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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. I never had any stomach problems until I was on chemo. ACIPHEX--I started on this pill a few months into the chemo regime and I take it one time a day. If I forget to take it by the next evening I have the worst burning! I have been on it now for about three yrs. My Dr said it is used mainly with chemo patients so it is strong. Ask and see if they have some samples. Cindy
  2. Sometimes it takes that last one to help. Hope the scan is clean. We like empty heads around here. Cindy
  3. Ginny Ginny Ginny Do not feel like you can not say what is going on. You have been around for along time and have been there for alot of us. Your Duke is a pretty special guy. He has YOU! Hope he responds to the new meds. Just tell I said he is lucky to have you! Cindy
  4. MY! We are all experiencing the same problems-forget about the cancer-THE MONEY!! I worked as an ER RN one day and the next day I am off in the hospital getting biopsies! No disability from work, so I have to wait the 6 months for SS disability. I get almost 900 a month and some for having a minor child. She turns 18 in June and they will stop paying for her being here. Can we say COLLEGE? God has provided well for me but wouldn't it be nice if when a person has a disease such as lung cancer all the bills went away? Then we could enjoy the time we are given instead of worrying about how to pay for elec. bill so the a/c can stay running. Oh well I have gripped enough! Cindy
  5. From what I have read (and experienced) Jonathon is right. Glad you are soooo positive and you have every right to be. Catching this sclc in the very early stages is encouraging! Cindy
  6. I think everything you describe is totally normal. I had hot/cold flashes. On some days I could not not get enough rest and on others I was a bundle of nerves and energy. Esp. on the days of chemo-I always got steroids and I could hardly sleep then. It does get better. Esp. after the treatments and the Dr says it has worked! Cindy
  7. That is the kind of news we like to hear. Cindy
  8. Cindy RN

    ok guys...

    I think you all hit it on the head. It easier to 'say' things on here than it is IRL (ha). There are so many here that I have been talking with for over a yr and a half. My family does not get on here, which for me is ok. I have a safe place to go and say what I want. This is my safe hide-a-way. Thanks for being here. Cindy
  9. You have it. Keep the chin up and prayers will be said. Love Cindy
  10. Cindy RN

    No Pantyhose

    The Purpose Driven Life is GREAT. You can get it at Wal-Mart for a little less. I had trouble waiting til the next day to read it. Always wanting to rush things! Frank put your list on here. Ha, I would like to see it. Cindy
  11. Cindy RN

    No Pantyhose

    Shelly You have had so much sadness this last year, it is understandable that you are mad. God understands this. Romans 5:3-5, He tells us that we will suffer in this life, that thru the suffering we learn ultimately how to hope. Also I have written in the front of my Bible 'When it is hard to pray, pray your hardest.' This comes from Romans 8:26-27, He tells us that when we are so low and unable to say the words to pray that the Holy Spirit will say what we are unable to. There have been times when I have been very despirate, so lonely and so hurt that words could not express my feelings. All you can do is moan and cry. The Spirit knows what we are trying to say and does it for us. I read somewhere that our lives are like a quilt that all the pieces are still being stitched in and that we ONLY see the bottom side. When we get to Heaven we will see the topside when it is finished. Then we will understand the picture. God sees the whole thing and we only see the bottom. Sorry if I sound preachy but because of these truths and promises I am able to know that no matter what, He is there for me. Hope you are able to get past the anger and have the peace you need. Love Cindy
  12. Great thought. I have been lucky. My Dr does care and spends time with me. The only thing is he forgets that just because I am a nurse that I should understand everything he tells me. I worked ER and ICU NOT oncology and is it EVER a different field of medicine. Cindy
  13. Please know that we are thinking of you at this time. I have you in my prayers. I too, have had dreams with my mom in them. Over the years, most are as if she was still alive. Just reg dreams of everyday things. I guess since it has been 10 yrs these dreams are not the type where she is trying to tell me something. I wake up missing her tho. I have always felt like she has just left and I will see her again. It is kind of like someone lives very far away and you have not talked or seen them due to the distance. Sounds crazy but that is how I have dealt with her passing. At least I see her in dreams and when the kids do certain things. I will say "your grandma.....' Love Cindy
  14. Peg, No words I can say will help. Talk with the ones who are going thru this with you. May God make His presence known to you at all times, feel His Spirit comforting you. Know that he is now with our Lord in Heaven. Peace to you. Love Cindy
  15. Hope you cont to do this well. I am up late tonight. Not sure why. HMMM could be the only time my house is quiet? Cindy
  16. Cindy RN

    No Pantyhose

    I have thought about this for quite awhile. There are so many good things that have happened to me since I was diagnosed with cancer. I no longer wear pantyhose. Who ever thought that one up was nuts!! I do not wear dressy heeled shoes anymore! I wear my white tennies with socks for most anything. Dresses, pants outfits, yes even jeans. I do not have to shave but about 2-3 times a year now. Money and time saved. I do not wear make-up anymore. I have a terrible time with hot flashes and break out in a sweat so it rubs off anyway. I got to wear the cutest hats and scarves (holiday and seasonal ones) while I waited for my hair to grow in. Wash my hair (when I have any) with the soap. No $20 shampoo for me. I get front row parking. OR they drop me off at the door and then drive to end of the parking lot. People let me in the front of the line when I would be wearing my scarves -obvious sign of cancer ya know. People are nicer, they smile and say can I get you anything. People bring you supper, when you don't feel well. I usually don't feel well on Tues and Fri. Bring on those meals. I can eat whatever I want and NOBODY says'Cindy isn't that enough?' I have learned that I always trusted Jesus as my Savior BUT I KNOW he is exactly that now. He has a place waiting for me and someday, when He is ready I too will be ready. I am learning to trust that He will be able to take care of my family when I do go with Him. That is the hardest thing I have learned. I know tho it is true.I will miss them so terribly but I can't wait to get to Heaven. My mom, my grandma and pa and 2 of my babies(I have not seen) are there and will be smiling and arms out. What a glorious moment that will be. Thanks for letting me go on. Anyone have other 'good things' they can list? Cindy
  17. I don't know about you all! The one thing I thought would be good when I was diag. was WEIGHT LOSS. NOT ME!!! I have gained about 20 lbs. in the last 3 yrs! Oh well nobody says anything to me now about my weight. Even the cardiologist says it is my bodies way of survival Love and (hersheys) kisses Cindy
  18. Cheryl!! 1 Year, amazing isn't it! I remember when we first started talking on these boards. I for one am counting on being around a long time, you will too. In 10 yrs we will still be here telling others they can make it too. Cindy
  19. Addie-Welcome. As everyone else said sorry you have to be here. Glad your Dr is pushing to get you into the onc. SCLC is fast growing. I had been in remission for a year with a CT every 2 mos. In Feb of 2003 I had my reg CT and it showed a baseball size new tumor in my L lung. Not there 2 mos earlier. Do not let them put you off. Good luck. I am now 3 yrs and 3 mos past the origional diag. and mine was extensive. Love Cindy
  20. MO!!! You KNOW you should be in bed resting. I know you have to work BUT!!! As for the 24 yr old! I have one THANK YOU! I also have a 17 yr old who decided NOT to go to post prom act. and hang out with friends at someones house. Needless to say she is grounded! Anyone interested in a minor? If I live thru raising her (the last) this cancer will be a cinch! Love ya, get better, Cindy
  21. It was not long ago we hit 1000. Fay you beat me this time. Watch out tho, I will find someway to one up you!! Cindy
  22. I would do it again! I had both chemo and radiation last yr. I was tired, but it helped shrink the tumor and it is now scar tissue. I also broke my leg 1 week into the radiation so I really had fun those several weeks going to and from the hospital everyday (40 miles oneway) having to use a wheelchair! What a memory Good Luck Cindy
  23. You saved the best one for last Love Cindy
  24. I too, got life ins. thru 2 different companies. They are the type where you must live 2 yrs past the date you are diagnosed. I PLANNED ON THAT ANYWAY!!!!!! PM me for the phone #. Cindy
  25. Glad to hear the god news!! As for the eye thing! I get this blind spot in the middle of the vision in my L eye. It then becomes a coma shaped 'thing' in the far L peripherial view. No pain, it last about 30 min. I have gotten them since 1991. More here lately then usual. I was told by an eye Dr in the ER they are optical migraines, sometimes they come with the headache. THANK goodness I have never had that part. Good to hear others have experienced this. Cindy
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