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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Mary Great news. I just noticed you are near my age and all those kids! I bet they are thrilled. Cindy
  2. Hi Jen! Glad you found us. The others have said it. At first it is a sickening thought to think you have cancer, but after awhile it does get easier. Go for the chemo and radiation and anything else they say. I was 44 when they found mine. I have made it 3 yrs plus! Learn what you can, be careful about searching the web for info, it is depressing! Ask what you need here, most have positive responses. Cindy
  3. As I watched the cerimony in DC for the monument for WWII I was choked up. That is such a great place where they put the monuments and the songs that were sung----well it does get you ! I am so thankful for the ones who are in the services and their families. Cindy
  4. I think of you often. She would be proud of you for keeping things going. Nothing worries us young moms about you all carrying on after we leave. Keep it up , God be with you. Love Cindy
  5. Shelly-I am still praying for you and your dad. Love Cindy
  6. Cindy RN

    Prayers Please

    Feel well my friend, join the darvocett junkies-we are a HAPPY group. Cindy
  7. Shelly I know you have the strength to get thru this, but remember we are here. You have been a great daughter and you have been an inspiration to many! Prayers are with you and dad. Cindy
  8. me too me too I wanna wish you good results too, but they all beat me to it Cindy
  9. Happy Happy Happy Birthday!Happy Happy Happy Birthday! Happy Happy Happy Birthday!Happy Happy Happy Birthday! Happy Happy Happy Birthday!Happy Happy Happy Birthday! Happy Happy Happy Birthday!Happy Happy Happy Birthday! Happy Happy Happy Birthday!Happy Happy Happy Birthday! Happy Happy Happy Birthday!Happy Happy Happy Birthday! Happy Happy Happy Birthday!Happy Happy Happy Birthday! Happy Happy Happy Birthday!Happy Happy Happy Birthday! Happy Happy Happy Birthday!Happy Happy Happy Birthday! Cindy
  10. Amen to the ac while walking! I bet there is a gym nearby. Our hospital has a fitness center check yours. Cindy
  11. Get the Dr to order something different for the pain. There is no reason for her to hurt like that! I saw where you wrote she had mets to the bone, maybe that is the pain? You need to insist she see's the Dr and get the results from her tests and if nothing shows up then have him/her refer you to a pain management clinic. There are lots of ways to manage this pain. Good luck, Cindy
  12. Stress can do al kinds of things. Those optical mig. are something I have deal with for more than 10 yrs. I don't know what causes them. Nothing serious I guess. Cindy
  13. Yeah it is a Mon thru Fri world also dayshift world too. I used to work nights in CCU and people call you all day long, it is a hard shift. As for the CT scans, I get one every two months and an xray every other month. So far covered. Cindy
  14. I have laundry to be done. Any takers/ Cindy
  15. Oh Fay-I totaly understand the 'death of a dream'. We bought this house 7 years ago, I was diagnosed 3 yr. ago. I loved the size of the yard-all the flower garden area, now I can hardly dig a hole for a plant! The house is a tri-level with a full basement. I have trouble with all the steps but so far I can do them. I always wanted to build onto the back of the house, another bedroom, master bath and enlarge the kitchen. That way when I got to old for the steps we would have everything on one level. The rest of the house could be used for when the grandkids come to visit. Now none of that will happen. Man that is depressing! Time for reality check!! I am still here after 3 yrs. so not all is bad
  16. Shelly- I hate that you are going thru this again. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please let us know if you need to talk, pm me for the phone number if you need. Love Cindy
  17. Only an idea. Call the DR., he could have a problem with the lung. Possible plural effusion. That would cause pain in the shoulder area especially when reclining or laying down. Just an idea. Cindy
  18. Tell him we will be watching. Rock on! Cindy
  19. Cindy RN

    No Pantyhose

    Shelly-you can call if you need. PM for the number. Cindy
  20. LAURIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss the animal pics, oh yes I miss you too. Cindy
  21. My first go around was with cisplatin and camptosar for 9 mos. Then 1 yr remission. It came back and they used the carboplatin and VP-16. This time I have been in remission for 10 mos. YIPPEE!! I did have radiation the second go around with chemo. I did fairly well. Lost my hair, oh well I wore the cutest scarves I made from material bought at Wal-Mart. Different ones for holidays and seasonal ones. I had problems with diahrea but the imodium and lots of cheese (ha) helped. Make sure she gets rest and does not overdo. I always did and I paid for it! Cindy
  22. You are one of those who pulls into the gas station and says check the gas and FILL up the oil! I think I recall full service gas stations did that. Ha I am sure telling my age on that one. Cindy
  23. Phylis, Ginny is right. It is a 6 month wait from the diagnosis. I was unable to work from the first chemo tx so that 6 mos was a long time. Then you have 2 yrs from when the SS begins to be eligable for medicare. I suppose medicaid can step in if you are not working those 6 months. Not sure about that one. I have extensive sclc and I was approved on the first try. Get the paperwork and get it filed out. the sooner the better, it took me about 2-3 months fro final approval. Cindy
  24. Oh Shelly-How awful. I was working one day when a man and his son came into the ER and his hand was wrapped in a blood soaked towel. He too had cut off a few fingers and part of the hand. He did not seem to be in a lot of pain, I suppose he was in shock. Your dad was doing what dad's do. Giving to their children. Prayers are with you and him. Love Cindy
  25. Looks like we need a new forum for our younger members! Glad to see you 3 writing to each other. My youngest is 17, she was 14 when I was dx. She graduated from high school last night. Love Cindy
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