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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Sounds like Procrit. I had to go a few days after the chemo for that. Then every week or so I think. Yhe neupogen I got for 3 or 4 days straight. It has been awhile but both are very common any more to help with the blood counts.
  2. We messaged and she said it is a "sad time" for them all. Love and prayers sent their way, Cindy
  3. I still have every month checkups. One of these days he will say see ya in a year! Wishful thinkin! Hope yours go great. Cindy
  4. Cindy RN

    Leaving For A Few

    Have a GOOD time. Enjoy! Both of you Cindy
  5. Cindy RN

    CT on Thurs.

    Just to let you all know I may be MIA for a few days. My husband fell at work a few days ago and tore the tendon to the bicep totaly. He is to have surgery tomorrow afternoon. All should go well but he will be off work for several weeks. Sure hope workmans comp kicks in quick. I also have to get another CT tomorrow morning early. I have a large lump that has come up on the chest-near where the collar bones meet. Not sure what it is but it does hurt to touch. What a month! Please keep us in your prayers. Love Cindy
  6. Cindy RN


    Thanks Ray-I love the words and meaning to that song too. Cindy
  7. Cindy RN

    No PCI

    I also have extensive and discussed the PCI with the oncologist. After studying some about it I opted not to have it done either. If I end up with mets to the brain then I will of course go ahead. For right now, I am doing well.
  8. Any hair is good hair. I always said if it grew in green I would love it
  9. Watch out!! You can get speeding tickets still! I used one of those at a WalMart not long ago. They sure made it easy shopping. Have fun!
  10. What is it with FEB!!!!! I was diagnosed with sclc on Feb. 16, 2001. 2002 Feb was good, Feb 2003 I had a relapse of the cancer AND fell and broke my leg. Feb. 2004 I have a CT on the 12th and the Dr said he will call me if there is anything on it (there is a large lump in the rib area he is looking at). I REALLY do NOT like Feb! But every Feb means another yr behind me. Now it is 3 YEARS!!!!!!! since diagnosis
  11. Valentines Day is coming-what a time for a 'quiet' wedding with just the parents there? If that was a possibility how romantic and what a memory.
  12. Everybody is different. It could be your mom is dehydrated and that can cause the weakness and confusion. The very end stages of most cancers are being extremely tired, no appetite, and little thirst. You need to talk with the nurses caring for her and the Dr. He needs to change her anti-nausea meds-zophran is a good one, it does not make you tired like the phenergan. Bless you for being there with her. Cindy
  13. Cindy RN

    Hot Spots

    That is a strange one. BUT we all have had some strange side effects. Hope it is nothing serious.
  14. Cindy RN

    Hair Loss

    The chemo that kills fast growing cells-such as hair also is what gets the cancer cells. There is no way of knowing whether it is effecting the cancer cells until he has a scan to check on the progress. Maybe your brother would benefit from a port for the chemo. Lots of us have one, mine is under the skin and when I had to get chemo they had a place to put the needle for the chemo. No more IV sticks-searching for a vein. My heart goes out to you and your family. Cindy
  15. Cindy RN


    celebrex is used for arthritic-joint pain
  16. I guess the writer of the article has not had a close member die from cancer. I suppose if I had that attitude I would have curled up and died 3 YEARS ago. I am still functioning very well. Positive thinking does make a difference, you feel better and enjoy life. As the old cliche' says-I could get hit by a bus
  17. Cindy RN


    All you will get is good news! How is that for predicting the future! I am glad the celebrex is working for you. I am taking 2 200 mg everyday but it doen't seem to be working as well as it did in the beginning. Thank goodness for darvocett! Let us know soon as the results come in!
  18. All I can say is YES! We would love to have you around, I miss Sam too. He was a good friend to us on this LC web site. He mentioned his family often. I miss my medical buddy, this disease can sneak up so fast but we have to meet each day with a smile. He made it easy to do that. Love Cindy
  19. Missy-I hate it that I could not catch up with you in St Louis!!! Last Sun. the boiler quit working at my house and we did not have any heat for several days. I was so busy trying to keep heaters going and get a repair person in that I was unable to get over. Glad your trip went well and maybe in the futre we can get together. Love Cindy
  20. Cindy RN

    Tim is gone

    I am so sorry-sounds like he passed on very peacefully. That in it's self is a blessing. God was with him. Cindy
  21. Hope they have something. Let us know what they say-Love Cindy
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