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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Cindy RN

    Wall of memory

    Thanks Rick-I guess they are the same type of people who knock over headstones in the older cemetaries. Cindy
  2. NOBODY deserves good news MORE than YOU Love ya Cindy
  3. I agree with Peg. If it weren't for the problems of my kids I would go nuts worrying about my own cancer. Truely tho-I have a 26, 24, and 18 yr old. They all have enogh going on in their lives to make my problems seem trivial. I am at my best when helping someone else, most people are. Let her know what is up. Love Cindy
  4. YES!! Get a second opinion. If he is not able to withstand the chemo at least you have done what you should. Get all the copies of tests, scans etc. and get an apointment quickly with another cancer facility in your area. God be with you, Cindy
  5. I am with Fay-I too lost my mom 10 yrs ago in July to nsclc, now I am the mom with sclc. I took care of my mom at home the last 4-5 days and I too thought we could go to the hospital and she could be on IV's and O2 but what would it have given her?? A few more days of laying there not moving, not talking, I and my family decided to keep her at home. I gave her the morphine injections to keep her comfortable. She passed fairly easily. I still recall she went into pulmonary edema which just means the lungs fill with a bloody fluid and it comes out the mouth kind of frothy. I had seen this many times in the hospital but my dad who was also right there panicked. I reassured him it was normal. She did not act like she suffered. Thank God. You did all you could do for her. Believe that!!!
  6. Cindy RN

    TBone has died.

    I am adding my sympathy to his whole family. You were all so close--that was obvious. He will be missed. Love Cindy
  7. Yes!!! Definately check with the oncologist or the radiologist about this. Old blood is black when coughed or vomited up. Also stools are black if it is from blood from the colon. The nurse in me has spoken. I feel like the wizard behind the curtain in The Wizard of Oz, you know when he says, 'the great oz has spoken!' OK I am tired- Love Cindy
  8. Jen-I think I have told you this but others may not know. I started with the cisplatin and camptosar for 6 mos. He said I had responded so well he wanted to go 3 more months. All went well til the neuropathy in the 8th month so the 9th month he switched the cisplatin to the carboplatin. I still to this day have quite a bit of neuropathy in my feet-nothing I can't deal with. I know all the studies show anything more than 6 months does not seem to help anymore but here I am 3 1/2 yrs later so I ain't complainin Love Cindy
  9. Cindy RN

    Successful Trip

    You are a strong person! cindy
  10. Peg-I pm'd you but wanted to add my message here too. You have been amazing and such an inspiration here. You will be missed but life goes on and so must you. God bless you Love Cindy
  11. You hang in there. It is just another bump in the road BUT THAT MUSTANG can handle that!! Get going on the chemo so you can be out there getting speeding tickets! Love ya Cindy
  12. Add me too Dave! We all have to take a hall pass from the boards occ. Hang in there you are never alone. Love Cindy
  13. I totally understand the feeling of safety and contentment of just being home. I have everything in the world right here under this roof. My husband too wants to go out-out to dinner, out to the movies, etc. I make myself go because he needs this time out with me away from the stressers we call -OUR KIDS- Try to do it for him. I will cont to pray for yours and everybodies NED. Love Cindy
  14. Cindy RN

    They never told me

    Sorry I am no help here-Do whatever it takes to decrease the pain. Cindy
  15. Ray-I hate that you feel so bad. You MUST get better. Get those meds switched and rise up!! Ha. Seriously-I do know quality of life can plumit to 0 in a day!. God be with you. He is always good. Love Cindy
  16. I am so sorry. The loss of a mom is rough. Mine died of nsclc 10 yrs ago July 5th this yr. Love Cindy
  17. I have been fortunate-the only steroids I have had have been for pre-meds before the chemo-I do recall being up all night afterwards and could not just sit still!! MEDICAL ADVICE--from the nurse part of me-DO NOT JUST STOP TAKING THE STEROIDS!!!!! This is a hormone and when you are taking them as prescribed your body does not make as much of it's own because it senses the increased levels. If you stop suddenly you can suffer severe side effects-extreme could be siezures. ALWAYS taper off this drug. The DR will tell how many to cut out each day til you are off. This gives your body time to realize it needs to produce more on it's own. Fay-Try writing your a daughter a card telling her how you feel. If that doesn't work send one every month-she will get the message soon enough and you will know you have done all you can. Love Cindy
  18. Tess-I am so sorry he is in such pain. You need help at this time. I pray you have family and friends around. I pray the Lord makes his transition a smooth and easy one. Prayers are with you. Love Cindy
  19. Same site but on the left. I did well really. Sore throat but never had trouble eating. Just like me to eat thru anything!! The last week I got tired, and had broken my R leg during the rad treatments so lugging that thing around was draining also. I now have a small cough, and get sob with some exertion. Not bad if I say so myself. Good luck. Love Cindy
  20. Keep coming back and SCREAM!!!!!!!! All you want!!!!!!!!!!! Love Cindy
  21. Get her into treatment fast, good luck, Cindy
  22. Jen-if it was going to happen it woild be you! Call the nurse and let them now. I have found reporting anything odd or different has saved me a lot of headaches. Love Ya Cindy
  23. I am so sorry about her finding out about the sclc. I too have that. Mine is extensive and I was on the same chemo regimine the second go around. Have faith, I am now at 3 1/2 yrs living with this.. PM me if you have questions. Love Cindy
  24. Dear Cheryl I pray this is the answer. I know how hard it is to wait. I also hate those MRI's of the brain. That cage thing they put around my head makes me a wreck. Good luck. Love ya Cindy
  25. I have pm'd her but no response. I don't think her email addy was avail. Not sure tho. If anyone talks to her tell I miss her! Cindy
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