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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. I am so sorry. I have had so many problems with this computer I had not seen your post. I am so sorry about your mom. God be with you and yours during this time. Love Cindy
  2. Cindy RN

    Half Way!!

    So glad you are half way done. We need you here!! Tell that dentist to be more gentle next time! Cindy
  3. Just how far from Chicago are you?? I might be up for a road trip myself. HA. Fay maybe you and I could hook up and put on mini skirts and knee high boots and hitch rides up there. NOT!!
  4. Cindy RN

    Results are in

    Ray, PLEASE try to find the faith to face this again. You are such a special person and I KNOW how it is to be in remission and have that cancer rear it's ugly head. You are in my prayers. Love cindy
  5. Cindy RN

    New Here

    I am so sorry to hear about your mom. There are some things to ask when you see the DR. What type of lung cancer. What stage. What treatments, chemo (what types), radiation, surgery? Make sure the Dr gives her prescriptions for anti nausea meds, compazine, zofran etc. She may need these if she is on chemo. Many of us here on these boards have survived cancer MUCH longer than the 'odds'. There is always hope. Please come back and update us on what is up. Love Cindy
  6. Cindy RN

    I am back

    As you said, the passing of your grandfather is sad but he had a long (and happy hopefully) life. Glad you had some time to enjoy and relax. We all need that so. Love Cindy
  7. Cindy RN

    He has Risen

    Take the time today to read Luke 22 thru 24. It is only 3 chapters of the Bible and this is the Reason for this Season. Our reason for celebration. Love, Cindy
  9. Cindy RN


    That is wonderful. You now are positve to see him in our Fathers home. Amen! Cindy
  10. (((Karen))) I am so glad to get the good news. And this is the weekend for miracles. Praise God, You Are A Miracle. You are a SURVIVOR! Love Cindy
  11. DEBBIE I have done some checking and have a phone number for you to call National Hospice Org. 1-800-646-6460 State Hospice Org of Mass. 1-800-962-2973 I have talked with a few nurse friends that do hospice in my area and they were apalled!!! They both said first call your hospice agency and ask to talk to the manager/supervisor and tell her date by date what has happened. Just what you told us. If she does nothing within 12 hrs. Call her back and notify her you are calling the state hospice org. YOU have the right to do this. Your dear husband deserves so much more than this. Help him by making these calls. I am praying for strength for you at this time. God Bless, Cindy
  12. Everyone has to choose this one on their own. I opted not to have it done. Reasons 1: I do not want the risk of the brain damage it may cause. Not that everyone has an extreme amount of damage but there is that possibility. Reason 2: If it mets to the brain and chances are still high if PCI is done then you can not treat it as aggressively as if the PCI had not been done. Reason 3: VANITY reason I have already lost my hair 2 times, and really do not want to go thru it again unless it has to be done to control/get rid of the mets. So everyone has to make their own minds up. Good Luck, Cindy
  13. Sorry to welcome you here. There are lots of people here to help answer questions and just to talk to. What your DR is doing is normal. He is now biopsying the 'hot spots' to see exactly what they are. God luck, Cindy
  14. A few things are fevers of around 100-101, diarhea, vomiting or confusion. I am sure there are others the Dr will tell you about. The radiation will make him tired but it gets better after the treatments are over. Watch his eating habits, if he is much pain he may not eat. Good Luck, Love Cindy
  15. What a sad thing to have to do. My Cassie (black lab) is there RUNNING along with all the other animals mentioned here. I have a pug-ROXY who is my 4th child. She sleeps between my hubby and me, she is in my lap on the couch and under my chair at the table. She is 3 now and I pray she will be around along time. So sorry Mo-it is a hard thing to do but in Cassie's condition, could not get up anymore and had cancer in the colon, and liver, plus bone problems. They are now much better. Cindy
  16. EEEKKKSSS!!! David you must get better!! It is terrible when we HOPE it is JUST pnuemonia!! Hopefully it is something a pill can take care of. As for me starting it It justs go to show ya, I am such a trend setter. Hopefully it is a small amount and they can just watch it. David we need you back Love ya Cindy
  17. If he FEELS HE is able to work let him. Do not try to get him to stop. Most people know their limits and when he hits them he will more than likely stop. I would love to go back to work, I just can work in a busy ER anymore so I have my volunteer groups I do. Slower pace ya know As for the diagnosis-with SCLC if it has spread to a further region-example:adrenal, liver bone etc then it is extensive. With SCLC it is either extensive or limited. With the NSCLC it can be staged I II III IV. Main thing is if he feels like doing something GO for it. The day may come (Heaven forbid) that he may not feel up to going to work everyday. Come back often, lots of great people here and lots of advice, sometimes it isn't even asked for (HA Ha) Cindy
  18. Hi MJB First off fill in some info on you and your hubby in the profile section so we know a little more. I am one of those who choose not to do the PCI-there are several who choose to have it done. We all have our reasons for and against it. Your hu7bby sounds like me-my cancer had started in the L lung and spread, one of the locations was to the R adrenal. The cancer in the adrenal has never grown back since the first go around with the chemo. What chenos is he using? Please come back often, there are alot here in your shoes. Love Cindy
  19. Cindy RN

    Some Good News

    Happy Dance is RIGHT!!! Great news. SCLC does react well to the chemo!! I tho would not want to wait 6 mos between tests! I was in remission (no new growth) for 1 yr. and had a CT done (they were always 2-3 mos apart) all OK then the next one 3 mos later showed a baseball size new tumor in a new location. If I had to wait 6 mos --what would it have been like. Most Dr will--if ins. will allow--have you tested more often due to the agressive nature of SCLC. Talk to the Dr about it. EVERYTHING else is looking good for you!! Cindy
  20. Tell him it is male menopause. No-I am kidding. I have no idea why, the steriods can make that happen. I myself have had this same problem since I was diagnosed. No reason- no meds causing it just out of nowhere I begin to sweat. It usualy is my head. Have no clue and the Dr does not know why. Good luck! Cindy
  21. I had it done last Feb 2003. I felt like I had to fight it one day at a time and not worry about next year. I have done ok so far. Good luck, Love Ciny
  22. I wanted to let you know that I am having computer problems at home. I am able to get to my email but that is about it. I am posting this from a friends. I can get email but no pm at this time. Hope it get worked out soon!! I am doing fine at this time. Hope all is well with everyone. Love Cindy
  23. I know just how she feels! I bet you are so relieved! One more step to being NED Cindy
  24. How beautiful! What a wonderful man. Love Cindy
  25. I would have gone thru tons of paper writing out ORDERS to my girls. I hope this works for him! Wow I can not imagine not talking! GOOD LUCK!! Cindy
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