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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. The fluid could be any of those. If pnuemonia-he would be treated with antibiotics. Hopefully that is it and with treatment he would be OK. Fluid around the lung could be from the radiation as could a pericardial effusion (fluid around the heart). Hopefully that is what caused it and it can be watched and if no symptoms occur that is about all they do. If it is symptomatic then they can drain the fluid and hopefully that will help. It could be the fluid is caused by the cancer. I am not sure what they do at that point except I have seen several people on here talk about having the fluid drained. You do have good news tho-no new tumor growth. We have to look at the good things that come our way when it comes to this disease. Cindy
  2. Great news. Keep up the good work
  3. I agree, no one should be in pain. Hopefully you will find radiologist that can help you. Cindy
  4. Cheri I guess I am a good one to answer about the broken leg and chemo. Last Feb. 2003 on a Mon. I started chemo and radiation for a new tumor in my L lung. On Fri I got to the hospital for the 5th radiation tx and slipped and fell at the front door. I also broke both the fibula and tibia. The break in the tibia was stable but the one near the ankle, fibula had to be surgically repaired. They did the surgery that evening. I was in the hosp til Mon. then went home. I had to use a wheelchair for a few weeks at home. I stayed in our family room because our house is on different levels and there is a bathroom on the family room level. I could get out the sliding doors to the patio and someone would wheel me to the car. I sat in the back seat with the leg propped up on a pillow in the seat and travel 45 miles to the hosp to get the radiation treatment. I did this for 6 weeks. YES it was inconvenient BUT it can be done. I cont. chemo as before also. The fracture that was repaired had a metal plate screwed into the bone to correct it. I did have to keep the cast and then the walking boot on much longer than normal because of the healing time being slower due to the chemo but I made it. Whew. it was a time. Hopefully your dad will do well. DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP. As you said he was doing well and much stronger. I know I hate it when my family feels they have to hover at times. I am sure he does not blame anyone. You sound like a close supportive family. Go on from here and help him get better. Set up the room so he does not have to move around much. I had a lift chair, a twin bed put in the room, a walker-I hated that, and the wheelchair. Good luck, God Bless. Cindy
  5. NO 9?? OK you got me I looked back AND I laughed. Are you looking thru the puter at me? HA Cindy
  6. Thanks all of you. Yes the Dr was smiling when we talked about it being three years. I think I will become his posterchild. I did some searching on the internet and med. books I have. I do NOT like what it says about pleural effusions, that is the fluid around the heart. Sometimes not knowing is a blessing. I can stick other people with needles etc. BUT when it comes to ME-quite another story! Cindy
  7. UUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!! I tried about 4 times. I can't get it to start I guess. I click on the name and try to drag it (with the l button) but it won't go where I want it to. I guess I need to go to kinder.
  8. Debi-I tried and it won't let me play It loads but I can't get the names to drag to the map?? Any ideas? Cindy
  9. I saw my Dr today, he said my last CT showed fluid around the heart area. I am to get an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) on Thursday. He said it could be caused from the radiation I had last year or it could be due to the cancer. The only definitive way of knowing, I think, is to drain it with a needle. I am NOT to thrilled about that. I will have to WAIT and see what the echo shows. Has anyone else had this? Cindy
  10. Stable is WONDERFUL!! I had a cap fall off once and took my daughters wax (for her braces) and covered it til I went to the dentist. Cindy
  11. Cold and chilly and gray. Typical midwestern winter day. We TOO have tulips poping up and the deer roam free IN TOWN here also. Love life in the state of Illinois. Cindy
  12. DEAN-I understand what you mean. I have had to use the scooters at the Wal-Mart last year while I was in chemo. I looked OK, I had a wig on so nobody knew. I did feel like people were looking at me As for not LOOKING sick. I notice a difference when I am on chemo and when I am not. I lost my hair within the first few months and wore hats usually. People gave me their seats, let me cut in line, etc. Later after my hair grew in and things sure changed. We all need to realize that people can be very ill (lc) but it doesn't show on the outside. BETTY-Please do not take offense to the comment about weight. I too have been overweight most of my life. I was the same as you, I could cut back to nothing and still gain When I found out about the cancer, I thought---weight loss!! WELL it did not happen to me. I have decided God had me overweight so I could get thru this awful disease. Some people are insensitive but don't mean to. My dad is one of the worlds worst. He is always saying something that is rude but does not mean to be hurtful. He is a sweet man. Love yourself for who you are. A very sweet and caring lady. Love Cindy
  13. Fay-here is a hand-UH OH I got tangled up too! The CT wil be good, too many of us wishing for it. Cindy
  14. New meds mean new hope!! Prayers being said. Cindy
  15. Cindy RN


    I am so sorry for you both. It does get easier, I am not sure when it happened but it does. My mom has been gone 10 years this July. I don't know where the time went. I remember when her grave did not have grass on it. That first Christmas I had a grave blanket (lots of pine branches and red ribbon) put on it so it did not look so bare. One day we will all be reunited. Bless you all.
  16. Cindy RN

    Thank You!!

    Weren't they sweet to get this one up and going tonight. You ES LC need a place to call your own forum too. Cindy
  17. ((((PEG))))) I am praying for Bill. I recall he has had a few real scares in the past. I pray he comes out of this one stronger than before. You lean on our Lord right now and He will help you thru this. Hug Bill and tell him we are praying for him. Love, Cindy
  18. (((Cheryl)))))) I was so surprised to hear Jack had a heart attack!! We go on day to day facing our cancer and don't think that the caregiver can get sick too. You know my hubby, Tom had surgery on his R arm 3 weeks ago. I had to take care of him. Now it is your turn, to do all the little extras. Do not overdue!! Love to both of you and my prayers are being said for his healing. Love Cindy
  19. I totally agree! Get both. Transfusions act FAST! Procrit then can be taken to avoid the low counts. Cindy
  20. Great news. I have a baby (pug) her name is Roxy, I DO know I would do whatever it took to make her better if something was wrong. Glad to hear yours is doing good. Love Cindy
  21. Fingers and toes crossed for you. Cindy
  22. You know we will keep you both in our prayers. Let us know when the surgery is done. Love Cindy
  23. I have yet to see it. My 2 daughters have gone, 17 and 24. They both were moved. They said the same thing, kids under 12-13 would be frightened. I am amazed how Hollywood can put a pg-13 on some of the the most vulger movies but for this it gets an R rating due to the violence. Some movies have gratuitous violence. The Passion's violence was real and not out of place. Oh well, I will leave the coding of movies to them. I don't go to often anyways.
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