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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. It is Heaven's gain tho. You are a living tribute to your father. Cindy
  2. 2 dolphins?? I saw a dog and an elephant! Does that mean I might be under a little stress Cindy
  3. MO---You must see the DR before your next apt. Please do not wait. I am one of those I hate to go before my apt timeBUT you have something going on. I pray that God will take the pain away and shrink the node back down. He can do this in the name of Jesus. Love Cindy
  4. Cindy RN

    I Win.....

    #1 Choice ed ed ed ed ed ed ed #2 Choice ned ned ned ned ned ned ned ned ned Which one will Kay choose??HUM?? I wonder,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ????????????? I KNOW #2!! Ed is leaving soon. He must, he is an unwelcomed guest and they HAVE to leave quickly! Go home ED, you are not wanted here! From all of us who have had YOU-ED in our homes. We did not want you either. GET!
  5. Cindy RN

    SCLC Extensive

    Janet-I really did not have new symptoms. I have been short of breath when I do to much but that had been common for me. I was surprised when they showed me the scan I had no idea it had popped up. I was put on chemo and radiation for that one (2/03). When I was first (2/01) diagnosed the sclc had mets to several places so they only did chemo-no radiation at that time. If you have any questions please pm me. Love Cindy
  6. Cindi Please pm me. There is no reason to be all alone. I know the internet is not the same as having someone right there to talk with or just be with. Do you have a church? How about the homeschooling network. I schooled my daughter at home for 1 year and there were several others in my area. I contacted the group thru the local library. Is there a local support group for family members of cancer patients? You could call your local hospital and see if there are any groups in your area. You need someone to talk with before you go ?????? Register on here so we can pm or email you. Love Cindy
  7. Shirley- I just saw the message about your brother. As I prayed for him and scrolled down I see your updated message. Wonderful news!! You and your family have been thru enough! Love to you and all, Cindy
  8. Cindy RN

    SCLC Extensive

    I have been around 3 yrs and 1 month with extensive SCLC so do not look at the stats. As for the small mets to the liver and the brain! SCLC spreads SO FAST. I had a scan in 11/02-clean then another CT in 2/03 and a new tumor in the L lung-baseball size. So no mets is a small thing. The chemos-I do not believe -get to the brain mets due to a blood brain barrier. So another treatment is needed for that. I would get a second opinion about not treating that brain mets! Glad you found us. There are so many great people here. Good luck, Cindy
  9. UH OH! You gave it a double R rating
  10. If you have your name on our card list would you go to your profile and list more about hobbies, families, pets, birthdays etc. It makes it easier for us to know who the cards are being sent to.
  11. I really like the colors they are very 'in style' Love Cindy
  12. I had this emailed to me. Thought provoking WHY The Passion is rated 'R' Rated R The "R" of course is because of the violence, the gore. In movie terms "R" stands for RESTRICTED, but in this movie "R" stands for RELEVANT, for REALISTIC, for it REALLY happened for a REASON because we were REBELLIOUS we needed a REDEEMER, we needed to be RECONCILED, we needed to be RECOVERED, we needed to be REGENERATED. Jesus needed to be REJECTED so that we could have a RELATIONSHIP not just a RELIGION. The "R" is to REMIND us to REMEMBER that Jesus died to REMOVE our sin to RENDER Satan powerless, to RESCUE us from eternity in hell. The "R" rating is to show that Jesus was RESPONSIBLE for giving you REST. As a RESULT of his death Jesus RETIRED your debt. The "R" rating means that some will be REPULSED, some will REFUSE to believe, some will be RELUCTANT, some will think you are RIDICULOUS in believing that a death was REQUIRED. The "R" rating means that the RESULT of sin has been REVERSED and now through faith in Christ your REWARD is eternity and you are now RIGHTEOUS before God because you have RECEIVED him as the RULER of your soul. What a REVOLUTIONARY and RADICAL solution to REDEEM mankind.
  13. ((((((((((Oh Jenny)))))))))) I wondered how things were. I am so sorry your mom has to go thru this. I am glad she has you and the family. May God be with you. Love Cindy
  14. Great new look for a GREAT board! THANKS, Cindy
  15. Same here, I just got on today so I did not find out you had a problem til a little bit ago!! Hopefully you are home and pain FREE now Love Cindy
  16. Make sure you get those second and third opinions! Do whatever it takes to get some food into you. YOU get better.
  17. Welcome. I am a 47 yo mom with sclc, diagnosed 3 yrs ago. I am still around. I have had 1 yr remission and this time I am hitting 8 months chemo free. The more the chemo the yuckier you will feel. BUT it gets better after the chemo is stopped, so it is worth it. If you think you may have trouble working, check into the Social Serviices about temp or permanent disability. Those things take time so the sooner you check the faster you may get an answer. Again glad you found us, we are a good bunch Cindy
  18. Send me the # and name of the window contracter! Thanks Cindy
  19. Glad you found us. It is a great place for support. Cindy
  20. Glad you have joined us. So true, prayer life is the answer PLUS a good Dr. Cindy
  21. Me 2 and Me 2=All 4 it Cindy
  22. I think I have been in a fog for a few days. I did mean pericardial effusion not pleural effusion. I need to check and see if I really am a nurse. Scary-good thing I am not working right now. Can't remember the difference between a heart and lung. Poor patients. Imagine if I was told to put in catheter and grabbed the IV equipment! Love Cindy
  23. Kid stories-gotta love em My 2 oldest were about 6 and 8 and Vicky calls Paul a name and he runs to me and says Vicky called me a dic_head! Needless to say I could not say a thing. I called them in the room and asked if they knew what that was and they said 'a BRAT' I had to explain a little anatomy then and they were both red by the end. When I was pregnant with my last one the 2 oldest were about 7 and 9. I was seperated from their dad at the time and had moved back home to IL. So here I was pregnant, 2 kids and in the midst of a divorce. None of my friends really knew the reason for the divorce just that I was getting one. The kids and I called the baby Sam-either a Samantha or a Samuel, and they would say 'I don't know WHO it is yet.' Well a friend asked Paul and Vicky what they wanted a sister or brother? Paul said 'we don't know WHOSE' it is!' I was so red faced and trying to explain what he meant that I just made it worse, so I just walked away
  24. Cindy RN


    Ask your Dr or pharmacist about liquid meds. I know there are alot of patients who can not swallow pills and they use liquids on them instead. Also check about crushing them with the pharmacist. Some meds can not be crushed. We used to mix them with jelly after I crushed them for my daughter. She was 20 before she could swallow most pills! Cindy
  25. Costa Rica HUH?? Glad you were able to get back here! Maybe you could put up a new pic from there and make me even more jealous! YOU get better!! Love Cindy
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