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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. I saw where someone suggested Lasix-gets rid of the extra fluid. Also if the DR puts her on it, you need to ask about a potassium suppliment. Lasix also depletes the body of potassium. Something you can try without a Dr order are Ted hose. These are very tight stretchy stockings. I have had to use them in the past and they help with circulation and they do feel GOOD when they are on. It did help with the swelling. Cindy
  2. I may give this site to Katie and see if there is a place on the main page for others to see. Cindy
  3. You said thorazine is being used. That is what we always used for irretractable hiccups!. I don't know of anything else. Try a search on google. Maybe there will be something. Good Luck, Cindy
  4. I do recall they put cigs. in with the rations given out to service members at one time.
  5. Can we see a picture of it? Please? Cindy
  6. As for me. I choose the road with all the chemicals and side effects. In my case I seem to be handling them all well. For me it is worth every extra day I receive. I have 3 kids that still need my guidence at times and so far I have been around to see the youngest get her drivers lis., her first prom, her first date, her first (of many) heart ache and in a few months her HS graduation. My oldest has moved out, gotten married and maybe soon, may make me a grandma My middle one has become more mature and more beautiful, also found the man I think she will marry (soon I hope). I thank God for every day He allows me to have with them. My road has had lots of bumps but I have good shock absorbers. Cindy
  7. Cindy RN

    Combo Kid

    Mo- I pray that you are given the strength to deal with this. I do believe you are one who will be able to use this to give others the inspiration to go on. Love Cindy
  8. I have been doing some research on how to get medications at a lower cost for some people in my area that have either no income or very little. I found a website where they have put LOTS of info on thousands of different meds. It lists their manufact., addresses, and phone numbers where to reach them to get applications for no/low cost meds. They work with the Dr to get these meds to the people who need them. Check it out. www.needymeds.com Good Luck, Cindy
  9. Calories help cure LOTS of things. Especially calories from chocolate, ice cream, chocolate, big cheeseburgers loaded and ff, chocolate, any kind of pie AND chocolate. I really do believe there MUST be a cure for something with this type of diet.
  10. Cindy RN


    I did not know that this drug had been used for sclc. Does anyone know more about this?? Cindy
  11. Hey ya'all I scored a 79%. Guess I wil jist mosey on down to the crick and have a swig of corn while fishin.
  12. I am so glad to see the subject of smoking being brought up here. I have seen it several places on the boards about--'I have cancer BUT I never smoked'. Well --I did. I started when I was a teen-dumb thing to do-HAD to be accepted Well many years later, I end up with sclc. I was one of those who thought it won't happen to me Now the first thing someone asks when they find out I have LC is "Did you smoke?' LIKE I am totaly to blame--I was addicted, the government pours millions into subsidies for tobacco farmers, they make a fortune off the taxes on them, and who gets all the blame for getting lung cancer?? The smoker. I accept the fact that I damaged my lungs with cigs but I never asked to get this disease. When someone gets skin cancer are they asked-did you tan? When someone has heart disease are they asked -did you eat high fat foods? When someone gets diabetes are they asked -did you have to much sugar in your diet? Is a woman asked after she is raped -did you ask for it (hopefuly those days are gone!)? OK I am ranting. I do not do this very often but I have to deal with this day in and day out. I love life and don't want to hurt peoples feelings when they ask me. Actually I want to smack them Not really Sorry I carried on. I do love you all! And cybysea1 you are a great friend to those 2, keep up the good work. Love Cindy
  13. OK, I think that reminds me of a song We are Family, I got all my brothers (OR sisters) and me?? Sound about right? This a great place to be. Thanks for all of you. Cindy
  14. Cindy RN

    MRI Question

    I agree-ask the techs. OR call the DR and ask him/her what it is they are looking for with the MRI Cindy
  15. I bet there are agencies in the town where they live that help with these expenses. One of them needs to go to the church they attend and ask for help. If they do not have a church they attend then the closest Catholic church has a Catholic Charities I bet. Where I am from we set up a Benevolence Fund that is for our county. The local churches and private individuals donate money to it then when someone goes to the church for help, they send them to us. We (the volunters) help with financial needs and are able to send them to other agencies that are also able to assist. Usually the Catholic Church knows of agencies like these so that is a good place to start. Good luck. Cindy
  16. ((((HUGS)))))) I can not imagine losing one of my kids. I have a few friends who have been thru it and I don't think you ever really get past it. Maybe after a time (more than 6 mos) you can remember more of the blessing you had while she was with you. My prayers are with you. Please remember you are still here, and there is a reason for that. I too, have outlived anything the Dr said. I have watched other friends, here on the boards die within months of their diagnosis. I do not understand why them? Only God knows and someday I too, will understand. Not in this life tho. Remember we are here and you can call. Just pm me and I will send the number. Love Cindy
  17. Cindy RN

    mom's picture

    Such a beautiful lady. Her smile is the best part.
  18. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! Any of you that have the book READ it. It is a life changing book. Don-My small group bible study have been working thru it. I have trouble JUST reading 1 chapter per day. I want to read ahead. Cindy
  19. Gina-so glad to see your face again. Even happier to hear the good news. Get that landlord to give a years lease. Cindy
  20. I am so sorry to hear about both your dads. Cancer is a hideous disease. Cindy
  21. Your sister sounds like she had more than her share of heartache. I have 2 sisters, one who has been a blessing to me thru all of this. Sisters are great. Prayers being said for yours. Cindy
  22. Cindy RN

    Prayers Needed

    Prayers being said. Try to get your mom to go out if possible. Especially if the weather is good. That always picks up my spirits. Cindy
  23. Prayers going out for your friend. She is my age. Hopfully someday this site won't be needed. Cindy
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