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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. So sorry about her passing. God Bless you and yours. Cindy
  2. Cindy RN

    Larry A. Davis

    I am so sorry about Larry-it was a hard fought battle. Prayers for your family. Love Cindy
  3. Happy Late Birthday. Everyday is a Happy day now tho isn't it!! Cindy
  4. Good News and Happy Anniversary
  5. Cindy RN


    Boy is that a tough one-esp when we are talking about why one good decent person dies and there is some bum living off the state and his address is the local tavern or Meth house! All I can say is where there is good (God) there is evil (satan). God gives us all freewill. This life on earth is SO short compared to eternity. Some of the toughest trials we go thru make us stronger and more reliant on His strength when we get to the other side. These people who have no belief---what do they do when tragedy strikes?? They usually sink deeper into whatever sin they have been living. God uses circumstances to His good. My cancer has enabled me to much more bold in my Christian faith. I am no longer shy about telling people who Jesus is and the miracles I see that He has done. Maybe that seed I planted will be watered and nurtured by the next Christian. I was at a memorial service for a fellow church member and looked at the baptistry and thought what a great tribute to him if someone came to know the Lord due to this service and was baptised. My hubby said I was nuts.......... So WHY is a question we need to ask ourselves --as long as our answer is-it is all in His will and someday we will see the whole picture and how it all fits together. Love Cindy
  6. Sorry about the scan----don't be such a stranger. Cindy
  7. I just read this message. I pray your mom has another easy night. God Bless, Cindy
  8. I too, Don have posted other places but wanted to add to this one. You were a good son and I am sure she loved you dearly! Cindy
  9. Cindy RN

    David A

    God has added an another soul to His choir. He was so full of life and laughter. We loved having him here on the boards. I know we are all cyber friends but I am closer to some of these people than I am to some of my 'real life' friends. David will be so missed. Love Cindy
  10. Cindy RN

    David A

    The Lord just added to his choir. I am so sad. Cindy
  11. What do we say?? His laughter and shining lite brightened up these boards. He fought it all the way. RY-I am so sorry-I felt the same thing when missy left us. David's family--he will be sooooo missed. Everything in God's time, Cindy
  12. We are now schedualed for his consult on the 23rd and he has him schedualed for the colonoscopy on the 24th. This is with a surgeon I know and when I told him the symptoms he said he still had to do the consult but had an opening the next day and would go ahead and do the scope then. YEAH!! Usually they schedual the scopes several days later. Hey I still have some stroke. Love ya all, thanks for all the pm and emails. I have been on this board for 1 1/2 yrs now and you all are more like family than lots of my own!!!!!! Love Cindy
  13. Cindy RN

    David A Update

    PLEASE keep us updated. Cindy
  14. Don-I remember when my mom died. I sat there in the chair next to her. My other siblings were there and we all hugged her for quite awhile. It was an hour before I called the funeral home. Nothing wrong with how you or anyone handles those last moments. It is so personal. You just keep going, turn up that sterio and put on some 60's and 70's and you will have LOTS of noise. Love to you Cindy
  15. SHAR!!! You just needed some attention!! Well you got it!! Stay well and get your energy back!! Love Cindy
  16. Maybe you could try giving compazine at the same tiime he takes the pain meds. Also a VERY good stomach/reflux med is aciphex. I take 1 everyday. If I miss a dose the next day the reflux is so bad I have trouble taking deep breaths. It really works great. Cindy
  17. Cindy RN

    My husband Tom

    I don't know how else to ask this but to just ask. We need your prayers. My husband Tom has been having some colon problems, some pain and a lot of bleeding in the stools. He did not say anything to me until last week. I got him into our family DR and the exam was not good. There was blood in the stool specimen they took. Tom's family has a history of this. The soonest he can see the colon Dr is the end of the month for a consult. The nurse in me knows too much. All the symptoms for colo-rectal cancer are there. I have not said much to him about this but I know where this may lead. Please I --we--he--need your prayers. This is one thing I don't know that I can bear. He is my life and has been my soul mate now for almost 17 years. Please pray for him. In His Precious name, Cindy
  18. Jen-Look at it this way-if it is met the chemo is working on it. You said they said it is smaller. I had a place in my L adrenal gland, it was never biopsied because if it was the cancer then treatment would not be any different so why have a surgery that isn't really needed. As of right now that tumor in adrenal gland has shrunk to almost nothing so the chemo did the job. How are you doing besides this?? I think of you often Love your friend Cindy
  19. As for the throat that oramagic-I call it magic mouthwash, same thing. That helped but smootiies helped better Sure tasted better. They always cooled off my throat. Check with the DR. Cindy
  20. I am glad you have written of your experience. It is good to write these things out. Death can be a limbo for those of us left behind. Writing it makes it more real. That is the beginning of healing. Bless you while you go thru this. Love Cindy
  21. Prayers going up for you-Lord help David get thru this treatment with as few side effects as possible. I have known others with the severe vomitting. They would go to the ER and get Zofran IV and fluids. Then sent home on Zofran 8 mg. Taken every 8 hrs I believe. It always seemed to help. Love Cindy
  22. Lucie----You are the one!! You are lucky to have Don beside you too. Love Cindy
  23. God has a plan for you. You have had others praying for you and their prayers have answered. Maybe you need to use your testimony to help others battle this disease. I don't know why I am still here either except by Gods grace. It is now 3 1/2 yrs since diag. and I had about the same prognosis. 6 mos without treat. and 1-2 yrs with it. I feel good and I try never to miss a chance that only God could have done this. There are some days I sit and watch tv but when I do i write notecards to the sick and old ones at our church. Give back what you have given. YOU ARE BLESSED. Love Cindy
  24. There are a few on here with mine-Ry WILL call you if you don't have a hall pass. I know!!!! Love Cindy
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