to have around back then! HA Glad she is on the up swing- Celebrate the 2 yr mark!! Love Cindy
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