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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Would not be the same here without YOU!
  2. Cindy RN

    Imagining Forever

    Absolutly one of my favorite songs. It has such meaning to those of us who know we will be seeing Him face to face. my husband sings and has sung this one at church before. Thanks for writing out the lyrics.
  3. Glad to see your pic again. I think winter puts us all in a hibrinating mood I was lax this last week and I got called to make sure I was still around-oops
  4. Cindy RN


    Yes I am still puttin away-just cold. Well not so bad now that the boiler is fixed. Thanks for checkin on me-I sure love you guys!
  5. Cindy RN

    Scan is clean!!

    Great news! Yes, I remember the painful bone aches when I was on the neupogen shots. I took Tylenol and sometimes darvocett for the pain.
  6. I am still here. I have had problems with our heat this last week so I have not been in the family room where the computer is-it was too cold. We did get the boiler fixed Fri. so we now have heat all thru the house. What a blessing! I thank the ones checking in on me-and the phone call!! I am fine just COLD. Hopefully this ice and snow will soon melt away to Spring-YEAH! I am ready for it!
  7. Cindy RN


    I HATE pain that can't be identified! I too, have an area between the clavicle area. About 1 inch down. It hurts to lay on my side because of the pressue it puts on it. I have been taking 2 Darvocett about 2-3 times aday. That seems to help, it sure helps with the arthritis stuff. But on every scan nothing shows up. Dr said it could be from the radiation I had in that area at the beginning of last year?? Not sure-but I, like you, want to know what it is! Cindy
  8. Cindy RN

    Port Day

    Installation OOPS I mean inSERTION of port! YEAH! You will be happy you did it. Hope it went well. Cindy
  9. OH NO!! Some of you will remember almost 1 yr ago (actually mid Feb) I fell going into the hospital for radiation treatments and broke my leg. I do recall the pain and I too was not able to use the crutches because I did not have the strength. I used a w/c and a walker. Tell Earl to take it easy now, he doesn't need to break the other one! Cindy the clutz
  10. Cindy RN


    Faith is hard to descibe BUT impossible to ignore when you feel it. Thank you for the quote. Love his books. Cindy
  11. Cindy RN


    You two have been in my prayers since your first post. You are both so strong physically and spiritually. God is listening. Cindy
  12. Miracles DO happen, I bet your family is flying high! Cindy
  13. Great report-BUT shrinkage is one of those terms most men hate to hear! OOOHHH!!! I lost control for a minute-blame it on the others who started it first. Cindy
  14. Great news. Love those LONG TERM survivor stories! Hope to continue down that road too. Cindy
  15. Cindy RN

    David A. Update

  16. Marlon-I am so sorry-it never is easy watching a loved one pass on. God be with you. Cindy
  17. I am so sorry-David will be missed. Cindy
  18. I agree-PORTS are the only way to go. You can get that cream that was mentioned that numbs the skin BUT you have to put it on about thirty minutes before the port is accessed. I forgot the first time so they just stuck the needle in and it barely hurt so I never messed with the stuff. I have had my port almost 3 years now and just have to go in 1 time a month (when I am not in chemo) to have it flushed. You will LOVE it. No more hunt and stick! Cindy
  19. Shelly-Oh My, I have no words for you. ((HUGS)) Nothing seems fair at times but we must remember He will give us the strength to get thru it. Prayers and more prayers for strength and patience and love. Love you, Cindy
  20. Prayers being said for Mathew. May he soon come home and restart his chemo. Thank you Linda for your prayers for us. Cindy
  21. Cindy RN

    Thank you

    Dave-add my good wishes to the list! Love Cindy
  22. Cindy RN

    GREAT NEWS but....

    RAY-So glad to see you are back with such good spirits!! We always love clean scans. As for the injections, at least you can get those at home and not have to be in the hospital. Bld. clots are nothing to mess with. Make sure if you have bad chest pain or increased shortness of breath you get back in to the ER. Love ya! Cindy PS Love the pic
  23. She IS adorable. Grandpa would be proud. Love and congrats-Cindy
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