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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. We do care, please let us know how things are going. Prayers being said for you AND your mom. Love Cindy
  2. Becky-I really wish you had gotten the news we all wanted for you. You do have so much to live for-that sweet baby , I always smile when I see your pics. Love ya Cindy
  3. I agree with Katie-Tell your Dr that you want to fight this and let him know you want him to be the one to help. If he still acts like you are 'chasing your tail' then go to a large cancer clinic. If he is well enough to travel some, go. This is coming from a nurse-I have worked with LOTS of Dr and each one is different. Plus you may find he is eligable for some of the trials. Where there is life there is hope. Love Cindy
  4. Love ya Lauri BUT---------the best vengence against ANY man is to look so good he can't believe he messed up. Also we all are given the strength to handle whatever happens. God is always there we just need to turn to Him. Every struggle I have had has led me to this point. I guess I am the one that other sick destitute people point at and say, "Wow we could be in HER shoes!" HA! God is the weaver and He see's the quilt from the top side and we can only see it from the bottom side. I have said for a few years now that I know why I was always overweight, God got me prepared for the chemo. NOW I can eat anything I want and NOBODY says-Cindy you have had enough. Love it. See there are a few benefits. Closer parking places. Go Carts to use in Wal-Mart. Love Cindy
  5. I have not had it done for the cancer BUT I have it done for headaches I used to have several years ago. I have a friend who is a chiropractor and he does accupuncture. I had 2 car accidents close together and had some whip lash. The headaches were terrible. He had me come in and stuck me with little tiny needles and just lay there for about 1/2 hr and later on in the day the headache would be gone. WOW was I surprised. I have gone back a few times and it worked well for me. Good luck with the wedding. My son got married last Sept. and I was able to go. What a wonderful memory Cindy
  6. I had the same change made during the first rounds of chemo in 2001. For me I had neuropathy in hands and feet so that is why they changed it. I suppose the cisplatin may be better but I am not sure. The Dr said it worked almost the same but less side effects. Hope this helps. Cindy
  7. Yes I have had joint pain continually since the first round of chemo in 2001. I take celebrex for it and darvocet. It does help. Good luck, Cindy
  8. Denise--You sound like you have had your fair share of difficulties. I too have sclc with mets and am now 47, I was 44 when I was diagnosed. I can imagine what you are going thru. My youngest is 17 now. You my dear will need lots of emotional support. Do you have a church family that can help out? Post here daily and let us help. Prayers are being said for you. Cindy
  9. OH MY GOSH! Dr Sam was such a good man, he has been on here along time and had become one of the oldies! I know the difficulty of being in the medical field and 'knowing to much'. He will be sooooo missed. I still can't believe it. This will take us all time as I am sure it will for his family. You are all in our prayers and know that he meant A GREAT DEAL to us all. Cindy
  10. Happy Birthday Becky!!! Many more to come!~! Love ya Cindy
  11. Glad you are doing so well. Especially happy about the new job! I bet you are too. Keep in touch. love Cindy
  12. EHC!!! Glad to have a new member.
  13. So sorry she is gone. I wish we would have had a chance to know her better. Love Cindy
  14. Cindy RN

    My Son

    It is so hard to think of all the things a person has to do PLUS worry abiout the cancer. FIRST_If you are close with your son, see if he will come to your house to recoup after discharge from the hospital. Then talk with him about POA etc. A single person needs to have a close relative totake care of this. NOT a girlfriend. Prayers are with you. Love Cindy
  15. Welcome home Clover! From the puggiest pug ever-Roxy
  16. Cindy RN

    new year

    HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!!!!!!!!!!! Here's to a happy and healthy 2004! Love ya -Cindy
  17. The beginning is the roughest. Everyone has to become adjusted to the fact she has cancer. Not an easy thing to accept. After you have, the best thing to do is pick an oncologist that thinks like you do. If she wants to fight it then she needs one that has the fight in him too. I was diagnosed 2/01 and it will soon be 2/04 which will be THREE YEARS. Mine was found in the lung and adrenal gland and around the heart. I am still kickin fairly well. She will too if she gets the right treatment. Good luck, Cindy
  18. Same here. I had low grade temps 99-101 for several months. I was in the hospital a few times when they stayed at 101 then go home on antibiotics. Finally-no reason to say they just stopped. Your mom sounds more serious. You are in my prayers as is your mom. What a difficult time for you. My son lives in NC and when I was first diagnosed I wasn't given much time. He moved back here to be close but after a year he decided to move back out there. He has since gotten married and I am still here. Only God knows when I will go home. Keep in touch with your mom's Dr. and try to visit when you can.
  19. I do remember my scalp 'tingling' the weeks before it came out. It did not hurt just a weird tingling sensation
  20. Peg--I just saw your post today. Glad the lung tumor has shrunk, that is always good news. As for the mets to the bone, I have not experienced that so I don't know anything about treatment for it. You are both in my prayers. God never gives more than His Grace will cover. Love Cindy
  21. Hey Sweetie! You need to get busy doing things to keep your mind occupied until you all find out for sure what is going on. I know it is scary but remember you have been there before and you have to take each day as it comes. DO NOT jump the gun yet. We are all here and will be waiting with you til the tests are done. Love ya Cindy
  22. My first go around with chemo in 2001 was the same as you will be getting. I had to stay all night week 1 because of the cisplatin, I was given extra IV fluids because of that one. The camptosar was also given then. Week 2 and week 3 I just received the camptosar. I also was given pre-meds that made me tired. I think it was ativan plus a few others. Week 4 I was off. This continued for 9 months for me. After 6 mos. the results were so good he had me go another 3 mos. I did lose my hair the second month. I also had to use a lot of Immodium! Idid not have much nausea tho. Good Luck. Cindy
  23. I , too, remember the first holiday-Thanksgiving of 1992 when my mom was in chemo and unable to do the holiday dinner. It was my turn to start. Very uneasy feeling. Mom was able to be there but she fell asleep on the couch and the kids were running around-noisy but she did not wake up. That was the beginning. Easter, Mothers Day, 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas all done at my house. This year was the hardest one for me. I am doing well-cancer wise-but I sure do not have the strength I used to. My sisters and sister in law are not much in the cooking field We had a good holiday tho. Hope you will remember the special Christmas memories you made with your mom at your own private Christmas at the hospital, Love Cindy
  24. Cindy RN


    I am in total agreement. Why don't we set a date and central place for a weekend get together?? Springtime in IL is wonderful??
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