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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. What fun, I have been to a few of those parks BUT I WILL not go on the slides that are really high. I can't stand watching when my kids do them either. Grandson had a blast I am sure! Cindy
  2. Now you can go BACK to the water park and have another exhausting day!! Happy news. Cindy
  3. Pam-I am so sorry your dad had to die from this awful disease. Sounds like you will have wonderful memories. Love Cindy
  4. Christina-Glad you had a good holiday. Hope the new year is bright also. Cindy
  5. Jen-I am sorry she is in the hospital esp. now! I had to laugh tho when you said she lost weight and it was a god thing she had it to lose! I have said all thru my fight with this disease---NOW I know why God let me be fat most of my life!!!! He was getting me ready to live thru the chemo! HA, My girls hate it when I say this but--I have always been somewhat overweight and the last 5 or so yrs had gained eve some more sooooooo now I don't even think about it. There was one benefit to this cancer-nobody says 'haven't you had enough to eat'!!!!!!!!!!! Praying she gets her strenght back and home for the new year. Love Cindy
  6. I am 2-3 hrs east of St Louis. I sent you a pm. "Lets do LUNCH"
  7. I tried but it will not come up for me. What drugs does it say are to be used??
  8. Cindy RN


    Thank you Shirley
  9. Becky, Becky, Becky I did not want bad news right now. Christmas is the time of miracles and I KNOW you will get one yet! Praying for you. Love ya Cindy
  10. I am so sorry for your loss. Try to continue with Christmas for the little ones. It will help you get thru. God Bless. Cindy
  11. Merry Christmas to ALL!! Remember that Jesus was born as our Savior and that is the reason for the season. All the gifts and cards and specials are Great! But we need to take some time to thank God for the life giving gift of His Son. If you agree say AMEN! Love Cindy
  12. I wanted to be one of the first to say Merry Christmas to all. I have truely become so close to the people on these boards and wanted you all to know that. This site SCLC is like a close knit family. Everyone on these boards has or is with someone with LC but SCLC is different and we all are going thru the same thing. May God Bless you all and a prayer said for us all for better health into the new year. Love Cindy
  13. So hard losing a parent. My mom died from nsclc in 1994. She went fairly fast. From experience I would want it fast. God saw fit to allow your daddy to go fast. What a blessing. I hope I do also someday. Stay close to God these next weeks, He is there to comfort. Let Him. Love Cindy
  14. Andrea This is the hardest part of the disease. Lots of prayer, remember when it is hardest to pray----pray your hardest. The Holy Spirit will!!! give you the words. Love Cindy
  15. You are the only one to decide this. Keep in mind that cancer does not always mean a death penalty. Seek a good OB Dr and talk with him/her. God may be giving you a new life to help get you thru this. Prayers said for you. Cindy
  16. Norme I got your pm. Praying for better health thru out the holiday season. Love Cindy
  17. Anne-I sent you a pm. I wanted to have my message on here too. You were the daghter she needed. May God give you the peace you need. Love Cindy
  18. Cindy RN

    my father

    So sorry to hear about your dad. Prayers are being said. Cindy
  19. Zofran and compazine were two anti nausea meds I used. They worked great. As for the not sleeping-I had the same problem. It was the steroid they gave as a premed for the chemo. Decadron is one of them. Good luck, cindy
  20. My friend Greg Maxwell had colon cancer with mets to liver and other organs. He went home with hospice about a month ago and he died today. Greg and I went to HS together and he married one of my dear friends. He was a devout Christian so he and the family were at peace but our loss will be felt for along time. Please keep us in your prayers. Cindy
  21. I too am stunned. We were all on the boards just the last few days and he seemed to be fairly with it. I am so sorry for you and the kids. He was a great guy! Cindy
  22. Greg, I know it is hard going thru the chemo. I am a few hours east of you. If you need to talk call. You are in my prayers. Cindy
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