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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Reading this made me smile Thanks Ray
  2. I am so sorry to hear this. Prayers to the family.
  3. I guess I am looking at this from the patient side. I know I would be so upset if my family or the Dr kept something this big from me. I know every situation is different but if your mom has been able to take care of herself in the past and make her own decisions then she ought to know. I would at least ask the Dr why he felt she should not be told. I probably would then have one of her other Dr tell her. There are treatments for most type of cancers that help shrink or get rid of it all together. Good luck.
  4. Cindy RN

    Janet K. is gone

    I agree it gets harder as we see others dieing. I pray her family finds peace in the fact that she loved them.
  5. I am sorry about your friend. It is neve easy to lose a friend. There are a lot of really nioce people here. Come back.
  6. Cindy RN

    bad news

    Jay-there are sooo many on here that have beat brain mets-take their advice. You can do it too. Sandy-I like the hair! Looks great.
  7. Cindy RN

    Dick Critical

    So sorry, I have not been on a vent. but have had lots of patients on them. Hopefully he will get thru this and be ready for the treatments soon.
  8. My friend Greg is being sent home from the hospital tomorrow. He is unable to have surgery for a small bowel obstruction. He has colon cancer with mets to the liver and lung. He has been fighting this for about a yr. Greg and his wife Denise have been friends of mine since our freshman yr of high school. Greg is going home to die. He is on lots of IV pain meds and is awake most of the time but in and out of it. He is unable to eat and can drink only little bits at a time. I am so sad to see this. It is very hard on those of us with cancer to watch our friends die from this cruel disease and we live on. They are a very faithful Christ centered family. I love them both and am asking for prayers for him and his wife for this to be as easy as possible. Thanks-Cindy
  9. Cindy RN

    My Dad is Gone

    Joe I am so sorry for the loss of your dad. Hopefully the peace you need will be given to you. God Bless. Cindy
  10. Sam Good to hear from you. We just married my son off in Sept. in Charlotte NC. Wonderful area out there. You keep fighting, the highway is awaiting!
  11. Teresa-I read the article. How do do the hyperthermia? I had not heard about this before. Thanks, Cindy
  12. Don't let those Drs tell you WHEN you will die. Tell them you are alive now and thats what counts. I really hate it when I hear a Dr do that! I also have sclc, mine was found in the R and L lung, between the lungs, around the heart, and the L adrenal gland. I was diagnosed in Feb. 2001 so I am getting close to the 3 yr mark. I have had chemo off and on and have remission periods of 1 yr. and now 2 months. Hang in there and let God work. He is the one who ultimately decides when we go home. Praying for peace of mind for you.
  13. I have laughed at least 100 times today signed zippy gizzardsquirt!!
  14. Karen, I too have extensive sclc and was diagnosed in Feb of 2001. I am still here-almost 3 yrs. I have been in remission 1 yr the first time and now going on 2-3 mos. There is always hope. I am thinking about going back to work very soon. I work in an ER dept. and they have let me work 4-6-8 hr shifts as long as I up to it. SO please do not believe all you read about this disease. They write it but we live it
  15. Some day I WILL have little ones saying all of that about ME
  16. Cindy RN

    bad news

    Jay-I hate that!! Let me know what the Dr is going to do. I KNOW you will do well!
  17. Cindy RN


    Yes Sandy 200 is very low, sometimes the Dr will put a person in the hospital and keep others form visiting to keep them from getting sick. Also there are meds a person can get to help the body make more WBC.
  18. I LOVE my port. No more digging for veins. I do not use bld thinners. I get it flushed every mos.
  19. My Dr did say that it might be something we could try later again if I needed it. I guess that it is up to the Dr
  20. Cindy RN

    Missed you

    Hi Jay-Yes we have missed you. I just figured you were out doing what people your age do. Hope the tests tomorrow are good! Cindy
  21. Kathy, I am sssooo sory. I have tears welling up. We all fight so hard to beat this with God's help that when it comes time to stop fighting we do not know what to do with ourselves. All the time that used to be consumed with caring for that person. It takes time to get past this point. Please come back and let us know if we can help. Love you. Cindy
  22. I had this (camptosar, cpt-11) the first go around with chemo. I had it at the same time I had cisplatin. They gave it 3 x a month and I had chemo for 9 months. I went into remission for 1 yr. afterwards. From what I read it said the trials for sclc were done in Japan and they had a very good success rate with it. So good that they suspended trials and began using it. The FDA then approved it for use with sclc shortly after.
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