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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. I totally agree! I did not plan this either. I was working when I was diag. I was unable to work after that point due to all the side effects of the chemo etc. I applied for disability and had the waiting period of 6 mos. Then after 2 more years I was eligable for Medicare. It became my secondary because my hubby's ins. is my primary. He is still working. I am now 47 yr. I pay the part B on Medicare which is around $60 I think and so far it has helped with the extra parts my hubby's ins did not pay. Hope this helps. Good Luck, Love Cindy
  2. Hoping for a fast recovery. Tell her to rest and let the staff there wait on her! Love Cindy
  3. I am so sorry. It sounds like she passed quietly and peacefully. Esp. having you -her daughter right there with her. Love Cindy
  4. Cindy RN


    What would we do without you (both). That tribute is so moving. I sat and smiled as I saw people we have gotten to know and have lost over the last year and a half or so. I had tears falling too. You are such a blessing to us all. Please remember that. Love Cindy
  5. I can not believe this. We need her back soon. BUT not too soon. She needs to get this totally cleared up!!!! I am glad they did catch this-even tho SHE knew first. Send her my love, Cindy
  6. My prayers are with you and your dad. Love Cindy
  7. Well I now have an apt. with the cardiologist-one I have worked with many times in the past so I trust him. The apt is April 2 I believe. I suppose we will discuss the options then. I will say this thing is making me much more short of breath than I am used to. I still can do things around the house cooking etc. I DO NOT clean anymore! That is one chore the girls have taken over. Just one more hurdle. Thank you all for the notes and pms. I love the support I get from here. IT IS SO IMPORTANT. Cindy
  8. Welcome Karen and the furry things! Cindy
  9. Cindy RN

    Katie or Rick

    So glad to hear your 'mending' You are fighting the battle right with us. You have since the beginning. Love ya!! Cindy
  10. So sorry the news was not what you wanted. Prayers for your hopes to be lifted with the new treatments. Love Cindy
  11. That is the best I can wink Glad to hear you have a plan. Cindy
  12. Thanks Shirley. At times like this I sure do miss Sam, he knew from being a Dr that we dig a little deeper than should be to find out what the results of something are or can be. I have always said those with any medical background know enough to be scary. With the internet today you can find out WAY too much about what is going on which is good but at times it is more than a person can handle all at once. Thanks for your concern Love Cindy
  13. GOOd to SEE you Nell. Cindy
  14. Cindy RN


    I have had small bits of nausea, nothing like what you are going thru. My Dr did suggest back when I first started chemo if it got bad he would put me in the hospital and give the Zofran IV. Maybe that is an option?? You are in my prayers. Love Cindy
  15. I agree with Dean when it comes to being patient. I am wondering also why it is taking so long to decide what type of cancer it is. The only way I know they can do that is a biopsy. With me I had a chest xray on a Fri. that showed a ?? spot. I had a CT that afternoon that showed a few other ?? spots in other places. On the next Mon. I had a bronchoscopy to get a sample. On Wed. I saw the Dr for the diagnosis from the bronch. which showed small cell lung cancer. On Thurs I was admitted to the hospital and more surgical biopsies were done on the mediastinal area and I had a port put in while I was asleep for the upcoming chemo. I also had all the reg tests, bone scan, PET etc done. I stayed thru the weekend and first dose of chemo started on Mon. So from the first hint that something was wrong til the first dose of chemo was 10 days. A VERY LONG 10 DAYS. I would encourage the Dr to hurry up with the biopsies so you know what your mom is dealing with. Cindy
  16. OH Connie YOU MUST use MY chemo next time-you will love it. No hair left anywhere. None on the legs, underarms, vag---- (you know what I mean) Absolutly the Best!! Silky legs for months dear! Cindy
  17. It is a terrible thing to hear next step hospice. I am so sorry. It has already been said. Miracles still happen and you deserve one. Love Cindy
  18. Rochelle WHAT is wrong with you?? You say you have been sick! That is not allowed. Please let us know about Bob. Hopefully they are just busy. Cindy
  19. Cindy RN

    New General

    Tricia-I agree. We kid around on here to help US lighten the mood. Cancer can control your life if you are't careful. I have tried hard to live my life, yes I have a bad disease BUT so do others. Diabetes High blood pressure, heart disease, AIDS, kidney failure, etc. The word-CANCER-can destroy a person. Don't let it. Look around at what you can do. I have moments that are horrifying-thinking I won't be here for my family, I do not have grandkids yet, etc. I can not and will not let myself stay in those moments. If I did I would miss out on whatever else is going on at that moment. I too get short of breath easier now than before SO I slow down. I have lots of time. As for the disability-call the social security office and tell them what is going on and see what they can do. I went on disability 6 months after I was diagnosed. I was unable to return to work after the diagnosis. Keep coming here and vent all you need but remember you are ALIVE right now. None of us have a guarente on how long we will be here. Love Cindy
  20. I had the echo done this am. the tech-(we know they can read these things ) measured the amount of effusion (fluid) present and it seems to be in the moderate range. I am unsure if they do anything at this point. I don't know if there should be a follow-up echo done to see if the amount grows?? Maybe someone else has had this and knows. I have not been too symptomatic with this-a little more short of breath with min. exertion. Guess time will tell. Cindy
  21. Deanna, I am so sorry. I know how difficult this time is. Come back when you can. Love Cindy
  22. Cindy RN

    New General

    OK Floppy ears!! I am glad Rick put that on for you. I missed seeing the little creature! Love Cindy
  23. Cindy RN

    New General

    I just wanted to be first to post on this on.
  24. I hate to hear the CA is back. Check into the meds you talk about. If you decide not to go with the chemo meds there is a site run by Dean-Path less traveled. It is for the people who decide to stop or not take chemo at all. I pray that your family can come to terms with your decision. I do understand the pressure a family can put on you to continue treatments. Good luck. Love Cindy
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