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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Dear Sis---The oat-is what they used to call small cell, oat cell carcinoma. Currently medical people call it small cell. It is the most agressive of these types. It does respond to chemo fast tho. If caught early-one node or one tumer they can sometimes remove it. Ususally it has spread to several places before it is discovered. I was told 1-2 yrs with treatment if I was lucky. Here it is 3 1/2 yrs later and I am still puttin around. There are some success stories and you will find them on these boards. Also we play nice here. If you have a problem on these boards it is best to pm that person so it stays private. Just a suggestion. love cindy
  2. Prayers said, and will cont to think of you at this time. I have had too many friends die from this and it is hard watching. Love Cindy
  3. Cindy RN

    Some News on Mo

    MO!! I sent anm email, hope you get it! We want you back! This time you will!!! rest and get better! Love Cindy
  4. Now that we know how much is being distributed to the NIH we need to contact our Reps. and say--What about Lung Cancer? They are the ones to push to get the amount needed to research this disease. Thanks for the web site. Cindy
  5. Cindy RN

    CT results

    Always glad to hear good results! Cindy
  6. Oh Shelly-I am so sorry-I sent you a card, you probably don't have it yet. I am praying for you --the strength you need right now. Love Cindy
  7. Those could of been my words 10 yr ago. My own precious mom had nsclc with mets to the brain. I was devastated. NOT my mom!! Well it was her, on july 5th,1994, she passed on into Glory. I thought it would be be forever for me to see her. nt so true. 7 yr later I too get cancer-sclc. Like Mother like daughter. Quite a legacy.
  8. You are in such a sad sad place at this time. I have worked in ccu where the families are encouraged to remove the vent-it is always for the patient they say, but it is usually for the staff's benefit. If he is smiling and holding hands then I would hold his hand until he can not anymore. We all have such a short time here on this earth and we need to spend it making each other happy and feeling loved. Let God make the decision as to when it is time. You spend al the time you can with him and keep holding hands. you are both in our prayers. Don't be a stranger here, Cindy
  9. Cindy RN

    11 years ago

    Gail- I know the feeling. My youngest just grad high school a few weeks ago and she turned 18 yesterday (6-4). Amazing, when I was diagnosed I thought I would never see her go on her first date. Cindy
  10. You all better post!@!! Do not make Katie MAD!
  11. Dear Sis- I think you need to read thru some of the other posts on these boards. I have never had anyone think the people here are anything but caring. Maybe you are going thru hell right now, I remember when my mom was diagnosed. She did not want everyone knowing. Her friends respected that. I answered your post on the poll. Please give us sometime to answer your posts. Most people are on here in the afternoon to evening. Except a few of us early risers. Your post just has not been there long enough to get the answers you need. We are here to vent to and help get each other thru. One thing cancer will do is teach a person patience. Love Cindy
  12. Some people can not stand having visitors come and look at them. There they sit with a diagnosis that usually is terminal and people look at them like they are on their way out. Try writing him a letter. Tel him what he means to you and how much you just want to be with him now. Let us know what type of cancer and treatment he is to have when you find out. Love Cindy
  13. Berisa!!!!!!!! I have missed you. I know it takes time after a parent dies so we have been patient. Please check in often, I have missed your face Cindy
  14. You all have touched on some sore spots for me this last week. 3 years ago when I was diag I asked God to get me thru several things, my youngest was 14. I wanted to see her start dating, go to prom, first broken heart, steady boyfriend and graduate from HS. Well these things have all come and gone in the last few weeks. I enrolled her into the college courses for this fall. My son was married last year and my middle daughter (stilll at home) may be getting married this yr or next to a 4 yr boyfriend. The thing is I have been here for those major events and today the youngest turned 18. I am also still fighting with lawyers and ins. companies about this stupid leg I broke Feb 2003. It now looks like I will have to have a trial by jury. I am also having major financial problems. I daydream about after I die the ins. money will get my family out of debt and some left over to boot. I do not want to be the burden I am becoming on them. I can no longer work so I am a liability at this time. Of course if they read this I would be beaten. I feel this way tho. I also have had a hard time getting my spirits back up to my norm high! It is not just enough to have cancer, major financial problems, kids who are in the 'me' generation. I ask for help cleaning etc and all I get is a huf. When I am on treatment they sure helped out more. Oh well, I guess we all have these secrets and when we open up we don't look like the inspirations we are told we are. I have bent your ears enough. I love you all. Thanks, Cindy
  15. Thanks Fay!! Nancy, you get better soon!! We need all the positive stories we can get on here. God Bless and speedy recovery! Cindy
  16. I agree. I look forward to reading about all of us. Cindy
  17. Waiting is the hardest. Here are positive thoughts for good results. Cindy
  18. You need to call the Dr and find out if they are going to change the chemo. I would think if there are new tumors then a change should be made. Also is he on pain meds? If not then ask for some, he should not have to be in pain, and since they know what is causing it they should now try to get rid of it. Good Luck, Cindy
  19. Laurie, please tell her she is in my prayers. Miss you! Cindy
  20. BOB!!!!!! So glad you are back and almost back to 'normal'!! Don't leave us for so long next time! Cindy
  21. I am now 47 years old. At at the time of my diag I was 44. When I found this wonderful web site it was young. I think I was number 10 or 11 to sign in. Now it way over 1,000. Glad you are all here. My story actually begins at age 18. I was married young to a sailor. At the age off 22 I started having children. 1978 my son -Paul, 1979 my daughter-Vicky. My hubby had trouble staying away from drinking, drugs and the girl in every port! I left him in 1985 and I was 3 mos pregnant with my last one-Samantha. I moved back to IL. I divorced in Aug 1986. These children were my WHOLE life and at 30 yr old I was starting all over. I went back to college in 1986 to get my nursing degree. I met my soul mate in Nov. 1987 while I was in college, dated for 2 yrs and married in Nov 1989. My son gave me away and my girls were my bridesmaids. My son then also stood with my husband as his bestman. We were a family. I graduated in the spring of 1990 and received my RN. I worked for several years in ICU/CCU then went to ER nursing. My favorite. Since then we had so many plans. vacations to say the least, I love the ocean. I suppose it comes from living on the east coast while my first husband was in the navy. Feb 2001 (I had no symptoms) I was diagnosed with sclc extensive R lung-mets to mediastinal area, lymph nodes and L adrenal gland. I went thru 9 mos of chemo. Then 1 yr of remission. In Feb 2003 it returned in the L lung the size of a baseball-again no symptoms. This time I did 6 weeks of radiation to that area and 6 mos of chemo. To top it off I fell and broke my R leg 1 week into the radiation. I had surgery and left the hospital 3 days later. I lived in a w/c for weeks, oh well I was pampered. It was really an ordeal. My house is a tri-level so I lived in the family room which ahad a bathroom and access to the outside all on one floor. One thing I have learned is God has been there every step of the way.Just like the poem says, many times He carried me. I have learned-there is no place like home! I feel like Dorothy I am such a homebody now, I think of this as my safe place. I am now 11 months since my last chemo. I have been battling this for 3 yrs and 6 mos. I was told I might have 6 mos to 1 year with treatment and here it is 2 and 1/2 yrs later. I can not work any longer but I am still here. I have trouble walking my precious pug-Roxy- around the block but I am still here. God willing I will be here in 2011. I asked God for 10 yrs. Sound goofy?? I figured I could help get my kids on the roads they need to be on by then to be on their own. Thanks for this forum, I hope to get to know some of the others a little better. Love all of you! Cindy
  22. Well we have quite a clean up today but we made it thru. About 8 PM last nite we had what they call straight line winds hit and boy did we have things flying around outside. We have 1 tree limb down in the drive, no cars hit. It is as big as some trees tho. My backyard is covered in 3-6 foot smaller branches. My girls are going to be busy picking up today! Our power went out when that hit and came back on this am about 7. It is weird when there is no power, we see how reliant on it we really are. Thank you Jesus for the safety of my family, and friends. Some east of us were not so fortunate. Glad to be back on line. Cindy
  23. I think most of those fit us in IL too. I can't believe it described our DQ also. It really does close thru the winter months! Cindy
  24. OK Mo!! Stop sending those storms my way!! I am east of you on the IL IN border and we have had our fill of this this weekend. It is soooo dark outside now, tornado to the north and west of us. My little pug is under my feet. She is not TOO brave Love (stay dry) Cindy
  25. What a wonderful day he had Sat! I got to watch it on TV and it was great. I lived out in VA for several yrs and had many trips to DC. I love that city. It is beautiful. Tell him thank you from all of us 'youngsters'!! Cindy
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