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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Keep after the Dr and the insurance people! Good luck, Cindy
  2. So glad there was nothing NEW! I am soooo jealous! I wanted to go sooo bad to the get together but there is no way at this time. Daughter problems and financial ones. I am not going to gripe, I am not going to gripe, I am not going to gripe, I am not going to gripe, I am not going to gripe, I am not going to gripe!!! Have a great TIME!!!!!!! Love Cindy
  3. YYYIIIPPPPEEEE!!!!!! Way to go! Love these good reports! Love ya Cindy
  4. Have a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love ya Cindy
  5. I have some experience in this. First tho---HOW RUDE!!!--- I myself have been making lists since I was diagnosed over 3 yrs ago. Plus hubby and I made new wills. My mom and step dad both married for the 2nd time each brought children and their owns personal items into the marriage. They had a will made out that spells out just about each piece in the house-where it came from and who is to get it. After my mom died, he gave us her jewelry and we left everything else in the house-after all he is still here!! After he is gone then we will do what was in the will. It helps spelling it out. Also one of his kids and one of us are executers. I did ask him for a picture that had been my greatgrandmothers and I was to get it. After I was diagnosed I did not know how long I was to be around so I asked if I could have it to enjoy it now--No problem of course. Ask your husband to make a list of the personal things he wants others to have and keep it put up, hopefully someday you will find the list when you have married 50 yrs and laugh about it. Tell the family that are asking he is still here nad hopefully won't have to make that decision for many yrs to come! What can they say after that! Cindy
  6. LETTER!!! I know I still have cards the kids have made for me since they were little. Also the I am sorry notes they would write and slip under the door at night. Moms love things that thier kids make. Esp. a letter from you to her on what she means to you. Mention memories that you have, also the picture idea is good. If you can put one together fast enough! Happy day tomorrow. Love Cindy
  7. Gayle-I am so sorry about your mom. I went thru this 10 yrs ago July 5th. Prayers are with you and yours. Love Cindy
  8. Prayers are still being said for you both. Glad the pain is more bearable. Keep after the nurses. Love Cindy
  9. Welcome!!!!! We just love Shelly so you are added to the group too! Love Cindy
  10. Yes I am back-new computer and all. Thanks Jen for posting for me
  11. Loved them! Happy kids, who can ask for more! Love Cindy
  12. (((((Shellie))))) Prayers are being said! Let us know as soon as you know something Love Cindy
  13. I have enjoyed reading these!! Cindy is of course my name, the RN part just shows I am a nurse. I miss signing my name with RN after it when I stopped working so at least now I see it everytime I post on here. I also have the middle name Dianne which was my moms middle name and my 24 yr olds middle name is also Dianne. Cindy
  14. I am so sorry that you are going thru this. I lost my mom to nsclc 10 trs ago this month. Hers went to the brain and she changed drastically the last few months. Be there for her, this is your time to give back to her, you will never regret it. Love Cindy
  15. I remember after mom died the sky was so blue that day and the cars were going past the house. I kept thinking HOW can they just drive by acting like the world had not stopped!! I remember going thru the motions and at the funeral my STEP sister showed up crying! She had not called or seen my mom for 2 yrs. I held my tongue because that was what my mom would of wanted. I wanted to tell her she was not in moms will so she need not put on the show. Oh well, have not seen her since and that has been 10 yrs. You will feel this way for awhile, I am sure it is normal, you lost your best friend, everything is different now. He would want you to breath and keep on going. Prayers are with you. Love Cindy
  16. I am so sorry to hear about your brother. Bless you and your family. Love Cindy
  17. I am so sorry for your loss. Like you said, she is with God, no more pain only celebration for her. Cindy
  18. Second opinion!! sclc is staged either limited or extensive so if they said stage 1A then I would question whether it was sclc OR nsclc. Get your files and see another DR before you make a decision. Chemo works well against sclc. I am now 3 1/2 yrs from diagnosis. Cindy
  19. Just a quick note to say I am back and running!! I wrote my update in General. Glad to be back and kickin!! Love you all and MISSED you, Cindy
  20. Well I am back!!! Took some scaping up pennies (lots of them) but I now have a brand new top of the line computer. Pent. 4, cable modem and all the whistles and lights it could handle. The only thing is I lost all of my old stuff. They could not save any info off the old computer. My CT of the chest and Abd were clear, yeah! The blood work was perfect, the echo showed the effusion was a tiny bit smaller. Will have to decide later what to do with that. Oh well. My 24 yr old daughter had an ovarian cyst rupture last Thurs nite and had surgery early Fri morning, she came home Sun afternon. My 26 yr old son was home for the week, that was great! My 18 yr old baby is mixed up with a punk for a boyfriend and she moved out to a low rent apt. Nothing we could do -we talked and talked but got nowhere. I really think the only way to keep her here was to let him move in.THAT WAS OUT OF THE QUESTION!! She is the only one with a job as of now. Breaks my heart seeing her throw away a chance at college. We are keeping the lines of comunication open so I pray she will get hungry enough to move back home. Enough of me. How are things here, catch me up-it has been 3 weeks. I have missed you all so much Love Cindy
  21. Parents--they always try to protect us!! Prayers being said for good results, Cindy
  22. That was the combo I had when I was first diagnosed. Back in Feb 2001. Cindy
  23. I am so sorry about your loss. Celebrate his life. Love Cindy
  24. Cindy RN

    Lets be nice

    OK! My 2 cents worth. Hang them! Draw and Quarter them. That may not be good enough. I KNOW!! Make THEM do all the work Katie and Rick have had to do for 1 week and see how they do!!!!!
  25. Oh Ginny-You are wonderful. I sit and read how you support the Duke and I cry. Why is it that as wives we take on that caregiving role so much better than our husbands? Mine is a great husband but still not able to talk with me much about the cancer. Choices I make I fell like I make alone-Except when it comes to treatment then it is full speed ahead according to my family. I picture myself hooked up to everything because they want it that way. OOPS sorry-I am having a chemo moment. Really all is all right---YOU keep being there for him, and what ever he decides stand by it. Love you! Cindy
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