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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. It is so good to hear someone is having a 'normal' day. We ALL like those times. Have many more!! Cindy
  2. I have had the same response to my chemo's. Congrats!! Cindy
  3. Hi Dean- Glad you are able to get out in the sunshine when you can. Here in the midwest we have had 2 days of blue skies and sunshine-a much needed blessing. As for the pain meds. I have been taking darvocett for the bone and muscle aches for awhile now. After the first few weeks I did not have the side effects of being tired anymore. On the contrary, I actually felt more energetic. I can get around faster, and I sure get more done when I am not in pain. Go for it. Have fun boot scootin around the neighborhood
  4. (((((HUGS)))))) I am so sorry you are going thru this. I agree with Ray, I pray that I can pass in my husbands arms, just as you were with yours. May God hold you close these next few days. May you feel His presence right now. Cindy
  5. I ache for you. I read in one of the posts that YOU are one of your dad's best successes. I agree. He is so lucky to have you as a daughter. So many who have gone thru this disease go thru it alone. He is blessed. As you are to be his daughter. Good luck with the next Dr visit. Love Cindy
  6. Hold on to the fact you have 1 more treatment. After that you WILL start to feel better. It takes a few months to get back going well but it is worth it. Lay back and relax during that time and let the fella's take over. HA. I have daughters and they don't do much better than the boys. Cindy
  7. Sandy-Love it You may add mine and the hubby if you want. Thanks Cindy
  8. Check withyour church or local benevolence fund. I work with one here in Robinson and we help local people with medication costs. Maybe there is an organization for you to seek help. Cindy
  9. Glad you had such a good time. That is what life is made of.
  10. Ambien 10 mg works for me. Occasionally I will also take 0.5 mg of xanax if I need it. Works great. Cindy
  11. I am so sorry to hear this. Hopefully they can help while he is in the hospital. Let us know what the Dr saws about the results. Love Cindy
  12. I guess I should call you HARLEY MAMA!!!!!! OK, I get the first ride-You stop by my place in southern IL first!! Ly hair will blow in the wind(HA)
  13. Thanks for the update. I know Norme will be back when she is ready. Love Cindy
  14. So glad the Duke is doing'well' I agree about learning so much 'medical stuff' I should add MD after my name instead of RN. Ha I hear they make more than me too.
  15. Holly-You are doing the best job you can and I know he agrees. Just be there for him and ask God the Father for the strength. Prayers are being said for you- Love Cindy
  16. Mo Lots of prayers being said for you from everybody here on the boards! I agree-we will hope for an infection Cindy
  17. Dave-I am sooo happy to hear your news. Great!~ Cindy
  18. I am one of those who was diagnosed with extensive sclc and I am still around. I have a one year remission period and so far this time it is 7 months. Lots of chemo and prayers have gotten me this far. 3 years on Feb 16, that was when I was diagnosed. Hang in there, I am living life to the fullest.
  19. I agree-Valentines Day is a time to remember those who have gone ahead. Focus on the good memories. Thinking of you all. Love Cindy
  20. WOW! Gotta love those babies. One day (I hope) I will be a grandma. I sure love to sit and rock them when they curl up on your shoulder. They just nuzzle at that age. Wonderful looking kids you 2!! Love Cindy
  21. I am so sorry about your dad. You are right we all wish we could of met him. God Bless. Cindy
  22. Cindy RN

    Husband surgery

    My husbands surgery went well. The Dr attached the biceps tendon to the elbow and he now has a cast from the shoulder to his fingers on the R arm. Of course he is R handed so I am keeping busy helping him out. I guess it is my turn to do for him He is on vicoden so he really is not in too much pain. As for my CT I have not heard anything. My Dr lost his nurse-I have been going there for 3 years and really had gotten use to her. The new one doesn't seem to care as much. Anyway-I called her and asked for her to call me back with the results. No call and of course it is now Sat. She has no idea what it is like waiting the weekend for the results. I guess I can say no news is good news. Thanks for all the messages. Love Cindy
  23. Cindy RN


    You need to get one of those horns like they have on bikes. And maybe a flag to hook on the back one that is really high with an orange flag. You can just keep scootin on down the road.
  24. To my friend ((((Norme))))) I am so sorry you have to go thru this. Buddy was so lucky to have you. May God be with you and may you feel his love around you especialy now. Love Cindy
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