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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Welcome. I too have extensive sclc. There are good treatments, and always hope. I have made it almost 3 yrs. Keep us updated on her condition. Cindy
  2. I wanted to check in, I read everybodies messages but have not had time to reply to many. I am so grateful for this site I just want to tell everybody that this is the time to make someone else smile. Nothing helps the spirit like giving away a smile. I am now going on 5 months of remission. This is my third Christmas since my diagnosis and we have been decorating and even some shopping! It is supposed to SNOW here tonight, I can't wait! I have been ringing the bell for the Salvation Army and will be doing it tomorrow AM, it is so nice to see all the people in and out-shopping and in such good moods. Praise God, this is the best time of the year.
  3. What a wonderful mom you had. You are a true memorial to her! As the article said she is now home with the ones who went ahead, I know my biggest worry about dieing is leaving behind the ones I love. The biggest thrill will be seeing my family who went ahead and living with Jesus forever. God bless you and your family.
  4. Cindy RN


    GGGGGRRRRRREAT!!!!! I LOVE that word remission. Have a Happy Holiday! Cindy
  5. Just a quick note to let you all know my CT and other tests I had done this week show nothing new! Good news for the holidays coming up. I do not have to go back to the Dr til the end of Jan! Thanks for the pm and emails. Happy Turkey day!
  6. Cindy RN


    Oh Betty, There is hope. Always HOPE. I was diagnosed Feb. 2001 almost 3 yrs ago. Nobody I mean nobody knows how much time they have here on earth. I consider it a blessing to be in my shoes. I have the opportunity to make sure any loose ends are tied up! I have had friends and family killed in car accidents, heart attacks and other accidents and never had the chance to do what I have been able to do. God allows each of us to have a certain amount of time to accomplish His Will while we are here. I have been able to do the things He wants me to do and I would not have done them if it were not for the cancer. Sorry if I sound too preachy but I want all of you to know there is always hope. Sometimes hope may be for the peace to accept things we can not change and go out and do the best we can for as long as we can. Betty you are in the right place. There are some very caring people on these boards and we ALL have to vent at one time or another. Smile each day and make someone else smile, you will see that you too can get thru this!
  7. Cindy RN

    sleeping help

    I have been on a sleeping pill AMBIEN they come in 5 and 10 mg dosages. It works great. I do not wake up groggy. You might ask the Dr for a script. Most are good about giving us something to help sleep. In the dark worries get very large! Cindy
  8. Try the mouthwash Maryann is describing. Most Dr will order it if you ask. After I had radiation it did burn the esophogus and I was able to swallow better after I used it. Good Luck. Cindy
  9. Susan-I am so sorry, I just found your post. My prayers are with you and your family. Cindy
  10. Cindy RN


    Becky, So sorry about the cold. I think the word cold does not fit what you are going thru! Hopefully you will be OFF th O2 SOON! Love, Cindy
  11. Sam is right. Check out the website he put up. Also the chemo combo he mentioned is the same I had almost 3 yrs ago. Good luck! Cindy
  12. Cindy RN

    1 year

    It is sooo good to get to the point that we can recall the GOOD memories and smile. Your Dad would be proud.
  13. You were right! Good news, Keep those GREAT Dr smiling! Cindy
  14. Cindy RN


    hahahahahahahahaha That was a GOD one!!!
  15. One thing you can do that will be easier for you to get the answers you need. Write down the questions you have and next apt. tell the Dr I need a few min. for some questions. Then ask them. He/She will either answer them or say "I'm to busy" In that case get all the copies of everything and find another Dr.
  16. Cindy RN

    Dick Update

    My prayers are with you.
  17. Well there are some of us that seem to beat the odds. I will be a surviver 3 yrs in Feb. You ARE very fortunate!! Your cancer was found in the limited stage That is really rare with sclc. Trust the Dr when they say they can help you. Also I agree DO NOT listen to the bad stats! Stats can be made to say anything a person wants them to say. Good Luck!
  18. Cindy RN

    Bad Scan Results

    Dave, I am so sorry about the news. We never want to think it is spreading. We all think we will be the one to beat it. We may all be right! I can only say that God has His reasons and we have no clue as to what they are. I know we are given the strength to handle what ever comes our way. I grow daily in His love and grace because of this disease. Love to you and your family. Cindy
  19. Well the cxr results were clear, no pneumonia. That is always good news. The other symptoms are still present but I have a CT schedualed for the week before Thanksgiving so I am going to wait til then. Thanks to all who wrote back such encouraging words. I know I need to put the pom poms down and maybe one day I will be able to. Right now tho I usually feel well enough to do just about anything here at home. Until the time comes and I can not keep it up THEN I will have to let up. I have a great family and I know when the time comes they will be able to step up. BUT as many of you -and I went thru it myself with my own mom, it is hard to lose a parent.
  20. Well I guess it is my turn to ask for prayers. I hate mentioning it to my church family and friends because they all assume the worst. Also I hate being looked at as if I am getting ready to die! I started coughing last week, the kind of cough where you sound all hacky. Also there is some pain in the area where the liver is, and in the sternal and L adrenal area. I did call the Dr and had a CXR done on Monday but have yet to hear about it. I really do not think it is pneumonia but they always try to rule that out first. I know we always think the worst first but this time it is hard to ignore these symptoms. How do those of you with this disease handle your family and friends? I have never hid anything from my family but when the news has been not so good they all get so upset and I feel like I have to be the one to reassure them. It is hard enough to deal with this without being the one to cheer everyone else up. I guess it is the nurse in me-always trying to fix things. Plus I know that God has been with me thru this from the beginning and whatever happens I will be OK. Either I stay here with my family-cured-or I go onto be with Him and my family that has gone ahead to Heaven. I have done everything I can so my family will be OK financially after I am gone-you know that bus can hit any of us at anytime Well I got a few things off my chest. I thank God for all of you. It is hard for me to talk to friends about this, like I said, I do not like to see them sad. Wish we had a group here in town for survivors but this is such a small town-you know-everybody knows everybody. Confidentiallity is a problem. Thanks for letting me vent.
  21. Dean, Sounds like you have had a full week. Here's hoping for a slower pace and good results from treatment. Cindy
  22. Cindy RN

    pet scan results

    We al dread those tests results after feeling something may be wrong before they are taken. Hopefully it will show all good stuff
  23. I have extensive sclc and I have had a CT about every 2-3 months since Feb. 2001. My insurance has payed for it. My insurance co. does have ppo with the hospital I am going to so I do not have to pay for any of it. I thought all ins. paid for the CT to be done. Does not seem like a smart move for the ins. co.
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