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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Denise-Take your break. We all need it from time to time. Please know that we will be here when you are ready. I PLAN ON BEING HERE FOR A LONG TIME!!! Cindy
  2. PLEASE get a second opinion. Treatment does vary between the 2 types. He may need a different chemo to fight this. Get all your reports AND scans and see another oncologist. It will help put your mind at ease. Any Dr can make a mistake but they need to accept the fact they did and make it right. Is your Dr planning a different approach now that they know it is nsclc? Cindy
  3. God Bless all the mom's!! Mine is in heaven for her 10th year. I still miss giving her a coursage on Sunday morning Cindy
  4. I do not see where Mo's question is.???? I have gotten 2 policies started since I was diagnosed. Both are contingient on the fact you have to live 2 more years. I planned on doing that anyway!! There are no med. questions. PM me and I will get the names. Cindy
  5. Sharon----I am so glad you posted earlier about your dad. See all of that prayer helped. He is better. An answer to prayer, thank you Jesus. Will keep him in my prayers. Love Cindy
  6. Thank You Ray. Most of us have an experience that is spiritual, but yours is one that you can feel AND see. You have been blessed. Love Cindy
  7. I am so sorry. Those sudden deaths are devastating. No chance to say good bye. My prayers are with you and your sis. Love Cindy
  8. Cindy RN


    HEY!! I was scrolling down to read all the posts and THERE is my name! I am doing pretty good. Kinda slow but walking, talking and eating!! Never had a problem with the eatinG HA! My computer came home yesterday and is almost well. It still has a few things wrong and hubby says we paid a lot to fix it and the computer will go back next week to get fixed correctly! Oh well I get it for the weekend. Love Cindy
  9. Cindy RN

    Relay for Life

    Yes Nina, I have been involved in Relay for 3 years now. It is wonderful. So many people care about us and for one night you FEEL very special. I remember the first yr. I walked the lap. It was very emotional. Great memory! Love Cindy
  10. Fay-You will be here. It realy works. I planted tulip bulbs lst fall in the front yard. I am here and the tulips are 3 feet tall. God has His ways of keeping us around to see his beauty. Love Cindy
  11. Cindy RN

    BobMC again

    OK!! I have computer problems for 1 week and this place goes to the ---BIRDS--or maybe chickens!! My oh my! I have looked for Bob since last night and wondered how and what was up. I need an update on how everybody is. After a week things sure change. Love Cindy
  12. I hate that you had to join us. I too am a nurse. I have been in your same shoes 10 yrs ago. My mom was dx with nsclc in 10/92. She went thru chemo and radiation. after about 18 mos she died. I had the whole family looking to me to make decisions. It was very hard. Now 10 yrs after she died I too have lc. Except mine is sclc and is extensive. I have am now 3 yrs and 3 mos since dx. I am doing fairly well. Hopefully your mom will too. Please pm me if you need. Love Cindy
  13. KEEP it up. I know from first hand experience NOT all Dr are what they are supposed to be. I had one Dr friend who said the scary thing is anyone can be a DR all they need is money and lots of time (meaning it takes along time to finish med school) My Dr is good about doing xrays and CT if there is a question about a lump or cough that is abnormal for me. It helps put my mind to ease. Good luck Love Cindy
  14. Mo-my friend. I am back! I am not glad to hear you are having trouble. I do understand the feeling like you are carrying 50 extra pounds. Somedays my feet are a ton and VERY hard to pick up. Glad you are handling the chemo well tho. YOU will make it. Love Cindy
  15. I am so sorry about your mom. God Bless and give you the peace you need right now. Cindy
  16. Cindy RN

    checkin in

    Hi everybody. I am still around, my computer is still having problems! One day I will be so rich I can just buy a new one. HA! All is going well. I saw the DR about the effusion Fri and he said it has stayed the same. I get another echo in 2 mos and if it is still the same I will go in the hosp for a day and have it drained. He said if we just let it sit there it could harden and that is NOT good for the heart. I have been busy with church activities, and a benevolence agency I help with. Also Relay for Life is this weekend. We had our survivor dinner last nite. That was my 4th relay dinner as a SURVIVOR!!! It is good to remember that when tests are not what we wish for. Praying for all out there. I can not wait til this stupid thing works for longer than 20 min. at a time. Love Cindy
  17. OK David that was funny. Not one I would tell my kids. They could probably explain it! Cindy
  18. Cindy RN

    In a peace now

    I am so sorry. I just saw this post about your dad. You have supported him thru out this whole ordeal. How proud he must be of you. Please come back often. Good luck and may God give you peace. Love Cindy
  19. OH MY, I grinned from ear to ear on this one!! My Roxy could of been the one to be asking all of these ?. Thanks!!
  20. Cindy RN

    checkin in

    I am still having trouble with this computer. PLEASE if anything comes up on the boards someone email me. It is working. My last echo I had showed no changes so the fluid is still there and I am in limbo but at least it is not getting larger. Hope you all are doing well-Love to all. Cindy
  21. I totally agree with Mo get a second opinion. Your DR is wrong! If you do not do PCI and it mets to the brain you CAN have radiation to the brain. Some Dr don't because sclc does not have a good prognosis and they are not willing to get aggressive. I choose not to have PCI-my choice-but I will have radiation to the brain if it should mets there. Good Luck Cindy
  22. Cindy RN


    I love an optimistic oncologist! What you describe IS extensive sclc. What most Dr say is it is not curable BUT!!! there are several who live in 'remissin' or NED (no evidence of disease) I have been in rermission for 1 yr the first time and almost 9 months this time. I would seek a second opinion tho. It never hurts. Some Dr are much more aggressive than others. As for the smoking I have quit and started, quit and started. Everytime the stress gets too much-Oh Well. My oncologist says it is best to quit, it will help with the breathing. Those small cell cancer cells are there and once the barn door is open-well you know what I mean. You will be less short of breath and no smoke smell. Please ask any question and hopefully someone here can help. PM me if you want. Cindy
  23. You Go Mo!! You will beat this, your heart is in the right place. Ginny I love the new pic. Cindy
  24. I hate the fact that you have to have this done. But I am glad there are things that can be done to help. God Bless Cindy
  25. Jane-I hate hearing we have a new member BUT I am glad you found us. I too, am young for sclc. I was 44 when diagnosed and 3 yrs 2 mos lter I am still around. Please contact me thru pm or email if you need to talk. My youngest child is 17 now. Good luck, Cindy
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