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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Peggy-I am so sorry. He sounds like a great dad. You were blessed. Cindy
  2. Nancy-When I grow up I want to be like her!! Seriously, your mom has the attitude that if ALL people had -wouldn't this be a great world!! Love Cindy
  3. I know how hard it is to be left behind due to this awful disease. I pray that I will be as fortunate as your brother when my time comes. To be held and kissed as you are leaving this world must be the most peaceful way to go. Thank God he passed the way he did. You are blessed to have this memory. Cindy
  4. WOW! So glad to see you on here. Missed you!! DENIAL--well if that is what they call it then I am in denial too. I believe it is faith I have. People in denial think they are going to live forever-or at least to retirement. Guess what that ain't always true. I have faith I will be here with my family until God decides for me to come home. Those who call it denial are in denial about being in faith etc etc. Oh man-I don't even make sense to ME! Guess it is past my bedtime. Good Nite! Love Cindy
  5. Sandy my friend, you have always been in my prayers. So this may be just a little bump in the road. You stay strong and go for a ride on that 'hog'.
  6. Cindy RN


    When I do things like that I call it chemo brain syndrom. CBS!
  7. Dear Shelly-I am so sorry you have had so much to deal with BUT each trial will give you strength for the next. I PROMISE! God Promises too. You may feel like He is not there but He is. You must start all over and I know that feels like the weight of the world --just know that God will help you hold up that weight. We are here. Vent all you need. You will get thru this and your sister needs you now. You have gained wisdom and your strength will be a Godsend to her at this time. We love you-Just put one foot in front of the other and after awhile you will be running again. love Cindy
  8. Cindy RN

    My mom

    Add me to the list. I am so sorry for the loss of your mom. Cindy
  9. I tried to get to the site. If anyone can get it copied and put it on this site, I would appreciate it. Thanks, Cindy
  10. OH Laurie I wish I was there, you are so special and God has worked in you thru this whole ordeal. You have the strength and love to help your mom and ??Jenni? (not sure who that is) Follow up on mom and let us know. Love ya Cindy
  11. Happy Brithday! Not sure about WHY they are calling you a PUTZ! BUT those are smart people and I trust them so you MUST be a PUTZ! Cindy
  12. Cindy RN

    jane -fall54???

    Me to. He was not good when she left. PLEASE check in. Cindy
  13. BOY do I remember when my came out the first time. Yes! Mine fell out in March 2001 and again in march 2003. I had a remission period between then and it had grown in. The first time was a little hard. I tried to look at the positive things about it but inside it was not one of my better memories. I did have a couple wigs, one long, like mine had been and a shorter version. One very good friend bought the shorter one for me. I got to where I did not want to wear them and started using scarves. I went to Walmart and bought a yard of several seasonal types of cotton material, I then cut out a square. I folded it and tied it on and tucked the pointed part under the tie. I got to where I wore those all the time. The kids at church loved them. Anyone wondering what I did with the rest of that yard of material? HUH??? I made little bandanas for my baby-Roxy (the pug), we matched! Cindy
  14. Thank You I was diagnosed in Feb 2001 and prayed to be around for 10 years, what a stretch I thought at the time. I have since then been here for my youngest to start dating, drive, and graduate from high school. My oldest -a son- was married last Sept in 2003 in NC and I was there. My middle one-well she is still struggling and I am still here for all 3. I KNOW how much it meant to your mom to be there for you. Nothing means more to us than you-our kids. Your happiness is what helped her make it thru that nite. Cindy
  15. I have 'talked' with several this AM about Missy and whether to send flowers, a memorium, or what?? I am putting my 2 cents worth in. How about donating to this BOARD! Mo meant so much to alot of us and I know she leaned on LCSC people and had lots of good times with us here. What better way to keep this site here for others who come everyday and need this place as much as she did. You can donate in her honor right over the internet thru paypal. --Katie--do you send a card or notification for donations made in someones name? Sorry if I am rambling, this is such a sad day. Cindy
  16. Jen-Connie is right, stay focused on the fact that the chemo is killing off those cancer cells. You WILL get thru this. If you want, call when they start the chemo. We can chat again while you are getting it done. Who said the medical co. make all the money?? I think the phone companies make as much. I used to talk on the phone while getting chemo. Love Cindy
  17. ((((((MO)))))))) I just got online tonight and found this post about how you are doing. You have been a good friend to me and an inspiration. I hate the fact that you are hurting so much. None of us like where this disease can take us, my prayer is that our road is very long and smooth. I pray for you at this time that you will be pain free and be back with us. Love to you!!! Cindy
  18. WELL!!!!!!! I told my kids when my hair fell out I was going to get a tattoo of eyes on the back of my head. That way I could say-- I told you I had eyes in the back of my head! I chickened out both times, 2001 and again in 2003. If it happens again I WILL have it done. I will come root for your band, just tell me the time and place. Love Cindy
  19. Cindy RN

    Moss Report

    Thanks Katie-I just got online today and saw these posts. I think the subject has been discussed at length and if anyone has a question about it please pm that person. Smile-it is the WEEKEND! Have a good one Love Cindy
  20. Cindy RN

    My Big Brother

    I am so sorry. Please know we care. Love Cindy
  21. Shelly, I emailed you but wanted to add my --I am so sorry---here online too. Hugs to you, Love Cindy
  22. I am so sorry, it is very hard to watch a friend pass on. Love Cindy
  23. Oh Phylis, Right now you are angry, I don't blame you and nobody else would either. I too am young-47 and I too just signed up my 18 yr old daughter for college courses a few days ago. This IS not fair. I agree. At times like this I have to pray. Last night I have a song downloaded on kazarr or something like that?? My kids use it, not (not very often anyways). I played this song over and over til I felt better. Everyone was in bed-thank goodness because I can not sing. God hears it and I hope He doesn't cringe. It is the one--by Mercy--I can only Imagine. If you have not heard it listen. It is amazing and always helps me Love Cindy
  24. Oh Yeah! He da man! He da man!
  25. Have a safe trip. You know that we are ALL praying for you. Let us know how things are after you get there if you can get to a computer Love Cindy
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